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Daegon Magus's Autobiography

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I read DM's book yesterday and highly recommend it.

It ties together everything on the MM site, from aliens and Majestic, to the astral war, the Alien Interviews, and into lucid dreams and astral projections.

He included some material I'd never seen before on death, consciousness and sleep.  There is also theoretical model he developed for getting into lucid dreams which is extremely valuable.  I have to commit that to memory and he obviously spent alot of time thinking about it.

There's a fair amount of discussion near the end, about how the UFO/Alien community is divorced from the lucid dreaming/astral projection community, when really they ought to be working together.  Maybe the lesson is to take what is useful without getting too dogmatic.

In his book, DM doesn't emphasize the affirmation or intention angle as MM does.; everyone has his strength of specialization.  MM was Majestic and can write on the MWI and intention, whereas DM is one of the best lucid dreamers on the planet today.

I "feel" that the combination of MM's intention material and MWI with DM's lucid dreaming/AP would be extremely powerful.  Of course, how far can a human being go in one lifetime?  The material is available now.

Thanks, DM, for making your book available here!   I'll be reviewing it many times over.

congjing yu, pissedlizard and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardMemory LossBerkant

I bought it today too! Looking forward to read it through. I only skipped fwd to the covid premonition section and it was a very interesting read. I like the way DM writes. It easy to read and enjoyable.

Thanks Daegon for being part of this community! Keep it coming.

congjing yu, pissedlizard and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardxzianchow

@xzianchow thanks man. Yes you are correct I was intentionally a bit light on getting into the prayer/ affirmations campaigns. The reason for this is because I was writing it from an objective perspective to try and bring "fence" sitters into the idea that the agenda is all about consciousness. I figured if i started including my thoughts on "manifestation" it would turn off a large proportion fo the intended audience.

Thanks Berkant. I really appreciate it. and no problem


congjing yu, pissedlizard and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardxzianchow
Daegon Magus

I think it is good that you "specialized" in LD or APing in the book.

It's heavy stuff.  And then, in time one would learn that he has to master not only astral projecting and lucid dreaming, then also digest material on the MWI and intention.  And I'm betting that there's even more to learn after that.

A physical human being has definite limits.  I ***love*** how you emphasized in your book how you were caring for Storm for a couple years, so you didn't have to work.

A working stiff only has so many hours in a day, and so much will to use.  You had the privilege of being able to focus on that area for years.

I guess that's a big part of the "prison planet racket."

Every prison, even Alien prisons it seems, have work programs.  This keeps the prisoners's minds occupied.  You can't think of escape, if you are tired after working for 8+ hours.  Here on Earth, the racket is to consume resources and make money.

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

@xzianchowwell that is the thing; I never really thought of myself as specialising in anything. I just stumbled upon this thing that no one could explain to me so i decided to experiment with it and see where it took me.

and yes, a well rested state I have found is crucial to being able to LD properly. I just haven't been able to it as well since I had kids and my life became hectic. I know i will get back there, but it is like this addiction I am craving. I am not saying people should quit their day jobs specifically so they can try and lucid dream better, but maybe include in your affirmations campaign to make your life a bit less hectic and give you atleast a few days of R&R to try. If you get a chance to stay in bed on the weekend after waking up I suggest starting here and just lie there and meditate.

In regards to learning the MWI and prayer affirmation, well these were just things I sort of picked up during my occult studies. I can tell you that the whole concept of prayer/affirmation campaigns are a big part of hermetic philosophy, just worded differently to how MM words them. if you comb through them enough you can pick out the common themes from people like Aleister Crowley and MM. Crowley even stated something very similar about changing ones environment through will alone; it is the core concept of "magic".

To quote  you: "Every prison, even Alien prisons it seems, have work programs.  This keeps the prisoners's minds occupied.  You can't think of escape, if you are tired after working for 8+ hours.  Here on Earth, the racket is to consume resources and make money."

....and what even is money if it isn't an illusion? Even a hundred dollar bill is really just a piece of paper/plastic with some ink on it worth a couple of cents to produce. The elite probably don't even deal with such physical substances and their wealth is even more vacuous; the only difference between you and someone like say Jeff Bezos is that he has a few extra imaginary zeros on the end of his numbers in his bank account. What are these binary numbers made out of? Nothing but the 2 dimensional state of a few million transistors which change the imaginary value.

The illusion is obvious if you squint hard enough

congjing yu, Goldleaf and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
congjing yuGoldleafxzianchow
Daegon Magus

I noticed a fuck up after sending the corrected version off to MM. In one of the diagrams at the end of the observations on lucid dreaming chapter the diagram misrepresents the projection of consciousness; you may have noticed all the circles are all labelled level 0. the outer circles should be level 12 to show how you project outwardly to reach them. Here is the updated diagram. I didn't want to bother MM with yet another revision as i am sure he has a lot on his plate atm

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congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard
Daegon Magus

@daegonmagus I checked your bio and website but I couldn't find a donation link. Is there anyway I can throw some appreciate your way without buying the physical book?

I wanted to bring to people's attention the work of Tom DeLong. I'm surprised I haven't heard his name dropped here more often, given that he is behind "To the Stars Academy" disclosures. He's an obvious freemason, so take everything said with a grain of salt. I've read all his books with this in mind.

He has three main series:

  1. Sekret Machines: Gods Man & War
    In this series we learn about the UFO phenomena from an historical perspective. We see all ancient texts of gods through the lens of our modern understanding of "aliens." We begin to understand the ubiquity of human sacrifice to gods as something more sinister. Very interesting read.
  2. Sekret Machines: A Fire within, and Chasing Shadows
    These books are fictional accounts of a UAP pilot who lives a life very similar to MM. We get an insiders view into the high strangeness that is required to pilot an alien craft. This is fiction, but should be read as soft disclosure given Tom's background and connections.
  3. Poet Anderson: At first, this series is a head scratcher. We get more fiction, but about astral travel and dreams? I thought Tom was the UFO guy... The writing is awful, but who cares - we are getting soft disclosure.

This group should be made aware that for whatever reason, Tom DeLong is connecting the dots between the UFO phenomena and astral warfare. If you're interest in a synopsis maybe I could write more on the topic. I would hate to recommend anyone actually read those books - it was a slog!

The thing that sticks out to me about Tom is that in all his interviews, when asked why not just come out with the truth, he always responds that the truth is absolutely horrifying. It is not what we think, and UFOs have more in common with angels and demons than little green men.

He says that those who know do not sleep. You should count yourself lucky to maintain a "normal life."

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congjing yu, pissedlizard and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardGoldleafxzianchowBerkant

@fifth-eschaton I am not big on donations, as I believe in providing some form of service in exchange for money. You are the second person mentioning this though, so you could always paypal me if you really feel the need on my primary email found on the contact page of my site, or if you click the pdf link on the books page it will send me $5. And thanks. I appreciate it.

I knew Delonge was a freemason and in on the soft disclosure thing but I never really followed him tbh. Interesting is connecting the dots to astral travel, will have to check it out


congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard
Daegon Magus

I see money as a tool. It enables me to do things. Sometime it opens doors which nothing else will open. For example: I would buy/lease a private jet if I could, not because to show off but to buy freedom and not to be treated like a terrorist.

So if someone would donates 1m$ to me today or better 10m$ :), saying here you go: "Now you have the time and resources to help and educate more people. I believe people need you"
I would take it! Otherwise you end up wasting time with distractions, e.g. jobs or projects which take a lot of time but give little money.

But this is only my opinion of course 🙂

@daegonmagus Maybe you add a new book to your store with the title: "Show me the money! The untold secret to earn 1m$ in 7 days" - only 39.99$ 😀 and it has only 1 page. "Be Grateful for the small things in life"

PS: Take it all with humor 🙂

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

With the information provided at this site, a man should be able to "intend" any sum of money he wishes.

Money is the smallest power we've been given.  DM's abilities are greater than those of any billionaire on the planet.

In his book, he mentions gestalt, and some guy who used it to win the lottery 3 times.  That man gave the money away, because he said he didn't need it.

There is a woman in the USA, Texas, I believe, who won a major lottery a few times.  So I suspect that this information is being used for these purposes by a some people.

congjing yu, pissedlizard and Berkant have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardBerkant
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