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Something going on with Non MAJ Participants

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ok I reposted as I noticed MM give the green light below.
This happened after a non verbalised thought when going to bed that "I am there to offer assistance to the domain in anyway my abilities will allow". This happened to Storme shortly after, and I know another who it happened to last week.

This is a weird one, even for me. Last night I had fallen asleep without realising it. It was a false dream in that I thought I was still awake thinking about certain topics. I suddenly remembered something to do with a particular thought I was having about certain experiences in lucidity. This thought equated to there being heavy time travel element in one of them. It was so startling I went to sit up in bed and turned to face Storme to tell her to remind me about it in the morning. But as I did, something caught me. i was instantly aware I was in sleep paralysis.

There was this weird vibration thing going on. It felt like when you have a guitar amplifier turned on but the jack not connected to the guitar. If you try and plug it in, miss and hit the metal part of the connector on the guitar, this is what it felt like. it was this very low and loud vibration sound that permeated through me.  It was like every time you hit the metal, my body would “click or switch in or out”. It felt like someone was welding something into my astral body. I could feel it coming from the wall right next to the bed on my side, like I was connected to it. Like someone was scraping something along the wall. It felt like something was trying to tune my body for a broadcast; I am absolutely sure this is what it was. Although it was a very strange feeling, it wasn’t completely uncomfortable. I am pretty sure whatever it was deleted the thought about my experiences being related to time travel. I have the time travel element but nothing else. it was a fucking intense experience. Something was definitely fucking with me whilst in sleep paralysis

congjing yu, pissedlizard and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardperolatorMemory Lossxzianchow
Daegon Magus
Quote from daegonmagus on September 19, 2021, 9:24 am

I wanted to open this up as a topic because something very strange seems to be happening to non MAJ participants in the Domain rescue thing ever since MM mentioned his contact with the Domain officer. II sent MM an email on this because it happened to me last night, and then afterwards I found out it happened to my Antartica Source a few days ago, and Storme as well last night after happening to me.

I don't know what it is but it was one of the strangest "non mystical experiences" I have had during sleep paralysis - and I have had ALOT of crazy arse experiences whilst in this state. I am apt to guess it was something - possibly the Domain or their allies - trying to open up a comms channel. Something was fucking around with my astral body, I can tell you that much. It felt like they were "welding" some sort of upgrade into me, and deleting a memory at the same time.  Below is the email I sent MM.

I think the Domain may have attempted to contact me last night. Thought you might like to know considering your contact with them the other day. feel free to share this.
This is a weird one, even for me. Last night I had fallen asleep without realising it. It was a false dream in that I thought I was still awake thinking about certain topics. I suddenly remembered something to do with a particular thought I was having about certain experiences in lucidity. This thought equated to there being a heavy time travel element in one of them..


Interesting. The fact that they give you an upgrade but also tamper with your memory worries me. Don't assume these are angels out to help humanity. This is like informed consent, only that there wasn't even consent to begin with.


If they tamper with your memories then perhaps they didn't account for you being advanced enough to catch that an intrusion was SUCCESSFUL. Tampering with your memory and thought processes worries me, because it is Borg-like behavior. Is Danger Mouse now an upgraded Picard, a dormant Locutus?

Because your thoughts may not all be your own, DM, perhaps you should try approaching the Elders for further clarification or information. Currently the Domain has difficulty operating in our dimensions, and they are asking us to open the door for them to step through. But I believe if the Domain can beat the Old Empire, it will be partly because they are more aggressive.

Some things once done, cannot be undone. We still have a degree of autonomy. And we cannot afford to strike a bad or lopsided deal in a First Contact situation.

Daegonmagus, can I refer to you as Danger Mouse? I can keep to DM if you prefer lol. Seriously, one lesser than you would have been modified without his or her knowledge. This fills me with great unease. The culture gap with the Domain spans the galaxy and is not the type between earth civilizations.

congjing yu, pissedlizard and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardperolatordaegonmagusBerkant
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

SOMETHING is going on. MM - let me just put it this way - I don’t know if I should put things here or not.

But - yeah. Something. Like seriously. And I am not one of you all, you know what I mean? I am not a Majestic guy or a spook or an alchemist. I just listened to a real loud voice that seemed to take care of me. But I don’t have implants and shit.

But I am saying this straight up. I am being contacted. Think whatever you all might - I could care less what anyone thinks - I am being contacted nightly now.

And I don’t know what the fuck to do. Give info, get info? I know there are a lot of symbols involved. A lot more than our alphabet.

This shit is crazy. That’s all I have to say. 4 frigging months ago I had no idea about any of this - seriously.

Now everything MAKES sense - yet NOTHING makes sense!

Something is up though. I don’t think they are all at the Himalayas. I think they scattered into cells.

That’s just my OPINION.

congjing yu, perolator and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yuperolatorGoldleafxzianchowBerkant

PL, when I send out the answers to the questions that are asked of The Domain, you might find some very interesting things relative to your experiences. It will be out, probably by the end of the week.

pissedlizard, Goldleaf and LydiaRose13 have reacted to this post.

DM, PL and everyone, there are numerous people on MM that are suddenly having experiences. My guess is that you have verbalized participation with The Domain or volunteered to be a Rufus. These experiences are very personal ones, and if you try to describe them, you will sound like a mad man.

Can I respectfully suggest that everyone put their experiences here, but ALWAYS preference it with "things are happening" after I did XXXXXX, and this is what the craziness appears to be like. It will go a long way to help everyone understand things better.

From DM, and previously erased...

This is a weird one, even for me. Last night I had fallen asleep without realising it. It was a false dream in that I thought I was still awake thinking about certain topics. I suddenly remembered something to do with a particular thought I was having about certain experiences in lucidity. This thought equated to there being heavy time travel element in one of them. It was so startling I went to sit up in bed and turned to face Storme to tell her to remind me about it in the morning. But as I did, something caught me. i was instantly aware I was in sleep paralysis.

There was this weird vibration thing going on. It felt like when you have a guitar amplifier turned on but the jack not connected to the guitar. If you try and plug it in, miss and hit the metal part of the connector on the guitar, this is what it felt like. it was this very low and loud vibration sound that permeated through me.  It was like every time you hit the metal, my body would “click or switch in or out”. It felt like someone was welding something into my astral body. I could feel it coming from the wall right next to the bed on my side, like I was connected to it. Like someone was scraping something along the wall. It felt like something was trying to tune my body for a broadcast; I am absolutely sure this is what it was. Although it was a very strange feeling, it wasn’t completely uncomfortable. I am pretty sure whatever it was deleted the thought about my experiences being related to time travel. I have the time travel element but nothing else. it was a fucking intense experience. Something was definitely fucking with me whilst in sleep paralysis


Goldleaf and Berkant have reacted to this post.

Volunteer? I experienced a sleep paralysis 2 nights ago, that I haven’t experienced in 15 years. It was terrifying, but I’m unsure if it’s connected.

I will say I was thinking  about what MM said about being a “Rufus” and didn’t know if I could show up in the face of tragedy and danger. Not 2 days after, Sept 5th to be exact, a freak one car accident presented its self, and I got to flex my Rufus reflexes.


This is my paralysis experience, and I’ll let y’all judge:

This experience was awful. I let both the girls pile in my bed, which I never do. My eldest had an emotional evening because of school, so I let them crash with me. I needed to get up after they fell asleep, to clean the kitchen. However, exhaustion encumbered me and I momentarily drifted. The next minute, I was awake and couldn’t move. I heard my oldest daughters voice in my head screaming “Mommy help me.  She trying to kill Me. She’s going to kill me. Help me.” I felt something was there and behind me but I kept going in and out of consciousness.

I had my arms around both girls, so I could feel them and could  move my eyes to see, but could only look at my youngest, I couldn’t turn my eyes to see the one screaming. I’m telling you, I was rabidly fighting this paralysis. Someone messing with a Mother’s children will do something to a person. I know without a doubt, i could murder a person, and not bat an eye.

I fought it for what seemed like forever. Finally, I closed my eyes and repeated MMs safety affirmations in my head “I undo any spells, magic, or alterations…” (it’s a safety that is etched in my brain forever) Then, I tried to sit up with all my might and I sat straight up. I checked my oldest and she was wrapped in the comforter but sleeping soundly, and my 3 year old tucked in my side. I said a quick prayer aloud, and told myself to get up to get my work done, but I just collapsed face first into my pillow and didn’t wake until early AM.

I told my mother and she said she experienced sleep paralysis often? I hardly dream,  a sleep paralysis hasn’t happened in 15 years, and I definitely never heard a loved ones voice screaming in my head.

congjing yu, perolator and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yuperolatorMemory LossGoldleaf
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

All day, on and off, I have been performing EBP comm efforts and transcribing.  You must have written this when I was transcribing something that seems awfully like the Commander / Liaison was talking to you about your experience. I will hurry up as fast as I can and get the results out this week.

Goldleaf has reacted to this post.

Thanks for facilitating this for us @laoban4site. It's much appreciated.

Ever since the baseline template upgrade, almost every time I meditate it starts off with a crystal clear image of an eye (or eyes, though usually just one) looking around and/or watching. The eye isn't always the same, color and/or shape changes, nor is it always directed at me. Often it's like it's looking past me. My instincts tell me it's not human even when it does look humanoid. Eventually that fades and I slide into my more regular meditations. This has been too consistent to be coincidence.

Last night when I shut my eyes to go to sleep I saw a "blue" place. Just endless blue light in every direction. It had volume and depth if that makes sense. Then a window was opened and images flashed through too fast to process or absorb. The window closed, the blue shut off and I fell asleep.

No clue what any of it means. At this point I just take a mental note and hope to be given understanding at a future point.

congjing yu and Alice have reacted to this post.
congjing yuAlice

The Q&A article is up. Amazing stuff there. Certainly months or questions and answers for everyone. Very, very surprising stuff.

pissedlizard and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.

I read it. I cannot adequately express my gratitude to you MM. THANK YOU!! This resonates deeply and actually I am starting to understand some things. I'll be rereading it again to see what more I can process.

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