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The topics of the day seems to be the consciousness filter, transcendence and escape from this realm.

That all sounds like... GNOSTICISM! This teaching has been around for ages. Anyone who has peeked behind the veil has guessed we are imprisoned in the flesh. Whether it is by choice or by "Archons" is a point of debate.

I'm making this thread to share our interpretation of Gnosticism as it relates to MAJ, Mantids, Type 1 grays, simulation theory, etc. I believe we have a unique perspective not found anywhere else on the net.

I'll kick us off by recommending VALIS by Philip K. Dick.

“It is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane”

Required reading, really!

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pissedlizard, Feal and Berkant have reacted to this post.

Yes I agree. Anyone interested in this should check out Gnosticism, the Nag Hammadi scrolls and the Gospel According to John. Also Hermeticism and Alchemy deals with it heavily

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard
Daegon Magus

@ fifth.eschaton I suggest the writings of Plato as well.


congjing yu, pissedlizard and fifth.eschaton have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardfifth.eschaton
Daegon Magus

After the matrix trailer thread I was thinking, we should open up a media list. Movies & Books to read 🙂 not sure who would validate if its really relevant or not but could be helpful for someone to start reading.

I heard always about gnosticism but never got around reading into it in detail.

any links to books? or sites?

congjing yu, pissedlizard and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardMemory LossGoldleaf

@berkant was thinking the same thing. I believe there is a wiki thread devoted specifically to gnosticism



congjing yu and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
congjing yuxzianchow
Daegon Magus

Would Beyond Zero Point: Journey to Compassion be acceptable submission into this Category?

Or any documentary Gregg Braden did?

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@alice Yes! This guy's hair is all I needed to convince me to spend the next hour of my life entranced. I think I've seen him on Gaia before but never stopped to watch. Thanks!

Already he sounds a lot like Terence McKenna (another gnostic) and his Timewave Zero theory

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu


Of epic proportions. He’s got Yanni beat. I think he’s on the front cover of a few of my mom’s Romance Novel.

The message really helped me look at difficult situations differently. I normally react in any frustrating or aggressive interaction, and give the finger to my destruction. I’ve learned to “calm my storm”, so to say, and I’ve realized that something I’ve done in my past has caused a ripple for me to meet the current situation. (If that makes sense) I do my best to reflect the “Fruit of the Spirit”, and normally have to grit my teeth while singing under my breathe love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control (the last one being my biggest hurdle).

Anyways, it helps me navigate my MWI a lot easier since I’ve practiced what his message is.

congjing yu, fifth.eschaton and JC Soulwood have reacted to this post.
congjing yufifth.eschatonJC Soulwood
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Has anyone heard of Trey Smith? His work can be found on YouTube, “ Theory of Everything” is the one of many videos that I can remember off the top of my head. I’m just curious to anyones opinion on the topics he touches and where he goes with it. 

pissedlizard and fifth.eschaton have reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.


Trey Smiths videos are literally where I started when I landed on MMs site.

The videos are very informative, they give the information in “bite sized” pieces and his language is clear and concise.

Good luck with your research.

This I know to be true.



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