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Understanding Magnetics for when the SHTF

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Then after some time the fingers on my right hand got "burned" in some sessions. Sometimes it's singular fingers where this burning sensation is occurring.

Joe indicated to me last visit that 3 minutes are the Max for holding the Clips.

When, during the 3 min charging up stage, if one finger on either hand begins to burn or get 'electrocuted', TAKE THAT Finger off AND the corresponding finger on the other hand, take off too. After a few seconds you can place the fingers back on in the sequence that you took them off. First off is first on. Generally this fixes any 'bitey' feelings. Why this happens?   You are passing Direct Current through the body. If any Body Circuit is 'crossed' it will cause this tingling which can be quite unbearable. The interruption of the flow through this circuit generally 'uncrosses' it.

Also be mind full of what you are THINKING. If you are thinking about the argument you had with so and so the other day, this may or WILL cause some Bitey-ness to one or more finger prints. Its a de-facto Lie Detector. And you are your own meter. Leave all thoughts behind and meditate or Still the Mind during Meditation like thoughts. Keep a diary of events and thoughts much like a Dream Diary.

Florian has reacted to this post.

Howdy @Merlyn,

Since you quoted me back there (HAH!), I felt that I should first thank you once again for your efforts and info.

If I had not mentioned specifically, I have destroyed disks. According to the surgeon who has been inside my back and spine, and the imaging of several MRI and Myelogram, I have little if any nucleus pulposus in my lumbar vertebral disks (ejected , cleared away, and otherwise "gone") and some without even the annulus fibrosis (shredded, "deflated", cleared away, and nowhere to be found). It sounds to my inexpert view that your gymnast example may have been "simply" nerve damage, with the physical components still intact. In my case, new tissue would need to be [re]generated - without an existing damaged item to mimic, duplicate, or repair. Is this possible?

Have I mentioned my destroyed finger? A2 & A4 pulley of my left ring finger were destroyed beyond repair and are now gone as part of a surgical reconstruction using a sacrificial palmaris longus from my arm. The sheathes of the tendons within were shredded and are GONE as a result of the damage and subsequent cleanup. Again: missing parts. Can this be remedied?

These are serious life restricting conditions - but tolerable and not noticeable to the average Joe. I am quite fit and otherwise healthy.

I have the time, the money and the ability to comprehend and execute detailed instructions. I do have the ability to construct such things, but would rather pay YOU or your experts to construct any and all devices.

If it is possible, and if you would care to assist me in the effort to fix this broken body with your tools and knowledge, let us proceed. Say the word.

@merlynn thank you for your enlightening reply. Will do as suggested when on finger is burning again.

I get that this can be detrimental to one's health if not done right. But since this can be averted by following a detailed description of the correct procedure, this shall not be of any concern.

Sure there are many morons around, but to hold back because of those is not reasonable, just use a disclaimer.

Looking forward to your Healing with DC article.


If money is no object, book some sessions in Keshe's "Eggs", people are reporting amazing healing transformations.

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