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Understanding Magnetics for when the SHTF

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I'm not in the least bit shocked @pissedlizard So much of what is obviously wrong is normalized. Breast cancer is just something every woman expects to get, and it could easily be avoided with simple things like Iodine. Don't get me started on obesity rates. We're treated like a slave class, with doctors as the priest class.

Amazingly dark times we're living through. Thankfully we have @merlynn dropping hints to guide aspiring alchemists.

Quote from fifth.eschaton on October 22, 2021, 4:22 pm

Breast cancer is just something every woman expects to get

Breast Cancers are mostly initiated by Cosmetics. The Aluminium used to BLOCK SWEAT PORES in deodorants causes blockages in the Lymphatic system or the body's sewer system.  

Once clogged, the lymphatic NODES become infected and lumps begin in the breasts and under the arms. These lumps then breed Candida Albacan Fungus and the Doctors think that cutting out that which they dont understand because they are SATANIC and FIRST DO HARM is Health Care. The patient eventually dies according to Satans wishes.

Getting free health care from an industry that profits from you being ETERNALLY sick is not wise. Its supporting Satans work here on earth.

fifth.eschaton and xzianchow have reacted to this post.

@merlynn tried to replicate Joe's water to oil trick - send help.

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Quote from fifth.eschaton on October 23, 2021, 11:42 am

@merlynn tried to replicate Joe's water to oil trick - send help.

Yikes. This is like Mickey Mouse in a Magician's Apprentice! 😳

Alice has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Why cant water 'put out' an Oil Fire or an Electrical fire as they are the same due to the Plastic around the wires?

Why do fire extinguishers have this warning?

Petroleum fires require CO2 or Powder or foam NOT water why?

Because Water is a very flammable liquid is why. All you need to do is change the PHASE the water is 'in' and it burns quite readily and particularly in an OIL or petroleum fire where the FREQUENCY of OIL (which does burn) is being released into the Surrounding FIELD and this changes the Phase of the Water and water literally explodes into flames.

I have played around with this in 55 gal drums burning up waste oils and plastic drums.

Of course if you are a Magician who uses Magnetic Field Science and battery leads from a battery, you too can learn how to change the Phase of Water and make it burn like Petrol.

I dont suppose anyone here would be surprised at the total stupidity I've encountered with this Water Burns Easily debate.

Imagine if one invented a device where water flows through a Ring Ferrite Magnet to change the Phase of the Water to the Phase where it will NOT BURN. The cost savings of Fire systems in high rises would be HUGE and 100% effective with ONLY a MIST of water in each room doing absolutely NO water damage and a cup full per room would be sufficient to Change the Frequency of the Fire and it immediately stops everything burning.

but only if you believe Micky Mouse is a Disney Satanic Pedo cult.

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Hey MM China has lots of new high rises and im sure they would be interested in such an invention. cheap to make and install on any building. OZ is self destructing and locked down like the penal colony it is, so no one cares anymore. Send private jet

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Truth is stranger than fiction.

In 1973, during my last year of high school here in Aussie outback, I had a strange Light in the nite sky experience. I had a huge light come across the fields to my car whilst driving home about 9pm. It came between me and the trees to give a distance perspective. I had to lean forward to see it moving directly above my car. It then proceeded to 'lead' me to a farm house that was about 5 miles from where I live. It hovered above the house while I sat on the hood of my car and watched it for about 5 minutes from a distance of about 100 yards. The instant I decided to leave, it took off at high speed and in less than 10 seconds disappeared over some mountains 10 miles away. I made the mistake of telling my class mates the next day at school. Well, you'd think that would be the end of it yes?


But no. 21 years and 9 months later I invited Caroline to do 'readings' in the top floor of my 3 story pyramid house I built in 1988. Caroline was born to her parents that lived in that Light house. This day was her Birthday. Caroline was one of those who see dead people and talks to them just like the movie. Caroline correctly identified the Spirits that inhabit my house since it was built that my family interact with on a DAILY basis. Caroline went to Bali when she was 18 and lived with a forest shaman for 6 months to learn all that he could teach her without ever having to speak a word. It was Caroline's Birthday the day she came to visit, as her mother made my future (unknown as yet) wifes wedding dress. Carolines household became friends of our family. I had to check the calendar to compute the 21 yrs 9 months give a week) when I realized who she was. Or more appropriately WHAT she was.

She did readings for about 8 people. I was last on the list for her to 'read'. When we got to the top room and we sat down, the door opened and shut again and she had a few words with the Frenchman Spirit. (this was the wife's lover back in the Marie Antoinette days who conversed with the wife weekly after he moved in when the house was built) Next came in the Blond lady who sat on our Sons bed every nite to 'guard' him from the Maori Spirit that came with the NZ pine Poles used in the construction of the house. Thats the back ground.


Caroline had only one message for me that day in 1995 after she told the spirits what we were doing and that was....  She said, in the future they will add a substance that will form CRYSTALS in the body. It will be toxic and they will put it in many food items and specifically she said Coke and other food stuffs. I was to avoid this at all costs. She said that was the only message "spirit' had for me that day.


The next year in 1996, I met some more interesting people. Specifically a guy named Joe. In 2013 I took my family to Joes house for some Science Experiments. you can see them all here.

but particularly see the one where we 'transmute' water into oil using Electric Universe Field Science Theories.    Read the spiel, its interesting

While i dont have it on video, this same "JoeCell" literally took runny concrete and turned it into Fresh potable water that I drank afterwards. We can turn ANYTHING into water including Graphene Oxide with this technology.

Wishing to commercialize on the ability to INERT ANY TOXIN within the Human Bio Field as the NEW HEALING or MED BATH (as verses the Med-Bed), a group of guys and myself started the company in Dec 1996 called Q Tech Laboratories where we invented the Q2Spa or Bio Electric Field Enhancement Device. You can buy one of these at in Denver. Or you can buy what another Director went on to manufacture in Alabama, the Aqua Chi Footbath.


MANY times we have taken a VAXX injured Autistic Child who ate through a straw and did not speak or dress themselves and turned them back into a NORMAL child, Takes about 30 baths or 2 months of treatments. By Inerting the Mercury, it removed the Frequency causing the Autism. It worked so PERFECT that the chinese and other unscrupulous conmen decided to replicate and sell SCAM NON Working "ionic Foot bath Detox" machines but they DID NOT use Electric Universe Field Science but instead, outdated Particle science theories to reverse engineer the device.. The end result, Footbaths were delegated to Fake Scam Devices preying on the sick. Nothing could have been further from the truth if you used the 7 Ringed Array and not some cheap Spiral 2 electrodes version.


Here's a video of the device INERTING food coloring dye and comparing it to the scam versions of DOING NOTHING. The logic here is if it removes food dye in water it will remove Graphene in YOUR water. (being as how it restructures water to its "base Frequency".)


Our RUNS ON THE BOARD is that in the last 24 years since this first hit the market place, some 25,000 have been sold world wide. Meaning that near a million people have used the real McCoy device. I do not make these or sell these anymore for the last 16 years. I am just the inventor. But at US$1700 a unit, I want to tell you that they ONLY SELL because people see what it did to their friends. IT CURES. Marcy Purnell earned her PhD at Memphis Uni on its Cancer curing abilities.


Her Website


No other "ionic footbath" device will ever be studied at University or any level.. They just dont work. You need the Magnetic Field Science version based upon Electric Fields rather than Ionic particles.


But wait there's more. To pass Battery DC or Magnetic Current through the body will ALSO inert the Graphene.

Take one car battery

Hook up a set of jumper leads to the battery.

Take the Negative lead in the Right hand and make sure all finger prints touch the Alligator Clip.

Then take the Positive lead in the Left hand making sure all finger prints are on the Clip.

Hold for 5 minutes and then let go of the LEFT HAND FIRST, wait 5 seconds and let go of the right hand.

SIMPLE... You will not feel a thing. We have learned this Baghdad Battery Healing by Remembrance of Past Lifetimes…


but there's more. After doing this 3 times a day for 2 days, to make sure the body is fully charged, during the 5 minute holding process on the 3rd day, touch the Positive Alligator Clip in the Left hand to the tip of the Nose or the point of your chin and hold or up to 5 seconds. You will induce EVERY CELL in the body to make OZONE. You can Taste it after one second. Only do this for a couple seconds no more than 5 seconds during a 'session' or up to 3 sessions of charging a day. This is not a party trick. This is Serious stuff applying Electric Fields to the Body. DO ONLY AS DIRECTED.

OZONE will Oxidize the Graphene.

If anyone wants to know more its joecell AT bigpond DOT com.

This is but the tip of the iceberg in Healing in the Electric Universe. For Graphene to need the Positive South Pole Energy from the Blood to activate it to form the Single Lattice Crystalline Structures within your Vascular system you need Magnetics to CURE this permanently. Check out the New Improved Silver Generator using this New Field Science.  if you want to attack the spiked protein just by itself. (as well)

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So I've finished the Golden Wand and have it in a case ready for delivery. A guy in Toowoomba Q'ld ordered this Wand nearly a year ago. Its taken that long due to travel restrictions and getting the schematics of design. I want to video this in operation and Joe and I test the Elixir first.

This is a device that allows the experimenter to Create potions so one can learn how to use and program magnetics for other uses.

As i have the draft instructions written, I thought I would post here for those who do Creative Visualization or Meditative work. This device would greatly assist with any 'meditative states' one is trying to achieve. The guy gladly paid $6500 for what you see in the pictures. There's 50 grams of gold valued at 4k alone in the 5 rods.

Operating Procedure.

The 5 rods generate a Magnetic Field in the Water with the infinite number of electrical points for the Magnetic Current to Flow using the electrical conductive properties of water. The infinite number of 2 Way Energy flows is the Magnetic Field Source. The water itself, when rotated Anti Clockwise during the process, is interacting with the Earth’s Magnetic Field raising the ‘energy potential’ or a “Charging” effect. Stirring creates 2 Interacting Magnetic Fields where one is rotating. These are the Pre-requisite rules in Low Energy Nuclear Reactions. Tesla said rotating Magnetic Fields will create radiant energy.

The Bio Magnetic Field of the person, who is stirring the water using the 5 rods in an Anti Clockwise rotation, is also interacting with this newly created sub atomic re-arranging of the Light Crystalline Structure of the water and thus Re-Structuring the water into a liquid reflection of all the Field components which includes Will Power. (Energy or the New Bio-Charge of the Field of the Stirrer) This is the methodology where one can ‘Tailor made’ a love potion if this is desired or is “of Good”. Or a Healing potion for a budding practicing Physician in the Lost Arts of Alchemy.  The Alchemist’s Bio Field is interacting with the rotating Field of the Water so one may as well utilise this interaction with thoughts of Grace, Love and Well-being.

As with everything, “Physician First Heal Thyself” is the golden rule. One Projects one’s Will by voicing or by internal dialogue (for privacy of Operating Procedure) the Vibrations the Elixir requires to perform the Healing. This Grace or the purifying the snow flake pattern of the water crystal (re-Structuring the water) as a new Magnetic Field or frequency is then transferred to the Person the Elixir is made for. This is done during the stirring process by giving the ‘command’. Stirring is done immediately the power is switched on and vortexed to the bottom of the glass. May be done several times or just one good one.

Gold is a healing metal, a spiritual metal and necessary for balanced Bio Energies. Gold is found in Sea salt and Kelp, two staples of olde that was consumed on a daily basis for good health. Edgar Cayce said Gold Frequency or lack thereof was partly responsible for Multiple Sclerosis or the deterioration of nerve endings and recommended a Gold Wedding ring in the Leads from a Wet Cell Battery to remedy this. Drinking Gold Solutions is an improved way to introduce this Frequency more permanently.

Trial differing waters. We have found with the SilverJoe Generator, bottled at the source, spring water not owned by a public company is best. That which comes out of the earth naturally, or ‘Structured’ by the earth’s Magnetic charge, or that which already has potential healing powers like Lourdes, is best. Even better if you can bottle it yourself. But good reputable store bought boutique Spring water is quite satisfactory. (before Coke bought Peats Ridge water, it made the best Elixirs and corroded the rods the least) For added potency, I recommend purchasing a genuine from NY Herkimer Diamond and placing it in the bottles to be made into an Elixir. I have these for sale and the instructions on how to “program” them to amplify the energy frequencies being Willed into the water.

Best to not use tap municipal water. If you do use municipal waters, smell and taste the Elixir to determine what ‘Memory’ has been ‘activated’ to determine its desirableness. Then compare it to Spring waters smell and taste test and consume accordingly. Gold Coast municipal water smells like the sewer where recycled ‘grey water’ is injected in the population’s potable water. Most municipal waters release a ‘chlorine’ smell. Water retains the Memory of everything it touches. During the Elixir stirring process, it is touching your Bio Field. You imprint the Water’s crystalline Structure in many ways besides just placing a dirty finger in the water.

Only Fire can purify water. Change its state from liquid to gas (Air) and it returns “purer”. As Water changes Phases or Elemental States from solid to liquid to gas and then to fire, it becomes a more pure Water Crystal or snow-flaky patterned crystalline Structure. We speak our thoughts which are Field Vibrations to add more Pure energy to effect whomever partakes in this liquid as in baths, wet towels, steam room waters, or the liquid consumption or sprinkling of ‘holy’ waters. That’s the thing about magic wands, they dont really have an operating manual as no one would believe it. Its all been passed down orally. It’s the Grand Work of the Alchemists. It never ends.

Water some seedlings with the Gold Solution. Add some to a gold fish bowl. Have controls in the experiments.



Everything about Harry Potter is bull sheet. Just wait til I make the Atlantean Fire Crystal enhanced Light cutting Wand. Able to cut through anything and any depth. Been a while since earth saw one of these like 13,000 years. If I dont write the operating manual, no one will ever be able to use it. Hows that for Patent free inventing. RRP would be about 10 grand. (better than any fifty cal)


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Alice and Chromacat have reacted to this post.

@merlynn I am interested in trying the car battery method and/or the ionic foot bath technology you have shared in this thread. As opposed to treating a specific ailment, my primary interests are unlocking and optimizing my hidden human potential, reaching higher levels of consciousness, and degrading prison control mechanisms. Perhaps I focus on pineal gland decalcification, and general detox of heavy metals, etc. With this as my goal, would the battery or the foot bath be more effective? Also, I copied the instructions you provided for the battery usage, and watched the videos. You mentioned using 4 lead acid motorcycle batteries. I have a single 12v AGM motorcycle battery here now. Is AGM ok, or is lead acid necessary? Do I need 4 motorcycle batteries, or will 1 suffice for the 5-minute max recommendation?


Water retains the memory of everything it touches. Everything has "memory". Memory or Water Structure is defined as 'All the frequencies forming a global frequency', so any final resulting memory Field Pattern has within it, the Snowflake Field Pattern of the Tetrahedron Light Crystals as a 'residual' pattern of the vibrations that has been picked up through contact. Memory is held in the Magnetic Resonant Field Pattern of the water crystal pattern it changes when it touches something. It retains this original memory in its pattern and the memory pattern of what it touches to make a new global pattern. You see this in the DNA Frequency of both parents in a new born.

A flow of Magnetic Current (battery current) can be visualized as a Higher potential frequency and vibration effecting a lower frequency of vibration. The Higher the Frequency, the more 'energy' the water crystal has. (Everything is Water said Thales and Aristotle) So the Flow of 'energy' is the higher vibrations or 'Wave Forms' interacting with lower vibrational energy wave forms.

A "single cell', be it a battery cell or a living cell, has the potential of near 2 volts. This means the human body's Cells combined have a potential of around 2 volts as they are all connected in parallel. To connect the human body to a battery with 6 cells in Series (12V) means the battery has a Higher 'potential vibration' than the human body. So there is a Flow of Wave Forms  (Energy or magnetic current) from the Battery to the human body. The vibrational energy from the battery dominates the vibrational energies of the Cells within the body raising their 'energy potential' or vibrational rate. Charging up the Body with a Battery.

What these Battery Cells are made from, has the Memory of the "elements" within the flow of magnetic current. The Vibrations that the 'water' in the battery has effects your Bodies Cells. Lead is Water and Acid is Water. They are differentiated by their Frequency only. Frequency is 2D sine Wave but Water is a 3D construct and this Magnetic Resonant Field Pattern is like the 3D snow flake pattern.

Now while I say Lead Acid batteries work best, one could say, the frequency of Lead and acid are not compatible with the human body. Lead is a Metal that is found in its natural state. Acid is water with a High South Pole Positive Bias. Alkali has a High Negative North Pole energy bias. We eat foods to balance this Polarity Energy. Too much in one direction cause Dis-Ease in the balance. Unless we make our own iron copper batteries, we chose the battery compositio0n that has the LEAST imbalance interaction with our Bio Magnetic Currents. Joe does this by SEEING the color of your Aura and whether its a good color change or a bad color change. To use Lithium in an AGM battery is to use something 'new' or untested and you become your own Guinea Pig experiment. So for a 'straight answer' to your question, Yes you can use any battery but some are better than others. Do try to 'upgrade' to Lead Acid and they can be 'sealed'.

12 Volts or one car battery is enough for the average experimenter. 48Vdc is for experienced practitioners or to jump start the Bio Charge when the person is 'dead' (battery speaking) Sorta like using a 400 amp/hour Jump Start Battery Charger on a flat battery in your car. Or you can slowly trickle charge it 3 times a day to bring it up to max Bio Charge with one battery.

Kathy, my partner, suffered the butchery of Doctors from Chrones. The first few Aqua Chi sessions she had was in a footbath. She felt 'relaxed' after each treatment. When she then used a Bath tub near full of water for a full body immersion, (yes even opening the eyes under the water) when she would get out she was "exhausted" and literally couldnt walk and had to be helped out of the bathtub. This lasted for a dozen baths before she didnt need assistance getting out. I call this "exhausted" effect the Sauna Effect, where you sweat some and think you are over heating like just after getting out of the sauna. My first 30 baths back in 1997, during winter, I would get out of the bath tub and sit naked at night on the verandah for about 20 minutes while I "equalized". Generally if one has this 'Sauna effect', one has serious health concerns that are not yet (or maybe they are) manifest. I estimate I have taken over 900 full baths. Marcy has taken over 2000 full baths. She wants to live forever.

The bath will begin the decalcification process. Using an array water module with an Atlantean Fire Crystal will accelerate this. There are advanced usage procedures for this Aqua Chi device as well.

So now we have the procedure of using a car battery to charge up the human body. We have the procedure of flashing all 3 Eyes to check balance and level of Charge. We also now have ONE way to produce Ozone in every cell in the body of the most advanced Ozone Therapy since the Persians 2000 years ago. We can use the Negative electrode on the tip of the nose or chin as well to make ANOTHER Phase of Ozone but if you're still unbalanced, even though you appear to be balanced by the flashing the eyes, the electrode will BITE if you are out of balance. Very few people it dsoesnt Bite. It still Bites me after all the balancing I've done. But it is a better Ozone produced.

There are other "points" on the body that can be used to input Charge to rectify organs within the body to balance them too. We can jump start the Thyroid if one hasnt been butchered by Quacks and had it removed necessitating meds forever. A car battery will cure any thyroid malfunction as long as you take Iodine supplements with it or consume lots of Sea Salts and some Nascent Iodine. Kelp is good.

Acupuncture isnt just about sticking needles in your body to effect 'energy flows'. Consider this, would you trust a Therapist to stick needles into your Points by studying charts or a Therapist who could literally SEE the Flash of Light from these Points? And just like the Physician/Alchemist uses his MIND Energy thoughts to effect the water crystals of the Elixir being made when holding the Electrodes or Wand, when inserting or twirling the Acupuncture needles, there is an opportunity to effect the healing on a greater level if one understands Magnetic Memory. Using Battery Electrodes on Acupuncture points is taking this Healing Modality to a whole nuther level.

We personally use an Atlantean Fire Crystal enhanced Water modules in my and Kathys full baths. We energize Kathys Thyroid points about once a month.

any other questions or better clarifications?


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