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The Matrix Resurrections Trailer

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Thanks for sharing.

  1. I fully agree with you and this is also my believe that most people a rufus and want to help. But most of them are either brainwashed zombies by now and dont know better, or are too fearful or or or.
  2. On your comment on the bear awakening:
    I have been thinking also about people standing up to their rights etc. But I think this is what would actually benefit the control structure. They would have an excuse to clamp down. Thats why most of the things pro or contra covid measures is so focused on getting an emotional reaction from people. Mostly Anger, Fear or Hate. Divide and conquer works on both sides.
    The fastest way to destroy an Illusion is to stop believing in it. Stop voting, Stop paying taxes etc. In masses. But this is not easy, maybe even impossible as most people are too far hypnotised by the Media by now. Like they said in the latest Q&A session.


We can only hope for the best and work on our selves. I am glad to have found this community.

Creating a Forum on MM site: Genius!

congjing yu, Memory Loss and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yuMemory LossDanigarrire

Great points Berkant, I've never really given them much thought. But, I agree, develop ourselves, hope for the best, be a Rufus whenever possible.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Wasn't the idea of the matrix stolen from a japanese anime called ghost in a shell?

If you guys haven't watched Westworld yet I suggest watching it. It has a similar sort of matrix thing going on, but a little bit different. Not a simulation perse, but the programming of humans is a central theme to it

Alice has reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

....Also Altered Carbon is another one that explores the whole "being able to place consciousness in different meat suits" concept

Daegon Magus
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