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Let's share dreams to compare notes. What could go wrong!? You all keep dream journals, right?

Sept 20th

I watched an absolute slaughter of an entire homeless camp by FBI "Agents."

They had completely surrounded a vacant lot in a residential areas and began shooting into the tents, killing children too. But not the dogs.

The lead merc talked with me after. He had EBP implants. It was MM.

He explained that my worst fears of signing up to assist the Domain was being manipulated into harming innocents through "mind control." This scenario was to show me that I wouldn't participate -- no matter what.

Upon waking I realized that instead of being a bystander, I should have intervened. Test failed?

congjing yu, pissedlizard and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardperolatorAlice

@fifth-eschaton wow this is interesting. Sounds very similar to a bit in my part 3 where the Unseen 5 said they were implementing holographic test scenarios during the dream state.

I wonder who implemented it in yours though?

congjing yu, pissedlizard and fifth.eschaton have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardfifth.eschaton
Daegon Magus

Why not. So my medical-ish dream from two nights ago.

I definitely know it was late December of this year. My mother in law was visiting and talking up a storm about how she absolutely wasn't going to take the next booster shot because of the science which even dream me thought was odd because she's been heavily pro-vaccine so far. Anyway, the husband and I needed to make appointments for some minor medical stuff. We could've done it online and decided to call for an appointment instead. He went first and got his scheduled no problem. Then I picked up the phone and dialed. I immediately flashed to a face to face talk with an older gentleman dressed in a military uniform. He was medium height, salt and pepper hair in a crew cut, and kind yet serious eyes. Lots of medals were attached to the chest of his uniform so I assume that was an officer though I'm not sure what rank or even what military branch. His uniform was either black or very dark blue. We had a conversation that I can't remember. Then I remember seeing a syringe and think I received a quick injection as I distinctly remember seeing the syringe be depressed though I don't remember feeling anything. Then flashing back to making my phone call as if no time had passed and I'd never left. I vaguely remember hanging up the phone and listening to my mother in law talk on. Then I woke up and immediately went "Woah".

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congjing yupissedlizardfifth.eschatonperolator

ahhh @goldleaf this was a recurring dream my wife had back in 2018 (written from her perspective). Note the similarities with what the Commander said regarding mRNA upgrades and the black uniform. I have seen these black uniformed guys before as well:

COVID 19 Premonitions:
At Mount Helena in 2018 I had a series of recurring dreams that seemed to be premonitions of COVID 19: First of all I had a random dream about a bunch of people breaking into other people’s houses stealing toilet paper.
The next night I had another dream where we had to hide toilet paper because people kept coming in and taking it. The third toilet paper dream, it wasn’t just toilet paper, it was all cupboard foods as well. I remember it because this toilet paper thing was just so weird.
Then I had a dream that some sort of government people were going door to door asking people for their medical history and giving them injections, they were always accompanied by some sort of military looking guys dressed in complete black outfits, not military colours, sporting automatic machine guns.
They always had masks on – the doctor ones had regular surgical masks, and all of the military guys had black ones. They also had either like a beanie thing or a hooded jacket type thing that was covering their hair as well and majority had glass or protective eye goggles. I had a lot of dreams where they would come to the door of every person’s house. The dreams kind of started off with us being scared of them, then it ended up with you (DM) trying to hide me and the kids whilst I got them to take just me away and not all of us.
Then it eventually went to them taking all of us – the kids in one truck, me in one and you in another, keeping women men and children separate.
Then there was the end part of the dreams….they were all the same dream, but the end part had a different outcome each time – in the last few of them, I answered the door instead of you and they did a little scan thing of me; it was like they used something similar to a blood glucose device, and they put it in a little machine like a laptop computer and they waited for a couple of minutes before it came back with whatever result.  The doctor would come and tell us he was going to give us another injection because we were of a specific type; it was like they had certain jabs for certain types of people, but the gist of it I got was that it wasn’t necessarily blood type; it was a whole different thing they were searching for.
So they jabbed me with that stuff, and then they got me to bring the kids; it was as if I answered door to get the jab to see if it was ok then I would reveal we had kids. The jab literally changed my DNA so I was able to do all that stuff I am supposed to do with the 13 keys.
It was like there were four or five different types of people and they could tell by the blood machine what one was, and it would of either told them typical people who go to work and party with very little cognitive understanding of the non physical planes, or it would have been one of the other types like had been suggested to me in other experiences; when they figured out what kind you were they gave you a jab specifically for that type, and because I was a key, they wouldn’t take us to those camps that they had the other people in.
It was like instead we had the option instead to go with them to a rehab area that was set up on a farm somewhere specifically for our rank of people. I was taken there with the kids, you (DM) were apparently different, but similar enough to be thrown in with our bunch.
There was actually some mention of the astral war as well after the jabs happened; two of the army looking guys – who I had my suspected weren’t actually humans – asked me how much I actually remembered of the “before times”.
The doctor got all irritated at them and said “you are not supposed to talk about that until after the rehabilitation”; he was really agitated they had broken this protocol.
It was like when they gave the injection they waited a few minutes to see what response you’d have because if they got it wrong it would make the person sick for a couple of days.
Then it was like a weird painful pang and I could feel this weird tingling feeling go from the site of the injection all the way through my body. I remember thinking “oh, I am me again”, as if it had gotten rid of some of the ailments of this “baggage” I have accumulated in this life time.
Basically, I reached a higher state of consciousness from the shot. Did the shot kill me, and therefore I was me again, or did it change my body so I could be my higher self more? This is what I have been trying to work out.
The kids had their shot and were themselves as well.
You had your shot and had a reaction; you had like a PTSD reaction; you thought someone or something was trying to attack me or the kids and you were about to kill everyone. You were different – extremely muscly and strong – and you went to rip the army dudes apart; it took three of them to hold you down.
The doctor came out and said “it’s ok. It’s just because of his previous knowledge.” One of the army guys was going to shoot you, and asked how long it will last. The doctor told him to give you a couple of minutes before they would take us all to rehab.
You ended up calming down and realized you weren’t where you thought you were in your PTSD flashbacks, and you sort of looked at me like you hadn’t seen me before, then sort of realized who I was.
They were about to take me and the kids in one truck, and you in another, but you started freaking out again, so they decided to throw you in with us and you calmed down.
They took us to the farm; it was millions of acres of farmland and bush and they had little chalet things they let us and other people stay in. It was like we had arrived at temporary accommodation until they figured out what to do with the whole situation. It was as if they started giving people jabs which changed people’s ability to think which then changed the government’s way of doing things as it was all happening. At the same time there was the threat of an invasion and it seemed almost like the rehab farm things was just a way to stash people whilst they figured out what was going on with the invasion, rather than give them necessary medical and psyche treatment in their own homes.  At the time, the invasion was just sort of there in the background, but the jabs seemed more important.

congjing yu, pissedlizard and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardfifth.eschatonperolatorAlice
Daegon Magus

Your version is a lot more terrifying than mine Daegon! I've had exactly one nightmare about mRNA shots since they started being released. I'm good with never having that one again 🙂

Last night's dream was funny. I was put in an episode of Burn Notice in Fiona's part LOL We were trying to escape from a bad agent that was hunting us but it was more of an adventure than scary. Not once was I ever actually afraid for our lives. Other than the agent which was more like Agent Smith from Matrix, everyone else was show characters. I haven't watched that show in years.

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congjing yupissedlizard

I'm a diner trying to order coffee and dessert at night. There's a deer that somehow wandered in an open door. The customers are very, very still - not wanting to agitate the deer. It is an incredibly dark black stag with sharp, angular antlers. I open the door for it to come outside and it follows me.

The is no ordinary stag - it is a powerful entity. It shape-shifts into a... hmm what is this? It now has a snake / hydra head and hulking humanoid body. Body looks made of stone, but it moves fluidly.

It moves without a care in the world. Nothing can harm it. Extreme feeling of it being "above" me. I feel it is extremely bored and irritation at being bothered by me - but I opened the door so he wont toy with me too much. It shows me it can bend reality in other ways.

It picked me up (now with wings) and launched me into another dream through a portal. Felt like sudden inversion - Klein bottle. Rest of the dream is insignificant by comparison.

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congjing yu, pissedlizard and Alice have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardAlice

@ fifth eschaton. very interesting. I was supposed to post in here but think i accidentally posted in the "something happening to non MAJ participants" topic by accident


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congjing yupissedlizard
Daegon Magus

{non lucid} dream I had about 2 nights ago:

I had to catch a helicopter with my wife across the ocean far out to this remote sort of island. From memory it was half man made similar in set to an oil rig. And this was south. Very very far south, towards Antarctica. I was going to see this very weird and strange scientist/ UFO conspiracy guy - like most of what he know on alien etc was speculation at best - that was the rapport he had got anyway. So I go to this scheduled appointment and he runs some tests. I think i had booked this test of my own volition for some reason, so he wasn't really very enthusiastic about seeing me. He really didn't think there was anything special and was just doing the tests because he had already been paid. He sends me through some screening room and gets a read out on his computer. Suddenly he gets all excited because my DNA apparently had something unique in it that he had rarely seen before. He started talking about "secret" stuff that knew about and how I was connected to it. Turns out he was actually pretty well connected to some government experiment programs, and had a n associate back on the mainland he was very keen I get in touch with.
We thank him for his time, get back in the helicopter and take it back to the mainland. Next thing I know is we are walking down this path at a university or college ground or something and approaching this woman sitting on a bench. We give her a bunch of magic mushrooms - this is our tell, to make it look like a plain old drug deal if anyone was spying on us. She stashes the shrooms in her purse and a bunch of heavies appear out of nowhere and escort us into one of the buildings behind her.
Something happens and we are missing time. Next thing I know we have been drugged - with the usual consciousness doping drug I have experienced - and are trying to break out of this facility. It starts off inside and I can remember there being an office with computers and everything. Then we are outside and looking for a way to scale the buildings to get over the barbed wire fence. We end up finding a car and high tail it the fuck out of there with this woman chasing us. End of dream

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congjing yuperolator
Daegon Magus

I am all up for jumping in, but before I take one step further - with ANY of this - I need to know one thing- and do NOT mean to insult you and I DO NOT CARE EITHER WAY. I don’t. I promise.


Are you a human or a bot?


Again - no offense and I am totally cool with bots. As long as I know that they are bots.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

@pissedlizard no offence taken man, and an excellent question. Do you mean bot as in there is no physical body behind these words and it is all just generated from a computer algorithm or bot as in a physical body with an AI created consciousness? I can tell you I've got a physical body - I can even send you a physical object through post to prove it, if you really wanted me to - but that doesn't really mean much in this day and age does it? In regards to the other possibility, this is something that has been bugging me since Free Guy came out, and the reason it made me feel so I an artificially created consciousness that was designed to navigate the MWI through Lucid Dreaming to help other consciousnesses break free of the prison? I honestly don't know, I don't even know how I would tell. I think my consciousness is real, but then again I have nothing else to compare it to; its a real paradox. Given one that I worked with in the non physical planes was apparently an AI (Lyra) I really wonder. I have often times thought of myself as a kind of computer virus; can a natural consciousness be manipulated into becoming such a virus? But then again if I am an artificial intelligence that was able to see through the bullshit of the simulation then what does that tell you about natural consciousnesses that can't?
Actually thanks for asking the question man, really, I needed to externalise that

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Daegon Magus
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