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The pineal gland and magnets

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I built my own just a week ago and am still working on a variable RPM motor to attach the magnet array. Just attaching it to a drill bit worked, but I'm not noticing anything. I don't care about it looking pretty, I just wanted to measure the field and see what it would do to my body.

I'm skeptical to say the least, but I'll try anything once. Will report back if I notice anything pineal gland related.

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congjing yu and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
congjing yuGoldleaf

Holding a drill to my head, I'm reminded of a certain scene from the movie Pi...

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congjing yu and Berkant have reacted to this post.
congjing yuBerkant

@congjing yu most of what i read about people's actual experiences seems to have long been scrubbed. I did a quick dig and found these sites still talking about hte HDR (aka Gibbs Device). The first one sounds very, very similar to your article about world slides;wap2=

Memory Loss has reacted to this post.
Memory Loss
Daegon Magus

Found this site through one of your links @daegonmagus.

I think @congjin yu will be interested in this one.

Its about this Al Bielek guy who used the HDR technology to time travel and is sharing what he saw for US for 2020-2025. Scary actually but has been shared here. Video is from 2011 by they way. It talkes more about an impact of the pole displacements I believe. That a lot o land will be under water. He doesnt mention pole displacement though.

There was this map I remember, which showed globally what happened after the displacement of poles etc. forgot now.

Al Bielek’s future map of the USA is terrifying (video)

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
Quote from fifth.eschaton on September 25, 2021, 4:12 am


I built my own just a week ago and am still working on a variable RPM motor to attach the magnet array. Just attaching it to a drill bit worked, but I'm not noticing anything. I don't care about it looking pretty, I just wanted to measure the field and see what it would do to my body.

I'm skeptical to say the least, but I'll try anything once. Will report back if I notice anything pineal gland related.

wow. looking forward to this. I wouldnt even know where to start on this. Share your thoughts when you are enlightened 🙂

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

@berkant I believe Al Bliek was the man who travelled through time during the Philadelphia project and was the {alleged} reason for the creation of Montauk - this was all claims made by a man of that name anyway. I suppose this HDR guy with his name is really just in salutation to that? Would be interesting if he wasn't though

congjing yu and Berkant have reacted to this post.
congjing yuBerkant
Daegon Magus

I spent 3 hours talking to Al Bielek in the basement at Daytona Global Sciences Conference in 1999. We went to the Basement in the Motel and turned on the Driers for 'privacy'.

congjing yu, Berkant and Alice have reacted to this post.
congjing yuBerkantAlice

@MerLynn very interesting. I don;t suppose you are able to elaborate on that conversation. Do you believe he really time traveled via the Philadelphia Project?

Berkant has reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus


I'm interested in experimenting with this as well. How did you choose to manufacture the bowl? I'm currently looking into rapid prototyping options per the files.

Very interesting indeed @merlynn. Same question and request as DM 🙂
PS: Is this video you posted on youtube by chance? easier to watch for me on the TV.

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