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The pineal gland and magnets

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OK, I blame @MerLynn and @daegonmagus for this. Is there a way (and a safe way) to get the pineal gland "activated" via magnets? It could be low hanging fruit for the people with the skill sets to pull this type of stunts off. Of course it all might go plain shaped if things go awry lol. Any thoughts on this?


The Pineal Gland Magnet Experiment

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I'll just leave this here.

How things really work

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congjing yu

@Memory Loss not that I know of, though I have some incomplete projects in mind to experiment with using radi frequencies to try and achieve this outcome. I read something ages ago that I think was a monroe Institute technique of switching the amygdala on and off but i have no clue where there article is (this was over 15 years ago)

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congjing yu
Daegon Magus

@Memory Loss there is something i came across a few years ago called a hyper dimensional resonator. This device was invented by a Nebraskan farmer named Steven Gibbs back in the middle of the 80s after 2 aliens apparently approached him and told him how to build it. His claims are that it is a time machine that works on the basis that it "makes your astral body slip into another world line". Now, this whole thing screams of bullshit,  and a big scam, especially to us people with a bit of knowedge about electronics, considering Gibs was selling this thing - which consisted of a few electronics components worth about $20 - for over $300. But, if you read up on the experiences of people who puportedly used this thing and compare it with every MM has written on the MWI and world slides, as well as what the Domain Commander said about using large voltages and magnetism to unlock the astral body from the physical, there are some very significant similarities. One post i read was from a dude that was quite sceptical about it, and was just doing a review to sort of debunk it. he reckons after using the device there were some subtle things that he noticed that he couldn't explain and sort of freaked him out. One example was that he went home and put on his favourite movie, only to find that entire scenes had completely changed as well as famous quotes. Others suggested they actually had strange astral projection dreams - one dude even reckons he was picked up by some aliens in what equated to a future version of earth and they had a chuckle at the primitive time travel tech he was using. His handle was HDR kid and i noticed up until recently he still had a website dedicated to his experiences with this device, though the problem is much of the content i was reading on it a few years back seems to be gone. From what i read, it sounds very much like this device was able to make people achieve random MWI slides by messing with their astral bodies (you had to wrap a telephone cord around your head that was connected to the mains power - not exactly a safe thing to do); and you could build one with a few pieces of wire and plastic box.
@congjing yu have you ever come across this thing? if so I am curious as to what you think of it?

congjing yu and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
congjing yuMemory Loss
Daegon Magus
Quote from daegonmagus on September 24, 2021, 8:28 am

@Memory Loss there is something i came across a few years ago called a hyper dimensional resonator. This device was invented by a Nebraskan farmer named Steven Gibbs back in the middle of the 80s after 2 aliens apparently approached him and told him how to build...


... as what the Domain Commander said about using large voltages and magnetism to ... One example was that he went home and put on his favourite movie, only to find that entire scenes had completely changed as well as famous quotes. Others suggested they actually had strange astral projection dreams - one dude even reckons he was picked up by some aliens in what equated to a future version of earth and they had a chuckle at the primitive time travel tech he was using.... From what i read, it sounds very much like this device was able to make people achieve random MWI slides by messing with their astral bodies (you had to wrap a telephone cord around your head that was connected to the mains power - not exactly a safe thing to do); and you could build one with a few pieces of wire and plastic box.
@congjing yu have you ever come across this thing? if so I am curious as to what you think of it?

Well @daegonmagus, that is pretty interesting. Because of the weird movie quotes (think "Life WAS like a box of chocolates) I think we all have slid off our original MWI many years ago.

I was taught to look for low hanging fruit, because if you get lucky, then you might strike something good for minimal costs. A magnet to your forehead is simple for one with your skills. You won't need weeks to find out its effects. Imagine a Dangermouse with Prof X powers amplified by Cerebro. Magnet on forehead is simple and testable.

And you might not need mains power, if you want a portable Cerebro. I'm sure we have modern day magicians on this forum who can whip something up, running on batteries.

The other thing I was taught is that sometimes you need critical mass. Even in efforts to help the Domain, if we can scale up, that would probably make a difference. MM created a place where we can gather. And if the hint by the Domain officer is anything to go by, perhaps we do not gather entirely by accident.


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congjing yuBerkant
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@Memory Loss admittedly i didn't see the link to the magnet experiment before i posted. Just looking on ebay now for magnets....or maybe i should use an electromagnet with a pulsing flux field instead? I am the type of person who would tape it to my forehead before bed time/ Let's see how interesting this gets


congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
Daegon Magus

@memory-loss I don't believe in luck or accidents 🙂 Interestingly I am usually a passive reader. I think I have engaged here more than anything I did in like forever.

This all resonates with me a lot intuitively. Although I have no exotic experiences to share with. I know sleep paralysis. I have had some premonition dreams which then turned out to be true. The sleep paralysis is an interesting topic actually. This is known in my culture. It was always said to me, this is due to negative energy entities. And suggested to do certain prayers from the quran. It helped a lot. I never was curious or courage's enough as @daegonmagus to discover further. I was just scared and wanted it to go away. Didnt have any for a very long time, since I have woken up.

Curious where our journey will take us. Exciting times!

congjing yu, Memory Loss and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
congjing yuMemory LossGoldleaf
Quote from fifth.eschaton on September 24, 2021, 1:22 am

I'll just leave this here.

Have you had any positive experience with this?

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Very interesting.

From what i read, it sounds very much like this device was able to make people achieve random MWI slides by messing with their astral bodies (you had to wrap a telephone cord around your head that was connected to the mains power - not exactly a safe thing to do); and you could build one with a few pieces of wire and plastic box.
@congjing yu have you ever come across this thing? if so I am curious as to what you think of it?

If you have any links please pass them on. I would love to investigate.

Quote from daegonmagus on September 24, 2021, 9:38 pm

@Memory Loss admittedly i didn't see the link to the magnet experiment before i posted. Just looking on ebay now for magnets....or maybe i should use an electromagnet with a pulsing flux field instead? I am the type of person who would tape it to my forehead before bed time/ Let's see how interesting this gets


I think they never dared to use magnets when sleeping, only when awake. And it took quite some time before they got some results. But if the way to unlock the pineal gland were right in your face the whole time, then the universe has a sense of humor. Those coin magnets might do the trick, I suspect.

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congjing yuGoldleaf
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