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The love of my life

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I’ll start by a hopefully quick story about the love of my life.

First, I was never a cat person. In fact, cat people bothered me with all the screensavers, bumper stickers and all the garbage we cat lovers have. I was running very late for work when this skinny, mangy looking cat came out from under my car and started loudly meowing. There were tons of cats on the neighborhood and I would ignore them. Go about my business. But this one was actively screaming meows at me as it was in some distress. I had no pets and I don’t eat tuna so I was like, what to feed it? I got some cold cuts, chopped them up and fed her. I went to work but could not stop thinking of her. I knew if I fed her again she would keep coming around - and I did not want that. But those meows got me. I get out of work, pick up some tuna and cat treats and VERY long story short she became my cat. Since then some of the crap that has gone on in my world had gone to shit in a big way. This cat, my baby, has been on me like radar whenever things would crop up. I’m a loner. No kids, keep a few close friends and never really let anyone know my shit. When a person very close to me passed I was in that stage of not wanting to be around. Not suicidal but - you know - thinking the world will be better off. Every time serious issues crop up and I am at my worst, she meows just like she did when she met me. She SCREAMS the meows. Then she curls up in my lap, purrs - and the world is that much better.

I don’t care what anyone says. They are just as soulful as us if not more. Just because they can’t articulate the way we are used to, there is zero question love is there. And I find I difficult to believe love and a soul do not go together.

And me and my baby? It’s been 5 years and we still hate being apart from each other.

congjing yu and mmfanman have reacted to this post.
congjing yummfanman

Anyone who knows cats knows that cats just know! She wanted you in her life, it seems. Great story-- may you and her live long and prosper!

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

This story bring tears to my eyes. You know... Cats know. KNOW!

I can relate to this story on so many levels. You are not alone.

When I had Coco, my house-mate Mark hated cats. And he would do everything in his power to toss the cat out of the house. But you know, she kept on coming to him. Lying next to him. Comforting him. Being with him when he watched a movie, or a show.

Cats know.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

The MM site seems to be a meeting space for cat lovers. Very curious. A quick cat story of mine from today:

Our little family had a great morning, but after our 10 o'clock (UTC+3)  coffee break something was very off and the whole day went sideways. Everyone was feeling aggressive and restless for no apparent reason. This continued until it was bedtime for the little kids. After two hours the kids were still not asleep, fumbling around and daddy was running out of patience. In comes our cat, curles up next to me and the kids. My thought: Ok kids, the cat is now watching over you. Then I fell asleep. Shortly after that the kids were asleep as well and all was well.

congjing yu, pissedlizard and DoubleFresh have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardDoubleFresh

Since my little one came in my life we have bought a home with her in the forefront of our minds (we wanted windows that she could sit in and look at different things, so she has woods, fields and a ton of chickens to look at). But we ended up taking in so many more. Some live outside - and want nothing to do with the indoors (and big dogs) to the ones that dominate the big dogs. But every night, my baby wants her half hour of play with me ONLY and with my glasses, followed by curling in my lap as I read or do this stuff. Every night. My wife has gotten to the point of “just leaving you two alone”. I don’t know what it is but I cannot stand being away from her! And it’s been YEARS. I wasn’t always agnostic or atheist, but I never experienced in anything a connection like this that made me say “wow-there MUST be something bigger than what I think there is”. A cat. A cat did that to me. When I write it like that it looks so diminishing, but people who dont like cats or cat people can understand. Before her cats bugged me. For no reason other than they were cats. The morning she hopped on my lap and fell asleep - I literally was like “what the hell is this odd feeling? Is it a little compassion for a cat”? But that was it. I was hooked. Screensavers. A coffee mug. My old office. I became one of “them” and couldn’t be happier.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Yeah, I understand. I do.

Now I am a cat person, myself, but I do like both dogs and cats. And here right now I just have a dog. He's an old dog. He just mopes from one sleeping area to the next. But that's fine.

Cats and dogs add depth to our lives. They really do.

MM, I remember reading somewhere that one thing the ETs find interesting about us is our ability to bond with our animals? Have you encountered any of the races that keep pets?

Interesting. Great question, and I don't know the answer. Sorry.

This picture is for all you cat lovers out there.

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Bobette37 has reacted to this post.

And please keep your bud's close...

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