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Free Guy just dropped some major cues

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To follow up on the above comment.

So souls are all-knowing and thus bored.
So they make up entire universes just to escape boredom.
That would make them analogous to video game designers.

The Old Empire universe would be one such video game.
The Domain universe would be another such video game.

Are the current events some sort of advertising pitch ?
"The game you're now playing is obsolete, come over here we have something much cooler for you"

Also, does this mean that human avatars are something like Sims that souls take over for whatever reason ?
All this strife / pain / tribulation just so some bored soul can feel something rather than nothing ?

congjing yu and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
congjing yuMemory Loss

Uh huh. I'm thinking the value of this planet is like a video game. The sentience farm may actually be to keep avatars in so some immortal souls can be entertained. The Old Empire and probably the Domain both want to keep this video game because their lives are empty, something mentioned in the Alien Interview actually, boredom for eternity.

Now the main problem is that the Elite may have sold the rights to this game on to some dark entities. These new players will be pretty mean I guess.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

I watched the full movie. It was uplifting, inspiring and did have some things that fit within all the discussions that we all have been having.

I will not say that it illustrates the discussions. But I will say that there are many things that parallel the experiences that we are transcribing. I would like to believe that the simplistic narrative of building a bridge to escape from the corrupted city to the real paradise is possible, but I do not know.

What I will say is that it is certainly worth a watch.

And if you are a lurker, then please enjoy the movie and come to your own conclusions.

Memory Loss and LydiaRose13 have reacted to this post.
Memory LossLydiaRose13

It seems like "The Battle for Lake Changjin" has been utterly memory-holed in the west.

Doesn't appear (suspiciously) on any torrent sites or anywhere on usenet. Searches draw up a blank, which isn't really possible when searching over a decade of stuff on usenet!

The level of censorship is quite impressive.


congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Just finished wathcing it the second time just for the references. Man, that is really full of them! Might do a 3rd round, with popcorn with real melted butter on top, like I used to do in San Diego!

I just now realised, that the Mariah Carey song samples an old favourite of mine. TomTom Club's "Genious of Love" ! Great music video, btw. Back then when freedom of expression was the truth, not a political weapon. *Sigh*



congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
Nullius addictus iurare in verba magistri

The guy from the website trickedbythelight has some interesting stories from people who had a NDE. Acc to this woman souls are NOT our friends. They use us as their avatars as indeed they are bored...

Theres also a great analysis of the Pixar movie Soul: after death you get zapped into the great beyond.

Thanks guys, I’m really devouring this kinda info!

fifth.eschaton has reacted to this post.
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