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Free Guy just dropped some major cues

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I just watched the movie Free Guy which just came out, and I'm going to be honest it made me feel sick to my stomach. Not because it's a bad movie, but because the content lines up perfectly with MM and my own personal experiences. TBH i am not entirely sure why it made me feel so sick, which makes me wonder if it contains "triggers" for us non physical operators. Maybe it was just the underlying message that reminded me of a Dr Who episode where the doctor first meets River Song.

Now I don't want  to give any spoilers, because I thought it was a legit good movie - Ryan Reynolds brings through some of that Deadpool charm we all love; it is centred around his cheesey humour. What I reccomend is paying attention to these seemingly "minor" details.
There is a scene where the programmer (Joe Keery - from Stranger Things) comes home to find an old interview of him and a former colleague playing on his TV. It turns out his old colleague is actually in his house, and has beef with the company he works for, and wants to talk to him. She says "why do you still work for that galactic black hole of a company" (interesting considering the EG suggested the black hole anomaly thing was responsible for the amnesia) - galactic black hole responsible fo rthe computer game. Also pay attention to the name of this company and what the CEO of it ends up doing to the computer game Reynolds is in. Oh and by the way MM's Rufism is practically fucking shouted at you through the whole movie.
There is also a bit at the end where Reynolds is talking to his old friend in regards to the bank. Take note of the conversation then compare it to this scene of the original Matrix movie (this particular scene has cut the first clip that shows it better but if you look behind Neo to the left hand side of the wall you will see the word Bank graffitied on it. You will have to watch it from a slightly earlier point to catch the full message - ). Coincidence? I call bullshit.

congjing yu, pissedlizard and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardxzianchow
Daegon Magus

oh yeah and the jedi thing is very, very relevant.

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard
Daegon Magus

I saw it. It was highly entertaining and also made me sad. It did prompt a great conversation in the car home on our life being a hologram or game. The husband posits that this is a game and the experience we gain here is to unlock the next level. He's not a MM follower (though I've sent him an article or two) and yet he seems to be getting it instinctively.

At the beginning of the movie, it was very brief. There is a car that changes colors as it drives by in the background. Lots of tiny details like that. I need to go look up who made this and check out some of their other movies. Now I'm curious.

congjing yu, pissedlizard and daegonmagus have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizarddaegonmagus

I am downloading the torrent for the movie"Free Guy" now.

I'd go and see it in a movie theater, but the popularity of Hollywood movies fell off a cliff after President Trump and the Biden hogwash. So since no Chinese people are interested in watching American anything these days, they stopped showing American films. It's not worth it.

pissedlizard, Memory Loss and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardMemory LossGoldleaf

The big movie now is titled "The Battle for Lake Changjin".

Oh, the film is a huge success, smashing all Chinese box office records.

It's a true story about how the Chinese kicked the collective asses of the 16 Allied armies that were marching towards China during the Korean War.

Yes, the waking of the Dragon will be seen as a huge mistake by the West that ushered in its downfall.

Looks to be an OUTSTANDING MOVIE. It's a true story. We see personal sacrifice. Bravery. Compassion and fierce loyalty to the Chinese nation. It's in English and Chinese with subtitles.

Check out this one minute video summary clip... VIDEO

pissedlizard and daegonmagus have reacted to this post.

@yeah i didn't bother with seeing it at the mvies either. guilty on the torrenting as well. Will have to check out that movie when i get a chance. cheers

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard
Daegon Magus

@DM No question it’s on the list now! Thanks for recommending it! The movie you describe sounds cool too, but - DMs recommendation looks too hard to pass up. Hopefully I’ll be able to grab a torrent tomorrow.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu


I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but we all know why hollywood productions are really made, right? And who is the boss deciding if movie gets made? That's the producer's job, mainly.


During 2014 -2017 Steven Mnuchin produced 44 movies. In those three years, when he had a steady day-job diddling American's wallets. And these are not made-for-video stuff, they are proper movies, like Edge of Tomorrow, Batman v. Superman, Suicide squad.

Does anybody even raise an eyebrow? 44 frigging movies!

Loved freedom guy btw!

congjing yu, pissedlizard and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardxzianchow
Nullius addictus iurare in verba magistri

Downloaded the torrent. Was very fast as there were many leeches and seeders. Started to watch it. (As I am very busy, I can only watch in 15 to 20 minute segments.) and I am about half-way through.

Very excellent.

Very entertaining.

Many ties with the rules and beliefs here on MM. Worth the watch.

pissedlizard and Alice have reacted to this post.

Hey that was pretty fun. Then you stop and it raises more scary questions than Exorcist.

Question 1: are we NPCs having some consciousness? So we have individual thoughts but an underlay of a hive consciousness?

Question 2: is there a way to access outside help in the game <Life on Earth>™? This suggests cheat codes and Godmodes in the game LoE BUT the characters cannot ever leave the game. (actually I think that they can but I don't want MM to catch me with yet another coincidence so I will stop there lol.

Question 3: when you role play many times you take on a different personal. Is this the difference between the ordinary folk, the NPCs, and the paying players, the elite? The free to pay have many restrictions.

Question 4: is LoE to be replaced by LoE 2: mRNA Apocalypse? They reboot to a sequel, leaving the Lost Battlion in limbo.

congjing yu and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
congjing yuxzianchow
Ciao! Gip me your ideas
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