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Profile: BeleiveNothingFrom TheCaptiveHostWithAGunToHisHead

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Seen 3 years ago
Member Since:
September 5, 2021
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I couldn't find the delete button here.

that said, Metallicman I'm sure there was noone else from this ISP that logged in to post anything on your site, but that you are executing some pre-emptive doctrine as a warning. I understand you married a chinese national and have kids now, and You'll be taking every measure to avoid harrassment and coersion.

would I do the same thing in your shoes? NOPE. I would not host my identity in a fascist regime period, but that you do, you have a gun to your head. my condolences. good luck with those chinese Dolly Partons.

you ought to delete this account, not merely ban it, the notifications i might receive are saddening to both of us.

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