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Type 1 Greys

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You are welcome to posit your thoughts, questions or resources that you might want to share regarding the Type 1 grey extraterrestrials here.

Feal has reacted to this post.

Im just curious as to whether anyone has read Alien Interview by Lawrence Spencer.

It dovetails with all of MMan's story, basically, only diverging from his narrative in a few places. In particular what happens to us after we die. The power of our Gray friends--'The Domain'-- is understated if anything by Mr Man, it seems. The Mantids also turn up as a 'common template' throughout the universe. Insectoid species to be more precise. The theory of evolution is also dismissed, and its stated that the humanoid template/biotype has existed throughout the universe for many billions of years. There are many others much more ancient. Including the insectoids. But a series of intergalactic conflicts has 'now' resulted in a heavily stratified system, tightly ordered. Strict. Very controlled. (As Mr man has also alluded to.) Service to self sentiences being well isolated from everyone else. And severely dealt with.

Earth and the Solar System was first surveyed by the Domain about....wait for it....650 million years ago.

Sound familiar, Mr Man?

The universe began when souls started to 'create' physical reality by bringing together different kinds of realms. There is no time. (Sound familiar, too?)

I actually read of the book in a comment posted well over a year ago and despite the silly title something clicked in my mind, almost like a nudge to get the book. Then when I checked out the editor/author it was obvious he's anything but a quack. I've since read the book 5 times over. In a row. Ive never done that before, and I've read a lot over the years.

If Spencer's tale is true-- and it certainly rings true for me as a backdrop to Metallicman's narrative-- then we really are just scratching with an ice pick on top of a huge iceberg. Breadcrumbs indeed.

Spencer's tale reveals much, much more. And if it's true, Mr Man was not the first authorised disclosure. But this story sets the scene for MAJestic without telling us so. And even tells us about The Domains plans to 'anchor world lines' at some stage in the future (the alien being the 'pilot' of the Roswell craft-- Corso also writes of a survivor who telepathically communicated with a first responder army nurse at the crash scene, and that this element was immediately covered up by a secretive intelligence outfit in black suits and ties who arrived at the scene a few hours later and took the bodies AND first responders with them. Leaving the craft to Corso's outfit for investigation.)

But put the two together, and you're talking a tale of truly Galactic proportions. And we humans have a long, long way to go in terms of sentience development.

Tbis book just blew me away. Especially given what we now know thanks to Metallicman. Nothing about our history is true. By intention. Nothing about our reality is real!

Anyone read that book as well as all of Metallicman?

Would love to hear someone else's take.

Feal and perolator have reacted to this post.

Oh and one more thing I found very amusing; again given what Mr Man has told us; when the 'interviewee' was asked by a paranoid army type via his 'interviewer' about the weapons capability of his organisation, the reply was: 'very destructive.' And enough said, it seems.

Space Marines? Lasers? Scraps with aliens on Mars? 😂

I don't theeeenk soooohhh.

Feal has reacted to this post.

I had never heard of this book. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Starting it now..

I have never heard of the book. But I will see if I can find it. I would love to read it. -MM

Feal has reacted to this post.

I downloaded a free copy of it. I am attaching it here. I hope it finds you all well. I will read it.

Uploaded files:
Feal, perolator and lindseigh have reacted to this post.

I'm about half way through and a lot rings true, but IS-BE's in space battles?

Quote: There are no "saints" in this universe.

The Domain owning a quarter of the universe?

It doesn't feel right to me. All a bit too Star Trek.

No mention of non-corporeal beings yet but those are the guys who get shit done!

I am reading it now. MY GOD! It's all there. 100%. I can vouch that this is profoundly accurate.

It  is the real deal. Just like MM is the real deal.

I will make this into an article and post on my MAJestic index. Stand by.

perolator, Ultan McG and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
perolatorUltan McGMemory Loss

Heyyy, awesome, Mr Man. Glad you enjoyed it.

It blew me away and gives contextual background to the personal experiences you relate for me, at least.

That introductory letter written by the interviewer (as an old lady) to Spencer was very, very convincing, right?

As you say yourself, it really is an amazing world out there.

All a bit too Star Trek?

You've obviously read very little of Metallicman's MAJestic Index.

Or the World Line one for that matter.

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