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What i mean when I say “My Mantid”

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I’m just going to start by saying - if this resonates with you, cool. If it doesn’t, cool. This is my interpretation of events. Some people may zoom right in, others not. It’s all good.

Either way it’s a story for those who are throwing away Newtonian physics and coming into the QUANTUM lie. And to me, it’s bigger than the religion lie.

The quantum lie is this.

My “guardian angel” or “Fylgia” or WHATEVER, is a MANTID species. It is NOT a Grey.

Have you ever seen the movie “The Truman Show”? Well? That “bubble” - is THIS bubble. The director - is your guardian angel. All the people - MM covers that all over his site.

I am saying this specifically to people who are new to the quantum world. BRAND new.

When this “Bubble” FLIPS INSIDE OUT -  that is the moment we go from particle goes into wave form - BUT PUT THAT ASIDE - I am trying to explain a “vertical time” concept (MM’s hills and valleys).

So that - put it aside.

We are in our “bubble”. Connected to our soul-that is in Heaven -connected by our consciousness. Again, see MM’s site.

I am in my “bubble”. It will not “pop”. It will flip.

That “flip” is the moment of “death”

When it flips I become the director of ITS bubble - if I choose. THAT is a PART of going to the void. I will have a choice to  “go to the light” - not for me - but Christians and Jews - good on ya. There are choices.

Sometimes deceased loved ones “step in” as your guardian angel and you FEEL it - that is a VERTICAL time concept. But it happens. They are ALLOWED to jump in.  Anyone in your DNA strand can.

If I choose not to go into the light and I choose the “new physics” I am MET by the director of “Truman Show Bubble”.

THAT is what I mean by “my Mantid”.

I hope it helps those it needs to help and entertained those it did not!


congjing yu, perolator and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
congjing yuperolatorxzianchow

PL, sorry I didn’t understand even after you explained it.

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

What? You don’t speak “pissedlizard-ish”???

Thank you for letting me know. I am going to turn this into an article with pictures. I’m a guy in my 50s. My picture and animation making skill is about as much as a can of paint. But because you are confused - I’m going to REALLY do a thing. It may take a couple of days.

congjing yu, perolator and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
congjing yuperolatorMemory Loss
Quote from pissedlizard on October 3, 2021, 4:00 am

What? You don’t speak “pissedlizard-ish”???

Thank you for letting me know. I am going to turn this into an article with pictures. I’m a guy in my 50s. My picture and animation making skill is about as much as a can of paint. But because you are confused - I’m going to REALLY do a thing. It may take a couple of days.

When you're not even sure of the punctuation and the grammar, a strange language can be very scary lol.

"Let's eat, grandma" is quite different from "Let's eat grandma" or even "Let grandma eat". While I think I can understand a bit of PLish, I'm also worried of "bad" translations haha.

I look forward to your show and tell.

congjing yu, pissedlizard and daegonmagus have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizarddaegonmagus
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Did grandma taste good? Seriously, if you think I write in circles, you should sit with me face to face. For I, am a king of confusing people.

My big BIG issue is that I never want anyone or anything read what I write and say “we made a mistake when we opened his cage and now pissedlizard is on the front page”.

I know I gotta relax, chill and write but I am still a human.

congjing yu and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
congjing yuGoldleaf

I'm only semi-fluent in PLish 😉 Because some of that did actually make sense. The bubble flipping inside out - I kind of sort of do that during meditation though not exactly and not entirely as you describe as I haven't been able to fully connect with any of my guides or my full soul. I really want to! I'm missing something, there's something (somethings?) I need to learn I haven't found or figured out yet.

I'm looking forward to your next article PL!

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

@ goldleaf

First, you are FLUENT in PL-ish. That’s a fact.

Second, I PROMISE you that you HAVE, in fact, connected to your guides, they are with you every. Single. Step! Yes!  You do know they are there, right? You can feel it, but they aren’t making themselves seen, am I right? They WILL!  On their terms. I am telling you, though- they are right there - I am CERTAIN beaming with pride, too!


congjing yu, Goldleaf and Chromacat have reacted to this post.
congjing yuGoldleafChromacat

Yes there's something there at times. A feeling of presence though no "feelings" if that makes sense. I know I have stuff to learn. I'm just impatient.

congjing yu and Chromacat have reacted to this post.
congjing yuChromacat

I wonder if our pets know they're about too. I've noticed my cats staring at nothing intently a lot more often since beginning meditation.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

@goldleaf. cats definitely. i am pretty sure they can jump in and out almost at will

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
Daegon Magus
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