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Conditional lines of code

Hello everyone,

Been reading this site for some months now, I finished a first affirmation campaign a month ago - I do believe it worked.

So I'd like to take things further - if we're dealing with a consciousness-actuated hologram - and since the human brain is a programmable computer

Then how would one go about conditional affirmations ?

Let me clarify what I mean by that

When I say "I'm living in a beautiful big house" - this is a simple statement to be executed without any condition.

The MWI equivalent of  println("Hello World!")

So how does go about saying / writing the MWI equivalent of IF (condition 1)  THEN (do specific action) ELSE (perform default action) ?
Is this even feasible in the first place ?

Thank you in advance for your answers - and apologies if this has already been discussed or covered in an article.

congjing yu, pissedlizard and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardGoldleafChromacat

@capt-melonhead Yes. I have a complete article on this technique. You can use binary logic. AND, OR, NOR, NAND, etc...

I have a fresh cup of coffee every morning.


I have a plate of hot buttered toast


A leftover pizza slice


I am in a restaurant.


I am eating with a companion....


Etc. etc. etc.

Goldleaf and Capt Melonhead have reacted to this post.
GoldleafCapt Melonhead

Honestly the entire article is on this technique, but Lordy! I haven't a clue as to which one it is. You'll have to go through all my Intention Prayer Campaign Index to find it. It might be in one of those "misc" collection of affirmation techniques, or something similar.

And you can be creative with it as well.

A = Eat pizza.

B= Drink Wine

C=Drink beer.

D= Have your pet with you.

Daily event = D + (A or B or C)


Capt Melonhead has reacted to this post.
Capt Melonhead

@Capt Melonhead excellent question man. I may be wrong but it would seem that consciousness is actually acting like a sub routine whilst operating from the physical brain, the sub routine is just coded toward outputting a reality based on conscious thought  caught in a while loop. If we think from the perspective of that sub routine bubble, our consciousness whilst partaking in the physical world construct can never leave the loop - it is stuck on creating the reality output based on whatever conscious thought input is supplied and it does this over and over again.
You also need to take into account that the coding layer you see on the screen is an interface to make the hardware easier to control by the programmer; you are insulated by this hardware layer through first the assembly language layer that directly changes the register values in whatever chip your code is aimed influencing, and then further insulated by the hardware layer itself which can be broken down to really just being a bunch of transistors that past electricity through a very specific "maze" to achieve a certain outcome. Your brain akin to being this computer chip.
Getting back to our while loop and basic digital logic principles, we can write sub routines to alter other sub routines, but we can never write a sub routine to change part of its own underlying functions. You can get it to change variables, sure, but you can't get it to change any of its function parameters. You need someone viewing the program externally, from the outside in a completely higher dimension to physically change functions within a sub routine.
This why I believe lucid dreaming is so important; because it provides a sort of zero day into the assembly language layer so you can directly influence the registers holding consciousness memory using consciousness itself. It gives you acces to that higher dimension viewpoint. This is something I have been experimenting a little bit with during my time in LD trying to activate and deactivate certain parts of my brain.
Now if this has been done to our consciousness which can be traced back as being basically just a higher order of light, what does this tell you about computer systems? It is my opinion that computers a microcosmic reflections of us powered by even smaller pieces of our consciousness (electrons) we have trapped within these same sub routine matrixes. You turn the computer off and suddenly you no longer have a drain on your power supply.

Chromacat and Capt Melonhead have reacted to this post.
ChromacatCapt Melonhead
Daegon Magus

First off, let me thank both of you for your answers

Second of all, let me explain why I'm asking this

Roughly a year ago, I found myself reading this thing out loud (now I know why reading it out loud was essential for it to work)

There's a section on "Trust" where he says "It is also useful to establish a series of personal signs that Self can use to indicate the progress through an individual lesson" and he goes off on a list of numerical codes to be used as feed-back

Which is pretty much what I'm after at this moment - not only am I interested in defining my objectives, I'm also interested in receiving feedback on my progress towards my own defined goals.

Also, daegonmagus - thank you for your thoughtful answer !

Edit - I read you autobiography - I myself used to have sleep paralysis very often until a few years ago - unlike you, I was never able to relax through it. Now that I've become curious about lucid dreaming, I no longer have any sleep paralysis episodes. Oh, the ironies of life.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu