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In memory of Space Ninja Zumi R.I.P.

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A short post about Space Ninja Zumi.

She was my favourite cat and died 29th May 2021.

She was a "rescue" with her supposed "sister" Aya.

A white breasted tortoise shell girl with the heart of a lion.

When I got her the Cat Rescue people said many times that it was okay to return her as she had already been returned twice.

That made me determined that I wouldn't give up on her and hand her back to be killed for no reason.

At first all she did was hide in fear. After a few days of getting down on the floor she approached me a little.

Then after about a week I started to sit on a couch in front of her favourite hiding spot. Hoping that she might come out.

A few more days later she came out from under the sideboard and looked at me. Nothing else, just curiosity I guess.

I made sure to sit on the left of the two person couch to make a possible space for her. My right arm was relaxed on the right side of the couch.

One day she jumped up and decided to attack my arm. All four paws tearing my arm in stingy little cuts.

Then she'd go back and hide.

She did that for nearly a week.

On about the sixth day she jumped up and I expected more cuts. They came but after her violence she cuddled up to my arm and went to sleep.

Same thing happened for nearly two weeks, violence then cuddles.

Then one day she jumped up and just cuddled with my arm and went to sleep. I made a friend that day.

After that she decided to sit on my chest. At the time I was lifting a lot a weights so it was possible. She'd sit there like a baby in my arms.

More Zumi facts:

She'd fight with her "sister" Aya like some Matrix game. Every hit from Aya was tapped out of the way. Zumi's paws always countered Aya's as a soft tap from above. It was comical to see Aya's infuriation.

Zumi had the mindset that all problems can be solved by her trying harder. Closed door? - dig under it. Locked cat-flap? - run as fast as you can and headbut it! She never asked for help - she was the help!

Some photos:






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congjing yu and DoubleFresh have reacted to this post.
congjing yuDoubleFresh

I love this. I most especially love the story on how you two bonded. It's precious. I am really glad that you had the patience to befriend her like you did. That was great.

When I lived in Boston, there was a store called "Pet Smart". I don't know if they still exist, but it was sort of like a "Sam's Club" for pet supplies. Anyways, they had this section where  unloved or unwanted dogs and cats were put up for adoption.

I noticed one day that one of the cats was still there after six months. So I asked about it. They said that she was really sweet and kind, but that no one wanted her because all she wanted to do was cuddle. They said she was three years old. And was given up for adoption by the daughter-in-law of a man who died of old age.

I took her in and she was super affectionate. When I brought her to the vet, they told me that she wasn't three yours old. She was fifteen! This was an old grandmother kitty.

I didn't care, and she fit in with the rest of us. He was a ragdoll mix, and thus super cuddly and affectionate. She was, however, very insecure and wouldn't let us walk away, and she would follow after us. It was cute, but really a pain if we wanted to go do anything, and we had to keep her in the house if we wanted to go anywhere.

Cats... dogs... horses... even birds add a degree of depth to our lives that so many people overlook. I am so happy that you shared your little story with us.

Feal has reacted to this post.

I’m so sorry for your loss. Your kitty is absolutely adorable and your story is so heartwarming. Having that determination to not bring her back to the shelter as she had already been back, twice, shows your character. She seemed just as blessed with you as you were blessed with her. I’m sure she is still there, sleeping on your chest!

congjing yu and Feal have reacted to this post.
congjing yuFeal

I expected to sense Zumi around after her death but she's gone somewhere else.

I'm currently trying to locate old photos but am a little confused about where they've gone. Too many phones over the years.

Right now I'm spending most of spare my time caring for Aya. Shes has nasal adenocarcinoma, basically nose cancer. By the time it was diagnosed she was too weak to survive chemotherapy and radiotherapy, especially at her age.

Now I'm just trying to make her comfortable for as long as I can. They told me to bring her in if she shows any signs of being in pain. She hasn't but cats don't tend to complain.

It's a hard thing for me to process - do I let them kill her because humans feel bad for her pain or do I let her do what she wants and maybe suffer?

Each day she's more work, but that's irrelevant. She has become very clingy. I hope I'm doing the right thing by respecting her instincts.

I'll try and find some Aya photos to share.

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congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

I hung on to my cat Samatha-panta until she spent the last month in misery. When your beloved kitty starts to be in pain, it's time for you to kindly and gently help her transition. Do so with a loving and caring vet, and spend time with her before hand.

That being said, look for obvious signs of discomfort. You not "jump the gun" so to speak. I did that in the past, and I long, long regret it. Be as nurturing and caring as possible.

One of my old work colleagues took an entire week off to spend with his cat before he put her to sleep. Our boss did not understand, but it did not matter. And afterwards he told me that that week was the most important week of his life and that he had no regrets about it what so ever.

Be good. Be kind. Be the best you that you can be. You will know what to do by what "feels" right.

Feal has reacted to this post.

Thank you.

"Jumping the gun" is what I am scared of.

It's hard as there is no clear line to cross.

I just do not want to force my will on her.

Jesus, man - I am SO sorry. I can’t tell you how my heart hurts just reading this.
I am CERTAIN she is with you. I still don’t have this quantum mechanics thing down so I’m just going to put it this way.

You just suffered a terrible loss. Now, facing another loss with all this on your mind may be clouding it so you can’t feel her presence. She must be with you. As for the second thing, I wish - genuinely wish there was an easy answer for you. Just from your posts it’s very clear that you have a BIG heart. Big heart. I think you will know if and when if it comes down to making that decision. If putting an animal or human, to sleep alleviates the suffering of the animal (or person) - then maybe it is something to think about.

Right  now you don’t have to make it. So if it were me I would do what you are doing. All cancers - all of them - develop a mind of their own and can start to regress. That bridge to cross when you get there is that.

Love your kitty and cherish these moments with her. Scratch her ears and tell her you love her and enjoy the vibe you get back. I’m rooting for her and I’m rooting for you.

I wish nothing but good to you and her and hope that you and your kitty do your best to outlive all of us!

congjing yu and Feal have reacted to this post.
congjing yuFeal

My thoughts, and kindest emotions,  are with you and Aya.

Feal has reacted to this post.

Thank you MM and everyone else who has sent kind thoughts towards Aya and I.

While last week was bad, this week she has been a lot better. I truly believe it's the positive energy flowing her way. I'm very grateful.




congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

A quick sad update.

Aya passed on a couple of hours ago.

Even though it's been seven weeks since Zumi died I hadn't sensed her around but now they're both here!

I guess Zumi was off somewhere busy until Aya joined her. Even looking at Zumi's old photo is different, like she's looking back. I'm so happy they're together again. Zumi was such a Rufus - she even used to help Aya by opening the cat-flap for her when Aya got confused. She'd pull the flap up towards herself so Aya could go through first. They were indoor cats so the flap was just to keep the door between the living room and hall closed to conserve heat.

Aya held on for as long as she could, never complaining. This morning she stopped being clingy and decided to find a dark place to rest. I guess I knew what was coming.

I've been in this place slightly longer than I've had the cats. I never thought about moving as the cats were my priority and finding another place that accepted cats was an almost impossible task.

Recently things changed and I have to move as the landlord has sold the place. Today I just got back from seeing the new place and came back to Aya gone. The universe is a little blatant in orchestrating events sometimes. Not sure how I feel about that. Maybe the cats were okay with moving on to allow me to move forward. Or prod me to move on.

It's one of those times in my life again where everything changes as if predestined. Hopefully I'm more aware now than I was twenty years ago when some really weird coincidences ended up with me marrying a rather disturbed American women. I guess I must have deserved that somehow. Well, I paid that karmic debt off a decade ago so time for the next show!

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
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