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Current events and cognitive dissonance

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Disclaimer - this might come across as rude, but there's some things that need to be said

Starting premise - if you're here, you strongly suspect that things are not what they seem and feel a strong need to learn how reality actually works

Conclusion - Covid is a communicable disease, we can rely on historical accounts, etc

The conclusion simply does not derive from the premise !!!

Let's take history - we have heritage buildings we're unable to reproduce with our current technology.
Everything that's older than mid-19th century has its ground floor buried under a layer of mud.
I've read some Russian reports that there's a layer of Caesium-137 if one digs a bit around the likes of Ryazan or Tula (among others)

My take is that, in at least one timeline, there was a technologically advanced society that got wiped out in a nuclear war.

On a related note, there's this thing

If they can make plasma projectile weaponry - and they admit they can - they can make fusion reactors - which I'm sure they've been doing for a while.
So why the fuck are we paying for energy, when it should be free and clean ???

Furthermore,  look up what a plasma projectile looks like - it looks like a smoke ring
Then look up "bombardment of Sveaborg" - and you'll smoke rings depicted

My take is that the Crimean War was on a global scale and the documented destruction of Sevastopol - where bricks walls several meters thick were literally pulverized - was done with plasma weaponry.

Once again, we're dealing with a timeline with a technological advanced society that had fusion reactors and particle accelerators.
You might want to ask yourself why the likes of St Paul's in London, Les Invalides in Paris or St Isaac's in Sankt Petersburg have triple domes.
Then look up what an electrostatic particle accelerator looks like.

When it comes to history, it simply doesn't add up.
None of our historical heritage should have been built if they were really living by candlelight and going around in horse-drawn carts.

So we're either dealing with massive timeline fuckery - we're on a composite timeline and it's thus impossible to figure out anything.
OR they have ways of brainwashing everyone into forgetting everything.

And last but not least - COVID - and the general issue of "viral theory of disease".

Now I understand that in a VR environment, each participant has his own bubble of reality.
But, at least in my own bubble, it was never proven that viruses cause disease.
In my own bubble, radiation sickness looks exactly like the flu - look it up if you don't believe me

In my own bubble of reality, COVID seems to be caused by radiation interfering with hemoglobin's ability to carry oxygen around - thus causing respiratory deficiency.
It's EMF messing up with the iron in your blood

And yet you people speak of these weird things like "American-made bioweapon in an attempt to destroy China" or "oh no I caught the damn bug".

In my bubble of reality, viruses are these inert things - the only way to catch one is to literally have it INJECTED into your body.

So the conclusion to my long-winded ramblings.

If they're lying about the nature of reality - then they're lying about everything.

So we're either dealing with a massive amount of cognitive dissonance - where even people who claim to astral project don't care to cross-check their reasoning for inconsistencies.


This is another honeypot - a mixture of truths and untruths meant to prevent one from breaking out of imprisonment.

congjing yu, pissedlizard and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardGoldleafgarrireChromacat

So, this is a great example you've just made of Syllogistic Logic.

The great thing about syllogisms is that, even if the premises are wrong, the outcome can still be correct, and, further, the outcome can be wrong with correct premises.

If you cherry pick the relevant data, and ignore certain parts, you get an outcome you want that seems consistent, logical and appears correct.

This is, of course, provided the logic is internally consistent within the syllogism itself. You specifically have to exclude external evidence to the contrary. It does require a degree of cognitive dissonance.

If you continue to build other knowledge, based on a prior incorrect series of assumptions, you start to compound the errors. But, again, no matter how far along you go, it all appears to be correct until you re-examine the foundational assumptions.

Then, before you know it, you have a replication crisis in which an enormous amount of studies accepted as fact cannot be repeated, by other scientists or by the person who published the paper. Further compounded by a news apparatus that just wants to make headlines and drive a narrative, rather than report facts and let people have opinions of their own.

But, of course, since most research is funded by someone who wants a specific outcome, who wants to go back and challenge the status quo? Who can even afford to?

I've often wondered how far back we'd have to go and "start over". I've frequently thought Tesla would make the most sense, given his famous quote of energy and wavelengths.

congjing yu, pissedlizard and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardGoldleafCapt Melonhead

If you're here, it's clear that you want to challenge the status quo.


It's really that simple.
If you're not questioning everything you think you know, you're not being honest with yourself.

And yet I don't see that being done in a consistent manner.
So I ask myself why and get an uneasy feeling.

congjing yu, pissedlizard and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardGoldleafDSKlauslergarrireChromacat

That's an interesting point, and its always worth keeping in mind. I get what you mean, too with the uneasy feeling - some things are contradictory and nobody seems, in public at least, to be questioning this.

So, for here, my starting point is that those who seem to have a higher connection to outside forces have rules for disclosure. They've open about this. Sometimes, this can be sidestepped with an analogy. However, analogies are slippery beasts at the best of times, and if you get the wrong end of it, well, I've already spoken about syllogisms and compounding errors. So, there's a degree of "trust, but verify." The issue then becomes, how do you verify?

Next, a matter of practicality. Nobody is a master of everything, each has their own area of specialisation and interest. Trying to break down and question everything about everything would lead to analysis paralysis, and at which point, how can you even live your life?

So, for me, many things vibe with me. Something keeps pulling me back. Everyone has their own torch that they're trying to shine into Plato's Cave, resulting in disjointed and broken pictures.

The more people that find their torches, and share what they see, the bigger and clearer the picture will become, for everyone. The truth will eventually shine through, clear and bright.

For the public at large, we're fighting against deeply ingrained beliefs and the cult of "The Science", and the stigma that comes with questioning the status quo. People are starting to question everything, but its a very slow process and we're fighting a deeply, deeply entrenched status quo. Morpheus's various speeches to Neo explaining the world from the first Matrix film are a useful analogy here.

I don't think what I've typed here will scan clearly enough to assuage your uneasy feeling - so, simply, find your torch of truth, shine it brightly, and trust (but verify, as far as you are able) in those doing the same. Good faith debate is an incredibly powerful tool.

If developments turn out to be a honeypot, well, we're in it now. No prison can hold a sufficiently motivated group of inmates forever.

congjing yu, pissedlizard and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardGoldleafDSKlauslerChromacatCapt Melonhead

Regarding these "rules of disclosure" - bear with me

So one day I went down to a nearby supermarket - cuz a hungry boy gotta eat.
During a 15-minute walk, it seemed that every car passing by had an angel number on the licence plate - 111 / 222 / etc
I tried counting them as they passed, simply couldn't keep up

That evening I somehow stumbled upon this thing

An edited summary is over here

At one point, the "elite insider" says something along the lines of - "I'll gladly tell you everything, but you have to ask me. You have free will, including the will to ignorance. Me giving you answers you didn't ask for would violate your free will contract".

And of course there's Thomas Pynchon - "If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers."

congjing yu, pissedlizard and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardGoldleafgarrire
Quote from Capt Melonhead on October 7, 2021, 7:29 pm

Regarding these "rules of disclosure" - bear with me

So one day I went down to a nearby supermarket - cuz a hungry boy gotta eat.
During a 15-minute walk, it seemed that every car passing by had an angel number on the licence plate - 111 / 222 / etc
I tried counting them as they passed, simply couldn't keep up

That evening I somehow stumbled upon this thing

An edited summary is over here

At one point, the "elite insider" says something along the lines of - "I'll gladly tell you everything, but you have to ask me. You have free will, including the will to ignorance. Me giving you answers you didn't ask for would violate your free will contract".

And of course there's Thomas Pynchon - "If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers."

Interesting. I stopped here:

 It is very important to us, that the Polarization of this planet is Negative at the time of the Great Harvest. That means Service to Self orientated, as opposed to Positive, Service to Others. We require a Negative Harvest, and you are doing a fine job of helping us to attain our goal. We are very grateful.

There's quite a lot to unpack so I will resume at a later time.

Thank you for your writings, @Capt Melonhead.


Edit: @daegonmagus and @PissedLizard, your comments please? This thing makes me curious but is above me haha.


congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

That statement is a bit taken out of context

He then goes on to explain that the only way out for the Venus bloodlines is for THEM to be total assholes.
They don't want US being service-to-self, quite the contrary.
It's just that the terms of their contract leave no other way out for THEM, so unless they act like the most selfish bastards imaginable, they're stuck here

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard


I want to be as positive as possible. I ALWAYS strive to be here - I really do.

However - the open call to the Domain changed things. Now I must only say the truth as I have accepted it on this world template. Because the die has been cast and the ONLY way to reverse course is megadeath.

I want to say this again and be very clear because me - the guy typing this shit - the human - does not want blood on his hands.


Now, there are things that can be LOOKED at to try to figure out who is who. I know this sounds vague.

The place I would start, if I were a young reporter is a place called Ulaanbaatar and why did Joe Biden goe there about 10 years ago? He went on official business. It can be looked up.

He brought something there. Something the Chinese and Russians know nothing about.

And in return his son (sun) was cursed. And as radiation was spilt on Tengrist land, so was radiation spilled in his sons brain.

And THAT can still be detected @ his sons grave.

This I know to be true.

Shall I go on? It seems people want to be warriors but they do not want to fight on this planet.

That’s not good.

Saturn Ascends. Choose 1 or 10. Hang on or be humbled. Again.

Wear the grudge like a crown of negativity.

Calculate what we will or will not tolerate.

Tool fans - is this making more sense?



congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

What if there's a split - you die in one reality and live on in another

Reality splits, there's mass death in both - and then each type of sentience goes its own way

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
Quote from pissedlizard on October 9, 2021, 9:47 pm


I want to be as positive as possible. I ALWAYS strive to be here - I really do.

However - the open call to the Domain changed things. Now I must only say the truth as I have accepted it on this world template. Because the die has been cast and the ONLY way to reverse course is megadeath.

I want to say this again and be very clear because me - the guy typing this shit - the human - does not want blood on his hands.


Now, there are things that can be LOOKED at to try to figure out who is who. I know this sounds vague.

The place I would start, if I were a young reporter is a place called Ulaanbaatar and why did Joe Biden goe there about 10 years ago? He went on official business. It can be looked up.

He brought something there. Something the Chinese and Russians know nothing about.

And in return his son (sun) was cursed. And as radiation was spilt on Tengrist land, so was radiation spilled in his sons brain.

And THAT can still be detected @ his sons grave.

This I know to be true.

Shall I go on? It seems people want to be warriors but they do not want to fight on this planet.

That’s not good.

Saturn Ascends. Choose 1 or 10. Hang on or be humbled. Again.

Wear the grudge like a crown of negativity.

Calculate what we will or will not tolerate.

Tool fans - is this making more sense?



Something from this object? That would be bad news if detonated I guess.

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard
Ciao! Gip me your ideas
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