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Introduction to our Holomatrix, with vids! (feat cameo by Nikky Tesla)

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Supp Daaawwwgs, Dracul here I finally got around to posting instead of dropping mini manifesto  on the article comments. I also want all you n-words to know that I am totally Trans.


So now that we got our pronouns and connouns out of the way, let us begin by tell you that everything you count on to be true, reliable, and basically unquestionable....  Is. Wrong.  Ok, im trolling. Everything you know, isnt 'wrong'...its just..thats its actually not 'wrong', for most people, everything they accept as true is... POTENTIALLY true!

And the greatest battles you'll always have to fight anywhere, anytime, is always, the battle, against, yourself. Because, in order to successfully fool, destroy, overcome, exile, exhaust, etc .. ANY enemy, or target, no matter who you are or what you're up against, the best strategy is always: "The. enemy. fighting. itself."

Since Gill Bates decided to gift us his plandemic, I decided I had enough endless time and energy to assemble a device made by Ed Leedskalinin, the guy who made Coral Castle in Florida. He made brochures (which you can order from their gift shop) on how to build an ‘Permanent Motion Holder’ that would hold and lock a keeper bar across the prongs, and all you needed to input was 12volts at 3-6amps for a few seconds, after which the keeper would lock up magnetically – the device weighs about 100lb since its iron and copper, but the keeper would stay locked and you can lift the entire thing off the ground. Oh, once you input the 12volts, you would remove the input .. its still a mystery to most as to how it works and why...So after assembling it and tinkering with it, I decided to also look into Tesla’s research on Radiant Energy.

AAAnnndddddd… after I understood the schematics of the energetic circuit as he described it, I assembled a hodge podge salad- mix of wiring and devices… at first, I didnt get it to work, so I went back online and after a few days I found an obscure detail… which was clutch: instead of using copper wire for a main coil, Tesla used a copper tube. He was using a high voltage, low amp current DC, run through a spark gap, which had a magnet across it – the electron would have the potential to jump the gap and beat the air resistance, but once it entered the gap, it would get taken for a ride by the magnetic flux… literally… the fuel-current would run out and the electron would die mid-jump, BUT… it would pass its forward mission-potential to the flux, which would unlock from the magnet, and continue finishing the electron’s job, but from Tachyon Field (Potential/Quantum), and instead of going like the electron, it would view the coils from a 3D wire-frame perspective, and thus, each coil, would be seen as having height, width, AND...depth. So the electron, would become.. a Neutron! And do an inventory of the total circuit by adding up the totality of the volume available… so say first wire turn is a 2x2x6mm.. so that’s 24, then the next turn would be seen as a new container, due to the 90d turn over the horizon. And so each wire turn would be MULTIPLIED volumetrically with the next. To get the spark gap harmonics, he said he tried all sorts of materials, even carbon. So I tried a pencil, ..aand… it worked! I had wrapped the wire around the pencil to hold it.. which accidentally made a magnetic field.. which...made a shield for the carbon spark gap , which had unexpectedly made a plasma arc..which is like the Sun, except that it made not energy, but Neutrons… and… soo, with the fusion plasma and the tube, I … got the Radiant Energy to work as advertised. I can turn 12vdc/5a – 60W into 2KW-50KW. The harmonics needs to be tuned to get a consistent output: I was using a transformer to get the 12V to 10KV at .006 amps. 10,000 / 12 = 833 .006a x 833 =4.98. So the output from a 12v/5amp circuit would deliver a potential standing wave positronic energetic-delivery-packet of… 10KVx5A = 50KW. With the usual, you get to choose either high volts or high amps. With the Radiance, you get a potential of BOTH, in same place, same time.

But here it is: The plasma netron-flux initiator of the Standing Wave:

Potential Volts – 30 to 2000+ cause my meter only goes to 2KV

Potential Amps: 3-6A

Welp, with that, I found that, the multiplier of the Radiant Light, is always… 833 … now that kinda number is very familiar… Something was telling me that I shouldnt celebrate and to investigate further, why the factoring was dependent on the math and not the segmentation /volume of the forward coil

Tesla made a car that ran on the Standing Wave. He used a box with vacuum tubes and resistors, batteries were12v@6 amps and installed a 80HP (60KW) electric motor. 72Watts x 833 =59,976v = 60KW.

And thats how I found out that… this ENTIRE place… is one, big Radiant Light/Standing Wave, that uses magnetic fields sent through the Tachyon/Potential field. Everything here, as far as I know, is, a holographic facsimile of the 'real' thing (whatever that might be) - but it has to behave exactly as if it wasnt in a Holomatrix. Even the 'current'-amps, are a simulation. You can tell this place to send you anything, because its basically sending you the source code to activate an...object, on a holodeck.

When two energetic harmonics run through each other, they wipe out the current (amps), but leave the potential (voltage), if they make a 90D turn and head towards each other, they both reactuate and the cycle repeats. As long as you are -inside- this rotating torus, you just need to input a small amount of energy to fuel up the circuit… aftre that, it can multiply itself to any amount you want. And this is how everything here, actuates… just like the PMH… which is the same Standing Wave, with the flux rotating inside the iron, but on the Potential Side. You just need someone to ‘meet’ the positronic packet and ground it, so that the negatronic flux from the ground and the one from the Tachyon side, they switch sides by running by each other to fill up the vacuum behind, and thus, current is recreated on the delivery side, through a simple antenna-receiver, ground-charged-capacitor, commutator switch, genetic transformer, and load.

I also found out that Tesla had continued his research into the Radiance on the download, eventually finding that the best stuff to use was neutral materials, like vaccuum, nitrogen, quartz, even galena. He also found that the Radiant Light had different effects at different color wavelengths…. And guess what, we have 5 -Light Based- Bodies… think.. Olympic Rings /Infinity Stones… one of them is a goat-human with horns (he’s blue), there’s a gorilla, a duck-avian one, and the Purple one, is a Titan…
the Mad Purple Titan with the colored gems… sounds familiar….hmm… anyways

From what I gather, our ‘physical’ bodies, are on Saturn 6, aka, Titan! And we are being beamed to a magnetic ringed planet called SATAN err I mean SATurn. OK, jk, we are being beamed as POTENTIAL, but we ACTUATE on another planet, a blue planet, with … magnetic prison rings.. which is at 90D from Saturn… … can U guess whats its called?

Oh, and like Tesla said – 3-6-9 – this place is a tri-rotating potentiator: 3- Potential – 6 Actuation – 9: Potential OF the Potential. And everything here, wants to get to perfection: 99 so it can deliver the current-cy of this place: LOOSH! The east-west magnetic flux. First its North-South (blue/red) then its Green/Orange (east-west) and then its Purple and Yellow. Soo, everything wants to get to become.. Gold (on the other side). Gold = 79. 1 for you 1 for the Matrix so, 99. (but its not that simple or direct) Oh yeah, everything here, is Math-a-Magical. 1 = the sender. Soo, if I have gold 79, and I GIVE it to someone, well, its actually, not 79 anymore, its.. 81. But when you’re looking at it, its 79, when its not observed, or in the dark, its, something else.

Enough talking for now, time for some actual stuff to review: Here are just SOME of the 4th Density colors, it took a while to clear out the bulk of the visual roadblocks bullshit they make us with, but, in a plandemic, you get not only time, but the energy to know the NWOrmal is coming for all our bases, so, since I’ve felt I’ll eventually join the Illuminati if things go a certain route, here it is, we are ALL, actually, the Illuminati, cause we have 5 -Light-Based-Bodies.

Here’s the vids, dowload them, follow the instructions: and enjoy.
1 min 1min 3.5 mins, and high FPS available.

If you want more manifestos like these, please, I welcome and highly value questions (it gives me a way to create a vacuum-space when a question is asked, which means as I move the info to them (their open mind/space/time), it creates a vacuum space for -my- questions to the Matrix, meaning, as I hand out a known answer to someone asking, a question I had somewhere in my mind gets automagically answered. Its the 'mag-netic-magic flux' of the Potential Field...

and I'll show you potential n-words, how to view it (cause so far I can only view it, I havent found a direct way to use it, but maybe its already been working the way its supposed to...)



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congjing yu, pissedlizard and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardfifth.eschatonMemory Loss

Interesting. You been poking around!

Everything here, as far as I know, is, a holographic facsimile of the 'real' thing (whatever that might be) - but it has to behave exactly as if it wasnt in a Holomatrix. Even the 'current'-amps, are a simulation. You can tell this place to send you anything, because its basically sending you the source code to activate an...object, on a holodeck.

Imagine your car can run around powered by a 60W phone battery or power bank, wouldn't that be something?

Would love to hear more, and I wonder if this can be integrated into the CerebroMM™ thingamagic.


congjing yu and daegonmagus have reacted to this post.
congjing yudaegonmagus
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@dracul any chance you can go over a step by step how to on building the apparatus? I'm thinking a build file for this thing would be handy, i can help with it but so far i only understand very little of what you spoke about

congjing yu, pissedlizard and Alice have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardAlice
Daegon Magus

Hi,  which aparatus, I've said a lot, are you refering to the Radiant Light  Energetics part or the Holomatrix-viewing part or..

I saw someone posted something about a water magnetizer and gold duplicator, which sounded like they had the correct conceptual energetics for them to work (38 volts DC- which is 833-338 and thats what you need to create, the 8 steps down to 7 (potential) then 6(actuation of command line type prompt)

Everything basically works like DOS, in fact the diagonal slashes are exactly whats being transmitted, from what i've seen. Two right angles will collapse to form a diagonal.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

@dracul what would the process be to make everything from scratch?.....and no i am not expecting you to answer all that at once

Daegon Magus
Quote from dracul on October 9, 2021, 8:34 pm

I saw someone posted something about a water magnetizer and gold duplicator, which sounded like they had the correct conceptual energetics for them to work (38 volts DC- which is 833-338 and thats what you need to create, the 8 steps down to 7 (potential) then 6(actuation of command line type prompt)


Yes I've been busy. Since the last post I built a irrigation recycling dam on the farm all by myself, ploughed the farm twice and built the Golden Wand.

But first Dracul.....  let me recap. This entire Universe is made of Light Structures. Everything is the Light said Tesla. Thales and Aristotle agreed that Everything is Water and Life is in Everything. What this means is.... Light, from ALL sources, candle, spark, sun, bulb is a STRUCTURE that is Magnetic. Like a tiny "lego" piece that has a North and South Pole and an 'equatorial' polarity region. These Structures of Light come together to form Tetrahedrons and then these Tetrahedrons form ALL OF CREATION. There are no electrons or protons or neutrons Dracul. So if you want to discuss ALIEN TECHNOLOGY which is TESLA and Leedskalnin TECHNOLOGY, please do so using their terms of Reference and 'electrons' are just not part of any real science. Think in terms of Energy, Frequency and Vibrations with WAVE FORMS. Because thats all there is. Further readings....

Now the Golden Wand. It's nearly finished, all but the wiring. Note the Wiring format. There is an INFINITY LOOP of the electrical CURRENT flow, that in of itself, creates a rotating Magnetic Field. (its what CERN is all about) Then the 5 gold rods generate a Magnetic Field in the water. To operate it correctly, the glass of water MUST be rotated anti-clockwise during power up, and this also is creating a rotating Magnetic Field as Water is a LIQUID MAGNETIC STRUCTURE OF LIGHT. So we have 2 rotating magnetic Fields and one 'stationary' Magnetic Field interacting the other two. Tesla said that ROTATING MAGNETIC FIELDS will create Radiant Energy every time. (energy from the Aether/Firmament/Quintessense/Akashic or 5th Element also know as HEAVEN.) Keely said you need a NEUTRAL CENTRE creation for Radiant Energy to manifest and a rotating magnetic Field Creates a Neutral Centre (every time said Tesla)

Attached are the Pics of the Golden Wand in the construction phases. Im waiting for panel mount sockets from ebay for the wiring to be completed. What it does? It literally 'transmutes' the water into gold. You then get MAGNETIC Gold enhancing your Bio Energy Field. Same as the Silver Generator

As ALL 'elements' are but Frequencies of Water, (energy frequency and vibration remember) to 'add' the frequency of silver or gold, one merely uses these metals and 'activates' them with Magnetic Current in the proper 'format' or a DC power source tuned to the harmonics of the 'element' and the water "takes on" the MEMORY of the energy, frequency and vibration of whatever you are amplifying but you MUST have a NEW Neutral Centre about the Design for the Low Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR = definition of Cold Fusion) to 'transmute the water into Gold or Silver.


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Quote from dracul on October 8, 2021, 9:34 pm

I am totally Trans.


Not to be any thing other than totally clinically Scientific as per the Magnetic Universe... just what is "Trans"?

Trans-National? Trans-Parent? Trans-Silvanian? The word has no 'meaning' other than passing through or from.

There is a Duality of the Universe... Positive and Negative. North and South. Yin and Yang. Heaven and Hell, Good and Bad, God and Satan AND MALE AND FEMALE. Any derivative or variations of these are an aberration from the Universal Construct. Sure they exist. Just like one can create a Mono Pole Field or a Multipole Field so too can Biological Magnetic Fields be BIASED towards either. But its a DEAD END for Creation and without creation there's only destruction. Being not of Universal Field Constructs, ie lack of Harmonic Balances of Nature, it can be brought about by 'programming' or environmental or other unbalanced Field Conditions. It can be corrected. Its all about Magnetic Body Electronics. Some might want to think they were born that way or made by God that way or just 'evolved' that way. But the Universe doesnt 'work' that way. Everything is Magnetic Field interactions, NOT "chemical reactions". For a Human Body to 'attract' to 'like polarities', there HAS to be an IMBALANCE in the Fields. "Programming" by others is the 'usual suspects'. As you think... So you are. Emotos Water Crystal theories 101, also know as... Placebo Science. Its why we have Age of Consent to shield bad programming from the newly formed and Blank hard drives known as the brain. Some 5% of the USA identify as some aberration of 'programming' now these days. You literally GET what you wish for, only it wasnt your 'wish'. Not pointing the finger at anyone other than the general population.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Hey @MerLynn, I scrounged up all old car battery lying about. Except it's pretty old, like 5 years old. So I'm charging up up for maybe a day or so. Then we'll see how it goes. I have some neurological issues from an old injury. My left side is numbish and my memory isn't so great. Will this help?

I can hold the outputs of a step-down DC transformer instead right? Some should be variable voltage output. That would be easier than buying bike batteries and I can put the transformer to other uses too.

I saw some of your old posts on another site. I'm totally intrigued.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas
Quote from daegonmagus on October 11, 2021, 7:21 am

@dracul what would the process be to make everything from scratch?.....and no i am not expecting you to answer all that at once

I'll have a schematic for you daegonmagus (guys and guyettes) soon on how to turn 60W into 50KW.

Quote from MerLynn on October 12, 2021, 10:06 am
Quote from dracul on October 9, 2021, 8:34 pm

I saw someone posted something about a water magnetizer and gold duplicator, which sounded like they had the correct conceptual energetics for them to work (38 volts DC- which is 833-338 and thats what you need to create, the 8 steps down to 7 (potential) then 6(actuation of command line type prompt)


Yes I've been busy. Since the last post I built a irrigation recycling dam on the farm all by myself, ploughed the farm twice and built the Golden Wand.

But first Dracul.....  let me recap. This entire Universe is made of Light Structures. Everything is the Light said Tesla. Thales and Aristotle agreed that Everything is Water and Life is in Everything. What this means is.... Light, from ALL sources, candle, spark, sun, bulb is a STRUCTURE that is Magnetic. Like a tiny "lego" piece that has a North and South Pole and an 'equatorial' polarity region. These Structures of Light come together to form Tetrahedrons and then these Tetrahedrons form ALL OF CREATION. There are no electrons or protons or neutrons Dracul. So if you want to discuss ALIEN TECHNOLOGY which is TESLA and Leedskalnin TECHNOLOGY, please do so using their terms of Reference and 'electrons' are just not part of any real science. Think in terms of Energy, Frequency and Vibrations with WAVE FORMS. Because thats all there is. Further readings....

Now the Golden Wand. It's nearly finished, all but the wiring. Note the Wiring format. There is an INFINITY LOOP of the electrical CURRENT flow, that in of itself, creates a rotating Magnetic Field. (its what CERN is all about) Then the 5 gold rods generate a Magnetic Field in the water. To operate it correctly, the glass of water MUST be rotated anti-clockwise during power up, and this also is creating a rotating Magnetic Field as Water is a LIQUID MAGNETIC STRUCTURE OF LIGHT. So we have 2 rotating magnetic Fields and one 'stationary' Magnetic Field interacting the other two. Tesla said that ROTATING MAGNETIC FIELDS will create Radiant Energy every time. (energy from the Aether/Firmament/Quintessense/Akashic or 5th Element also know as HEAVEN.) Keely said you need a NEUTRAL CENTRE creation for Radiant Energy to manifest and a rotating magnetic Field Creates a Neutral Centre (every time said Tesla)

Attached are the Pics of the Golden Wand in the construction phases. Im waiting for panel mount sockets from ebay for the wiring to be completed. What it does? It literally 'transmutes' the water into gold. You then get MAGNETIC Gold enhancing your Bio Energy Field. Same as the Silver Generator

As ALL 'elements' are but Frequencies of Water, (energy frequency and vibration remember) to 'add' the frequency of silver or gold, one merely uses these metals and 'activates' them with Magnetic Current in the proper 'format' or a DC power source tuned to the harmonics of the 'element' and the water "takes on" the MEMORY of the energy, frequency and vibration of whatever you are amplifying but you MUST have a NEW Neutral Centre about the Design for the Low Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR = definition of Cold Fusion) to 'transmute the water into Gold or Silver.


Thank you for the upload MerLynn.

Does your duplicator have any physically rotating parts? Also, do you just put in (distilled?) water and X amount of time passes and there will be X amount of extra gold on the rods?

I haven't been concentrating on duplication as of yet, I've been busy clearing out the bullshit filters in my eyes, because I've wanted to see the Potential/Quantum field 'hidden options' that our esteemed makers rendered us with, and that's been going going splendidly.  See my newest post.

@dracul what happened to your newest post mate? I was going to ask you your process of viewing the VR like when you hold a video camera up to a mirror and it gives you that infinite tunnel. I read it in your post but didn't quite get what you mean. How do you go about viewing the holomatrix like that?

Daegon Magus