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Unexpected source of insight: The Solari Report

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@goldleaf - you said “Some people figure them out, some don't.”


You are flying, do you know that? In the matrix, right now.

Like a little golden butterfly!

This I know to be true.



@goldleaf you asked “What you suicided?”

Heh heh.. Lets just say PL was a pretty fucking depressed and desperate guy a little while ago. The only one that was nice to him was a guy half a planet away. It just wasn’t enough.  Got to the other side, didn’t go to the light, made a few deals, learned a few tricks - as did several other people that did it at that time.

THAT is what the world template “reset” was. But it wasn’t a reset. It was an echo.

ANYWAY - Yeah. A bunch of us veterans got to the other side - made a mass deal and here we are. Look at some of my old posts. They got REAL weird - quick.

That’s why.

And here we all are.

All of this I know to be true.




Memory Loss has reacted to this post.
Memory Loss
Quote from Goldleaf on October 10, 2021, 10:27 am

I didn't "see" the french fries exactly. I smelled them LOL No, I wasn't eating or near any food at the time. I have no idea how that works or why so just go with it. Let's just say I find myself thinking "well that was weird" a lot. A LOT.

From everything I've read all humans have some sort of latent abilities - one or many. Some people figure them out, some don't. While I'm sure there are talented people out there that can tell what other's abilities are, I'm not one of those at this time. There's a ton of crap to sift through on the internet though. Why not help yourself out? That would be a pretty easy affirmation to start on. Something like:

  • I have discovered my psychic abilities and practice them daily.
  • I ask for assistance on improving my psychic abilities.


Yeah. That's a ton of humans. Maybe the Great Reset is to keep humans from evolving their abilities. This David fella, probably thinks the puny humans here can overthrow the elite.  The iron in the blood concept, I might stick a magnet to the forehead while putting my hands on a car battery just for laughs.


I'm trying to understand a @pissedlizard in the meanwhile lol.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@ML - I will help you understand me in any way, shape or form.

My advice is this :

Read and read MMs posts - all of them. Even the ones that “don’t look cool” - like the food and movie ones - and I love them - but they are SO overlooked for gems of info about the MWI.

Read all of DMs posts and book. Learn from these two master teachers.

Other than that - I am an easy, easy human to chat with! Ask anything. But know this - you may not like all of the answers - and that is PART of the great lie.

All of this I know to be true.




Help the domain find their lost battalion. No quid pro quo, just help.

Maybe we can try to be Non-transactional. Many religions are. Even Yahweh was transactional, I will give u xyz IF you worship me. Maybe we as humans can do better than the gods. Or maybe sometimes being dumber can be more glorious lol.

Let's just help locate the Lost Battalion without expectation of any payback. We try to keep our word or promise whatever. Maybe the strength of humanity is in our kindness our "rufusness".

Thats a great idea! Count me in.

I will do the intention campaign as you have listed, but I do not choose to be part of the "Domain" nor have myself "altered" or "implanted" etc. I am still not convinced as to who they say they are, and to the justness of their cause.

However, whatever I do will be to help the Domain personnel recover their OWN FREE WILL, as this is paramount for all beings.

congjing yu, pissedlizard and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardMemory LossGoldleaf

@pissedlizard I've been thinking a lot about your request for affirmations to help heal the planet. Sorry it took so long to reply.

  • I send healing energy to planet Earth to aid in its recovery from human-made pollution.
  • The rivers and lakes of planet Earth are restored to their natural state, free from human-made pollution.

Do either of these resonate with you?

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

Your command of the English language is nothing short of amazing and your words ring like the laughter of children. You are a wordsmith like no other.

I thank you.

This I know to be true.


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