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Unexpected source of insight: The Solari Report

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OK. I was looking at Covid-19, and stumbled on this Solari Report.  Link:

Just an excerpt:

Ulrike Granögger and David O’Hagan are talking about David’s recent article “Iron” which is an intelligent and complex compilation of scientific studies, journalistic research, anecdotal documentation as well as insightful cross-connections to the work and predictions of Rudolf Steiner.

In this conversation, we are highlighting some of the implications that arise from the observed effects that the CV-19 ‘vaccines’ have on the blood, blood cells and blood vessels, including growing evidence of disturbing pollutants in the vaccines. We also look at the spiritual or energetic implications that a loss of blood’s capacity to “speak” on higher levels (Heb. 12:24) will have.

There's a lot of interesting stuff going on there but I don't have a transcript. (Also I fell asleep halfway so that didn't help haha) At the end however I woke up and, something caught my attention.  David O'Hagan says a group of people meditating can exponentially increase their power. Instead of a group of eight minimum as suggested by Lynn McTaggart, he suggests that 200-300 people can make a difference even against the "forces of darkness" that we are facing. David O'Hagan thinks that even such a small number may beat enough to beat them. "All these adversarial powers seem powerful but we have something which is far, far more powerful.." 1:26.37. He sounds like he is Ronald Bernard there.

Now, my takeaway is MM forum is 20k+ people. If we get 1% to come in on a prayer campaign with well designed wording, we can have a stab at things. @goldleaf, you suppose that you can be a poet? Many people cannot LD, but I think we can all participate in a prayer campaign. Maybe this is the reason why half the time I pop in here, I'm thinking "critical mass, critical mass" haha. Besides the low hanging fruit, because hungry lol.

It's very strange, if I had just slept through a few more minutes, I would have missed it. I'm gonna look at this guy's work.

Edit: Added in his paper.

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congjing yu, pissedlizard and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardGoldleafAliceChromacat
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

What did you have in mind?

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.


Your words flow like music to us staring at a screen. I think someone is complementing you by asking for a song, one for us all to say and sing en masse.

There was a song an old woman sang a about a place called Baigul nuur. It’s a beautiful lake, now polluted by radiation I hear.

Perhaps something to help heal the land and lakes before the earth cracks open.

I agree and humbly ask for some healing melodies!

congjing yu, Memory Loss and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
congjing yuMemory LossGoldleaf

Just random musings, in no particular order:

The bigger picture

Help the domain find their lost battalion. No quid pro quo, just help.

Maybe we can try to be Non-transactional. Many religions are. Even Yahweh was transactional, I will give u xyz IF you worship me. Maybe we as humans can do better than the gods. Or maybe sometimes being dumber can be more glorious lol.

Let's just help locate the Lost Battalion without expectation of any payback. We try to keep our word or promise whatever. Maybe the strength of humanity is in our kindness our "rufusness".

What we can do

So one thing we can "pray" for is the number of Rufus in MM to increase. The correct skill set to be deployed.

What we need 

We need skills, implementation, numbers.  People with skills, an plan or plans, more people in the affirmation engine room.

Reach out

@goldleaf GL you could see my French fries. Can you see our strengths. Can you see the terrain ahead?

@cong jing yu MM if you are indeed the Universal Overseer, you will be the creative destroyer of this world of a prison planet. The elite wanted a Great Reset and maybe they will get it. But it doesn't have to be on their terms haha.


keff and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@pissedlizard I can think of a few things. Once the thoughts are better formed I'll start posting variations in this thread and you can help adjust. Or see if any of them speak to you.

@memory-loss For finding the lost battalion, MM has a great affirmation written already. You can use it unaltered or as a starting point. It has 0 strings attached, is just freely offering help. Let me find it.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

@goldleaf -

You are the best! I literally just got my first Shapeshifter Stripe <excitement> and the Emerthers have an interest in watching how we perform.

They are watching ALL of us since my suicide a few weeks ago - so it’s ME they are judging how I interact with all of y’all’s quanta!

This I know to be true.


Goldleaf and Alice have reacted to this post.

Re: The Lost Battalion

The article is this one:

I actually did alter the first sentence very slightly for my own Affirmations:

All members of The Domain's “Lost Battalion” are no longer imprisoned in the “Old Empire” containment facility. All of these IS-BE entities are in recovery and rehabilitation. They are all on the way to recovering their memories and regaining a role within their society.

pissedlizard, keff and xzianchow have reacted to this post.

Like the music of the howling wolves when they are hungry!

Thats 2 of the “three fingers into the heart of the beast. For the Earth shall crack like an egg and the hungry will feast”

The fucking Wolf Pack is hungry - trust me.

If you need help summoning when you get there - let me know! I appreciate your help!

All of this I know to be true.



I didn't "see" the french fries exactly. I smelled them LOL No, I wasn't eating or near any food at the time. I have no idea how that works or why so just go with it. Let's just say I find myself thinking "well that was weird" a lot. A LOT.

From everything I've read all humans have some sort of latent abilities - one or many. Some people figure them out, some don't. While I'm sure there are talented people out there that can tell what other's abilities are, I'm not one of those at this time. There's a ton of crap to sift through on the internet though. Why not help yourself out? That would be a pretty easy affirmation to start on. Something like:

  • I have discovered my psychic abilities and practice them daily.
  • I ask for assistance on improving my psychic abilities.


pissedlizard has reacted to this post.
Quote from pissedlizard on October 10, 2021, 9:59 am

@goldleaf -

You are the best! I literally just got my first Shapeshifter Stripe <excitement> and the Emerthers have an interest in watching how we perform.

They are watching ALL of us since my suicide a few weeks ago - so it’s ME they are judging how I interact with all of y’all’s quanta!

This I know to be true.


What you suicided? 😳😳

Ciao! Gip me your ideas
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