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A breakdown of the report "alien interview" by MM from a MAJ perspective (part 2)

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Hi morningsun,

Just my two cents worth,

Are IS BE's pure consciousness?

My understanding is that consciousness puts on a physical body like we wear clothes. So for example an Is Be might put on a human body to experience human life, or he might put on a Type-1 Grey body to achieve what goals he has for that body.

"IS BE" seems to have a similar underlying concept as "I Am".

Perhaps. But I am reluctant to use it because the Christian term carries with it so much baggage, that I think it was useful for Airl to coin a new term. In my opinion, it is also a more accurate description of the situation.

As for the I Am meditation, I am unfamiliar with it so cannot comment. But from your brief description of it, I don't seem to have any problem with that.

Anyway, are we all IS-BEs trapped in a human body?

Yes, we are all Is Bes in human bodies, but I would not called it trapped. Airl does describe a trap to recycle human Is Bes after they have left their bodies. But I don't think it is inevitable. According to Airl and MM, there are parties working to dismantle the trap.

It is also my understanding from other sources that Is Bes can choose not to be recycled. According to these sources the key is not to "go to the light", but instead to ask/insist to return to Source. They see the "tunnel of light" so often described in near death accounts as a trap. As whether the trap can really be escaped or not,  I leave it to more enlightened folks here to expand on this.

I myself am undecided about this and hope I will have clarity on it in time.

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congjing yuxzianchow
Quote from guyFromAfrica on July 7, 2021, 11:22 pm

Hello MM and fellow readers. Today's article is really something to chew on(at least for about a week). It seems to me that the Old Empire were real MF to begin with. Why? How? Now this brings up more things to think about and I wonder, am I an IS-BE or is my consciousness part of my Soul on this earth learning class? And that when I die and my mission in this MWI is completed will I go back to the "heaven" universe and reunite with my larger self helping me in better arranging my quanta? How did I even start off, from lower form of quanta organization till now, slowly learning and advancing towards my ultimate sentience? Is my guardian angel there helping me in this ever challenging world, day by day(Personally, I think he/she is there and wants me to follow in his spiritual evolution though easier said than done , but I will survive and I will do my best(that I can guarantee)). And the type 1 Greys are STO?....TF that changes a lot.

By the way MM I love your posts Keeps me going down here in Africa. Things be as they say ( No crazy place like Africa I tell you). Especially the last month or so.

Please reply so as to help me understand MM. Thanks. And Mr. Cat here says hello.

Say Hi to Mr Cat for me. And yeah. Keep on hanging on with us all. It's like a crazy horse ride, and we are all hanging on for dear life! And yes. You are absolutely right. Africa is crazy town. (I mean that in a cautious, kind way.)

Hi the domain said this

"About 8,200 years ago The Domain forces set up a base on Earth in the Himalaya Mountains near the border of modern Pakistan and Afghanistan. This was a base for a battalion of The Domain Expeditionary Force, which included about 3,000 members."

Why did u say that the domain base is in china tibet if they said it was on the borders of afganistan and pakistan?

You asked

Why did u say that the domain base is in china tibet if they said it was on the borders of afganistan and pakistan?

8500 years ago they were one and the same.

You need to think like an IS-BE. Not like a contemporaneous fellow.

Quote from multiverse on November 25, 2021, 9:24 pm

Hi the domain said this

"About 8,200 years ago The Domain forces set up a base on Earth in the Himalaya Mountains near the border of modern Pakistan and Afghanistan. This was a base for a battalion of The Domain Expeditionary Force, which included about 3,000 members."

Why did u say that the domain base is in china tibet if they said it was on the borders of afganistan and pakistan?

This question is/was nonsensical. Airl wanted us to understand facts related to this actual reality, not in 1947 and not even the 80’s. Airl’s depiction of computers, databases, neural networks and computing related to biological engineering is nothing short of outstanding taking into account the transcription is from 1947.

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