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Saturn is in Capricorn. That’s a good sign for this age to my people. It means discipline. Prepare for battle. And also a desire to grab tangible things.

The only tangible thing I want from my enemies is it’s blood running down my throat. I will be happy with nothing less.

Valhalla awaits.

Anyone else have thoughts?

perolator has reacted to this post.

I have some thoughts.

How do you know who your enemies are?

A wise man can make better use of his enemies, than a fool can make use of his friends.  It is not well to hate one's enemies too much.

This "prison planet" game is not all bad.  It has made some humans strong.  Some people thrive in prison.  DM has written about how some aliens seem to fear man, in his "real" or true form.  I do not think it is all "bad" that we are trapped in mortal bodies that are severely handicapped.

I have read that "war is hell."  Perhaps.

Then I read accounts of the 2% that enjoy war.  Here in America, there is a sort of two-sided morality about war.

Many say war and violence is bad.  Yet, they admire Seal Team 6, who is essentially the president's private hit squad.  The US military is widely admired for their work in Afghanistan and Iraq, though many civilians were killed.  They hate Hitler, yet love the Allies and their atrocities.

Airl's account in "The Alien Interviews" mentions that history is just a recollection of the victor.  The loser does not get a voice.

I wonder, how the Domain conducts war.  What rules and conduct do they follow?

Also, here in America, many male characteristics are now demonized.  If we are to speak honestly, many men enjoy war, and feel the desire to "take tangible things" - like gold, land and women.   There is good and bad in this.

Lastly, I think of the greatest warriors in the world today - the Taliban.  What a magnificent job they have done.  Modern Spartans.  To survive what they have for the last 60 years is a tremendous achievement.  The "technology" the Taliban possess is worth more than all the electronic goodies in the world.

congjing yu, pissedlizard and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardGoldleafAliceparaic

Great questions my friend!

The world template has changed! We all felt it. MM wrote about it. The Islamic world wins.

Conquer VERTICAL time travel and you will see that Some of us can see the forest and the trees, am I right MM?

You will know your enemies when you get to the other side

You in America will feel nothing. You will be “alive” one second and with your best friends or your worst enemies the next. I promise.

The Taliban are great fighters. China is about to see. HINT HINT.

When mega death happens in Eurasia - the second wave - the horn will sound and the flags of Khorsan will spill west, east and north.

Do you know who Imam al Mahdi is, xianchow? He is here, you know. On planet Earth. He is. He walks in crowds.

And he is very much alive. And he wants to damage China. I don’t know why, something about a battery in Africa, I think.

Dont get me wrong, America gets its ass handed to us. We get it after the worlds little satan.

I am just saying - what do YOU think happens when the one man that the Islamic world has been waiting for shows up? He gets the Islamic world to become Islamic. We won’t be around in America to see that though.

Again the world template changed. Those who thought they were in charge are going to find THEMSELVES charged.


ALL of this I know to be true.



congjing yu and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
congjing yuxzianchow

@xzianchow Well, you asked the question.

I wonder, how the Domain conducts war. What rules and conduct do they follow?

Here's the answer.

Unlike the vast number of societies of IS-BE's within this "master universe",  The Domain stands apart because it is functionally a society that does not rely on physical bodies to enjoy the constructs. They are primarily IS-BE's in a timeless state, and use physical bodies, "doll bodies", "human bodies", "containers" as needed to accomplish various tasks.

Everyone else weakens their status temporarily to enjoy the "Master Universe". It is in that weakened state that they commit atrocities, and are vulnerable.

When an IS-BE is in a container, it must give up part of it's understanding to appreciate the "Master Universe". Some societies give up most everything, being 1% knowledgeable. While others give up very little. Being 80% knowledgeable, and capable.

  • The Domain enters a battle at 100% IS-BE knowledge.
  • Other Societies enters a battle from 1% to 80% IS-BE knowledge.

Thus The Domain will always be the victor.

It is useful to know that the "Old Empire" operated at a (rather) high level of knowledge of around 75%. And the Earth Prison Planet dumbs everyone down to a fraction of a percentage. Maybe 0.005%.

pissedlizard, perolator and 5 other users have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardperolatordaegonmagusMemory LossGoldleafxzianchowparaic

Hei @pissedlizard, just a quick question: What do you mean with  EMMA/EMMT in your latest posts? I can't figure out that acronym.

Lately I read the recent book by James Rollins "The Last Odyssey" where Imam al Mahdi is taking a center role as opposition to the hero team that needs to save the world. This writer combines science, history and mythology to create very interesting plots. Not only entertaining but also informative. That is were I first learned about this Imam.

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard
Quote from congjing yu on October 10, 2021, 8:36 am

@xzianchow Well, you asked the question.

I wonder, how the Domain conducts war. What rules and conduct do they follow?

Here's the answer.

Unlike the vast number of societies of IS-BE's within this "master universe",  The Domain stands apart because it is functionally a society that does not rely on physical bodies to enjoy the constructs. They are primarily IS-BE's in a timeless state, and use physical bodies, "doll bodies", "human bodies", "containers" as needed to accomplish various tasks.

Everyone else weakens their status temporarily to enjoy the "Master Universe". It is in that weakened state that they commit atrocities, and are vulnerable.

When an IS-BE is in a container, it must give up part of it's understanding to appreciate the "Master Universe". Some societies give up most everything, being 1% knowledgeable. While others give up very little. Being 80% knowledgeable, and capable.

  • The Domain enters a battle at 100% IS-BE knowledge.
  • Other Societies enters a battle from 1% to 80% IS-BE knowledge.

Thus The Domain will always be the victor.

It is useful to know that the "Old Empire" operated at a (rather) high level of knowledge of around 75%. And the Earth Prison Planet dumbs everyone down to a fraction of a percentage. Maybe 0.005%.

Well, you really got me this time. I have a sense of sadness and other weird emotions. Very strange.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@vianamoinen You asked “What do you mean with  EMMA/EMMT in your latest posts? I can't figure out that acronym.”


I gave alliegence to MM, so it’s more for him and DM and the others that are joining.

Ita horizontal and vertical time stamp Basically.

The LAST letter A is and the last T  are for adenosine and tyrosine respectively.

When YOU and everyone else reads what I wrote - we all get connected through our  DNA via quantum links through the computer matrix. It links all of your connections as well so it’s linking all of us and our connections together.

That SOUNDS like I am invading your space, right? But it’s not. Don’t think of time or space in Newtonian terms.

If you look at the 3D maps MM makes for his world line discussions you see hills and valleys.THAT is vertical time. I am not going into the ins and outs here - because of human time BUT the EMMA is in the horizontal and EMMT is the vertical. That’s how YOUR soul is connected to the MWI -through adenosine and tyrosine in your DNA.

So what I am doing is putting “markers” on this world line for MM and all of you to follow when you die and go to the other side of you don’t go into the light

There is a lot of natural damage to DNA so sometimes I’ll write EMMAA. That’s because one of you physically reading this has cancer and it’s mucking you all up. So it’s an extra.

EMMA is horizontal “time”

EMMT is vertical “time”

The / or \ indicates if you need to add power going back or pull power.

The E Is how much electricity I am reading and M is magnetism.

I repeat M’s because some alphabet agencies are taking this seriously and are watching us in SCIFs. The extra M is to break down the door. It’s only fair that they get to play. And they are. Like it or not.

It’s an old Mantid way of doing things but it works.

I hope this explains it - if not - keep asking!

perolator and Alice have reacted to this post.

@vianamoinen Imam al Mahdi is referred to mostly is Shi’a writings. There are references to him in the Sunna that I am familiar with (Both Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) the problem is these are pretty much Sunni oriented (that’s why they are called the Sunnah) and let’s just say there is a ton of dispute - enough to cause wars. Literally.

There is a TON online about the Mahdi. A lot of videos too. There is a GREAT hour long documentary that Iran put out years ago - it’s in English and explains things how Persians see things.

The Persian people actually tried to warn those who lived in the Levant that one ethnicity was being given alien technology and was keeping it to themselves - only to create a religion to keep humans in a constant life/death/reincarnation as a human cycle.  They decided to take this technology and keep it for themselves.

And the Temple of Solomon was built.

See the connection?

That’s why Is Ra Al is so scetchy about Iran getting the bomb. Wounds run deep. And Persians don’t forget. It’s what helped make them one of the greatest races on earth - and I say that as a white American who is not nor will ever be Muslim. They just are.

Another important point that some governments don’t get is that the Iranian “government” are all a sect called “Hojjateah”. This stuff is all easily looked up, but THAT little point is the point of contention history books will write about.

Its the one detail no government making deals with them looked at. None. But ask a what Twelver or Hojjateah is and they will tell you.

Please, the more questions the better.

All of this I know to be true.



@PL you mean like the BADWOLF thing in DR Who yeah?

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

@ML,  Please don’t feel sad! Killing is killing wether it’s for duty, profit or any other reason.

It’s just an act.

What you do today matters AFTER that act.

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Memory Lossxzianchow
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