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This Physical Earth

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You guys seem to either read incredibly fast, or, like me, dedicate time to read everything that you find even remotely valuable to this existence.

Here, I am speaking of this physical earth - presumably the one we incarnate humans believe (or are coerced to believe) - moves around this big hot yellow ball, along with some other local rocks and blobs and within sight of some bright objects at unknown distances from us. Many, many believe this, so it is so - right?

Anyway, I am still not sure if there is even a physical object that we all share, or if we all conjure the same illusion. Even if we conjure the same illusion, that shared object would obey the shared Newtonian physics that we all accepted for a long, long time, right?

If there is an underlying physical object, and it is interacting with other physical [cosmic] objects, I wish you would take a read here:


Ultan McG and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
Ultan McGxzianchow

Personally I do not trust thinking too much. I have found that the mind is a fallible and all too subject to an underlying bias. I have had many an occasion where I was convinced of a certain fact. Everything that happened seemed to confirm that fact. Then all of a sudden something happens and I realise that I was mistaken. Reflecting on that, I know it is all too easy to select "facts" to reinforce our preconceived beliefs/bias.

On the other hand, I have come to value testing notions with a deeper feel / intuition. It is hard to describe. You probably know what I mean, but just to be is to hold the various bits of data at arms length, without making a judgment on them. Then using the inner "bullshit" meter to feel / intuit out the truth that is relevant at that time.

If I sound a little too woo woo, then I do apologise. But that is just my own approach to this world of ours.

As for the linked website, I have only just superficially browsed through it, but the feel I get for it is that the author has a strong underlying belief in a coming apocalypse. And if you believe that our reality is somewhat malleable by our thought/belief .... then what you believe is what you get...

This is one reason why I am very leery of the Alien Interview "prison planet" narrative. If we believe it is a prison planet, then it is one (for us).

pissedlizard, Ultan McG and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardUltan McGGoldleafDSKlausler

In my world-line, things are very strange indeed.

The realm we call "Earth" seems to be some sort of torus of energy - we're in the center of it
The inhabitable part in the middle is enclosed by a wall of ice - Antarctica is what's outside of this enclosure

The Sun and the Moon seem to be lightbulbs ... this would imply there's some sort of firmament they're hanging from
In my world-line, the Sun changed massively over the last 15 years or so - from being yellow and emitting gently warming light, it became white and scorching.
I used to be able to look directly into the sun as a child, now I can't even bear to look in its general direction.

The Moon is no less strange - it seems to be emitting its own radiation - and it COOLS whatever it lands on !
The implication being that the Moon somehow drains energy from us ...

The history is no less strange - everything in the history books appears to be total and utter fabrication.

The Roman Empire is still around, it's still running the show - it just changed its name.
There were no Middle Ages.

What does seem to have happened is one giant genocide which killed almost all of the adults - and this seems to have happened around the middle of the 19th century, in the 1840s.
The few survivors came to be known as Old Believers - and since they remembered the Old World, were persecuted for a long time.

The technology used by this Old World was the stuff Tesla was talking about - free wireless energy for everyone.
Oh, and this Tesla appears to be another fictional character - whenever the Controllers want to release info, they invent just such a character.

To sum up - everything before the 1850s is pure fiction
Everything afterwards is 100% hoaxes - both World Wars were giant hoaxes, so was the Cold War

So when I hear people talking about some character named Jesus living 2000 years ago
Or that there's these invisible things called "viruses" that spread disease.
Or that Hitler was an actual person who actually killed a lot of Jews...

It makes me wonder
Have I slid onto such a divergent world-line ?
Are you people so programmed you can't see what's in front of you ?
Or is everything in the internet a honeypot ?

Edit - added a representation of the Norse world-tree - this is kinda what my realm seems to look like

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pissedlizard and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
Quote from Capt Melonhead on October 13, 2021, 8:02 pm

In my world-line, things are very strange indeed.

There we go.

IS there a physical Earth that we share?

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

Far out!

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

I am somewhat familiar with this.  Some flat-Earthers hold that the Earth is a sort of a hologram or simulation.  Just like the pictures shows, with the world surrounded by a great wall of ice.

They hold, that you cannot go into Antarctica, because it is heavily guarded by the military.  So the Earth itself is flat.

The main guy who used to have this POV was convinced man shortly would become a hybrid being, blending with the machine.  He was convinced that a highly advanced AI existed somewhere.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

Yes, the Earth is a hologram.
There's nothing "physical" at all.

And of course there's a highly advanced AI at work here - just look at the numerology embedded into the "news".

Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

I guess it was only a matter of time before the Flat Erff crew made an appearance. 😂

You kept that concealed for a while, bud. May I suggest a thorough reading of the Majestic Index? Followed by close scrutiny of the MWI one. And pay particular attention to what he says about MWI reality and how garbons create and interact with it in a quantum field.

You'll be telling folks they're subject to maritime law, next-- and don't really have to honour their debts because they are "sovereign citizens", right? Newsflash, they very much do.

(Hint: Statute supercedes contract under Maritine Law. And any other Law for that matter; land or sea.)

how does "it's all a hologram" turn into "the earth is flat" ?

I'm asking for a friend

Let's just say I've put 2 and 2 together going by what you've posted above. All of it.

What's known in the Game as a pattern. 😂

Aahhhh, and now you've deleted your insult....

"Voices in my head" because I  dare to question the Flat Erff narrative and have referred you to solid proof to the contrary?

Yup. That's a pattern, alright. Flat Erffers are a sensitive lot. I put it down to state education myself. They don't do Trivium. Especially the Grammar and Logic part.

As for fake history, sigh: Fomenko-- a known intelligence operative with an expertise in creating flase narratives aimed at undermining Western Culture?

What's next? The Mud Flood? 😂

Eric Dubay has a thriving forum, I gather. You should check it out.

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