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Updating my hardware

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Guys, girls, transgender folk, dogs, cats, and extraterrestrials...

As you well know, or maybe not, I bought a new computer last month and it has been outstanding. It's a fine, fine shaomi and it is roomy with blazing fast speeds and all the rest. I even went and bought a full MS Windows 10 all paid in full.

It ran great for one month, and then it updated. Even though I told it not to.

And as it tried to download bloatware, spyware, and tracking software on my computer, the Chinese intranet (not an internet, but an intranet) caught the malware loaded systems and ejected them. It then offered my Chinese versions with the tracking software, the for-profit software, the boatware all excised out. And when my computer loaded it, the system went CRASH!

It (Microsoft OS Win 10) said that I did not purchase the approved software. In spite, and by design, it retaliated. And disabled most system functionality and provided me with crappy display drivers, crappy wifi drivers, and super large sized icons that were so big that I needed to stand at the end of the room to read them.

Yeah, sure I could enjoy a monitor in day-glow colors, a wifi that had a range in the order of cm, and all of my shortcuts not working.

So I said FUCK THIS.

I downloaded Ubantu lunix and installed it and erased all the Microsoft malware off my computer. Yay! All of it. No more American mega-corp software at all.

The good thing...

It loaded quick and easy, is beautiful and lovely. There's only one problem...

...I cannot access the internet with it.

There isn't an internet driver installed. And as a new system, I am having a dickens of a time trying to load wifi drivers as the Ubantu website, and all the technical websites store the drivers in github which is inaccessible to me.

SO I am going to be busy trying to get my hardware running over the next few days.

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Memory Loss

Where I am at...

UNCLAIMED means Ubuntu is recognizing the hardware, but it needs a driver for it to work. Thanks this card is really common and there is a driver on Github for it.

You will need an ethernet connection and follow this steps on your terminal:

And it provided these instructions for the dialog box...

sudo su
apt install -y dkms git
git clone
cd xxxxxxxx
modprobe 8821ce

Such are my trials.

I wonder if any one can help me finding a Ubantu Wifi driver for a Realtek Network controller

Lol. Ubuntu is fine but it has major quirks. Printers etc. You might be able be connect on the livecd for an obscure reason. And surf from there as an emergency fix.

I was running a Dell with Broadcom drivers and it was nuts. A lot of proprietory stuff that is locked into the MS ecosystem. A quick and fun thing to do is put up some Linux flavors on a thumb drive for testing purposes. You can put a Puppy Linux (it's very small and fast) or Mint Cinnamon etc.

Mint has some bells and whistles.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

I've been using Ubuntu on my personal laptop for some years now, don't recall having had such problems setting myself up.

Don't you have the option of running internet from a cable, at least until you download the WiFi drivers ?

The connection will be faster, and you won't have the WiFi frying your brains - remember, that thing works at the same frequency as your microwave oven !

Quote from congjing yu on October 13, 2021, 7:24 pm

Such are my trials.

I wonder if any one can help me finding a Ubantu Wifi driver for a Realtek Network controller

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

I am in China. No one really uses hard wires any longer. All the new laptops are entirely wireless with no female connector for a cat patch cable.

Quote from congjing yu on October 13, 2021, 10:42 pm

I am in China. No one really uses hard wires any longer. All the new laptops are entirely wireless with no female connector for a cat patch cable.

You're between heck and hell, so it's not too big a problem. My quick and dirty is to get a cheap wifi dongle. Test it if you can in a shop. But a cheap generic dongle should work without too much googling. Then figure out how to install the driver.

Why do this? For redundancy. So if ever the on board wifi card conks, your backup dongle is already there.

Welcome to the Linux domain. It's wonderful but you need to work at the niggly parts. And free software centre lol, so unless you do specialized work, you're free from Billy.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@congjing yu let me know if you still need help. I've got a contact who is a software engineer and seems to be pretty cluey with ubuntu

Daegon Magus

DM, Thanks for that. I could use the option. I am now trying Kubantu which I installed with Ubantu. It seems to be very nice and stable, though the fonts are too small. It reads my software drivers for wifi. Yay! but I don't quite know how to do the settings.

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