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Question Catalog - voting system

Hello @laoban4site,

I didnt know how to ping you directly. But remember when I suggested a voting system for the questions for the domain to get it more organized.

Today I received an email from a youtuber and he is using this platform to collect the questions. So you can post questions and/or upvote question you like. I liked the simplicity of it. You can instantly sort it by popularity and see what seem to be top of mind for the members?
Its free upto 100 participants. This should be enough for us.




Hope this helps. Other members can comment of course.


My 2 cents 🙂

Although I presume that EVERYTHING, every bit of electronic data is monitored, I still don't want to make their job easier - maybe that's naïve. So, I am trying to limit my exposure to openly "public" forums other than a few like NoMoreFakeNews (he's already completely scoured, I'm sure). Ugh, I have thousands of images on Shutterfly (they pretty much describe the where and when of my life outside of my job (and of course THAT is all electronically monitored)).

I figure that whomever (or whatever) is watching this site clearly knows that we are [relatively] few - and for now MM is left standing. Maybe it also considers us perceived nutcases, and therefore no harm to them. Maybe he IS protected? Same goes for my buddy at Amallulla.

I really like the idea of PostCrossing (the international post card sharing system) - but I could not bring myself to tell even more stories (albeit brief) about myself "publicly," and that's too bad, because I have some interesting "normal" things to share.

So, not that I am an expert, or voluminous contributor here, but I'd rather not go to an "outside" service.


HAH!... 5 seconds after saving this, I get a coupon from Shutterfly. And I am using Brave & DuckDuckGo... ALL compromised. There is NO privacy.

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