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Earth being a black hole

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And one more thing - as this will become public record eventually..

Why is nobody Checking Bill Klintons potassium levels anymore? It’s in the basic metabolic panel. 5 days post sepsis and no K check?

Methinks something is amuss.

I am just leaving an electronic record and reporting as would be expected.

Nobody is checking his potassium anymore.

We all know how to stop a human heart, right? Kinda important here.

This I know to be true


Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

I just saw this well after my rather hilarious reposte earlier even if I do say so, myself! No such thing as coincidences in Metallicman Land, right?

(psssst, but it's all fake, don't worry. That shit hits the firmament and falls back down. The Heavens are gonna get all Old Testament on those NASA freakshows' collective asses.)

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