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Earth being a black hole

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A while ago I was contacted on social media by the author of this article

The things he says are highly relevant to the discussion(s) here

@daegonmagus - this may be of particular interest

Flat Erff Research? 😂

I guess the Indexes on this site were a task too far for you, bud.

What is it about Master Templates and MWI you're struggling to comprehend?

Next it'll be the moon landings were faked, right?

I am gonna follow you up on this until either you quit posting this stuff here or Metallicman perma bans me. Or you.

@capt-melonhead I assume you mean in regards to the black hole anomaly thing? that was more of an interdimensional black hole and not specifically related to earth, earth was like a grain of sand somewhere on a vast ocean of physical and non physical planes all meshed together and a very, very long way away from this anomaly thing. Not really comparable. I called it a black hole anomaly because that is the closest word I know of to describe it. It really isn't describable in earth speech beyond "a complete fucking nightmare"

Capt Melonhead has reacted to this post.
Capt Melonhead
Daegon Magus

I get that - but still, have you read what the fellow has to say ?

It's Flat Erff Research, bro. And if that isn't a contradiction in terms I don't know what is.

You honestly expect us to take this seriously?

Thaaat-Duzzzz-Naaatt-Compeewwwtt- Control/Break 😂

@capt-melonhead he starts off presenting a viable argument but then BAM you are hit with walls of formulas and other seemingly ramblings it gets off putting really fast. plus I don't know much about astro physics....i'll leave that for MM given it's his area of expertise

Daegon Magus

Point is - we need a model reconciling the fact that there's no measurable curvature with the fact that at the edge of "visible horizon" the field lines seem to close in upon themselves

Uploaded files:
  • Analysis_and_Assessment_of_Gateway_Process_Exhibit_4_Figure_B.png

I doubt the Cap'n knows much about astrophysics, either. Just a feeling I have. He's more interested in persisting with his Flat Erfff maps.

But Flat Erffers are pretty expert at circulating links to each other that contain a few grains of interesting tid-bits couched in a valley-full of bullshit. Looks like somebody has decided to include the Metallicman Forum in the mailing list.

Anyway, I'll say no mo' as I'm probably beginning to sound like a bore. My point has been made, entertain these guys and you've opened the doors to a whooole lotta cray-cray.

There's a lot of confused souls out there in internet land.

I'm getting back to finishing DM's Opus. A lot more interesting than Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. (And I don't mean the song.)

congjing yu, pissedlizard and JC Soulwood have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardJC Soulwood

@capt-melonhead sorry capt. This one is out of my area of expertise

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

Look at past pile shifts. This one is being accelerated thanx to Obama 2.0 and the bomb he left in Khorsan thanks to - those who cannot be mentioned.

THIS pole shift is not beginning in the North, but the SOUTH.

It will only last about 18-20 hours.

Not all humans perish.

This is further down the “road”

All of this I know to be factual and true.


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