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Surviving Nuclear War

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I just added yet another book to my survival collection, and I must say it compliments the one about surviving biological attacks I got just as COVID started taking off rather well. It has an intro by a Navy SEAL who was responsible for putting in place Nuclear warfare survival strategies for the US military, and a few bits and pieces from the father of the H Bomb Edward Teller and some other noblerette physicists. What really caught my fancy - given MMs warnings about the American government constantly poking the nuclear beehive - is that there is  a large appendices section at the back that teaches you how to build makeshift fallout shelters as well as a radiation meter good for up to somewhere around 40RAD you can build with house hold items; literally from a tin can, a few pieces of aluminum foil and some dental floss. If anyone is interested, I am happy to scan and upload these appendices (the book is quite large and it would take me an age to scan the whole thing)

pissedlizard, Ultan McG and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardUltan McGMemory Lossxzianchow
Daegon Magus

I would start looking into gieger counters on eBay if I could re-wire a thing or two. No matter where you live.

This I know to be true



@daegonmagus, do you have an ISBN number for the book? Title and author would be good. I lurve books. Thank you.

pissedlizard and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardUltan McG
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Get iodine pills too.1 pack for every family member and pet. Get them NOW before you have to deal with titrating iodine solution 3-4 days post blast. BELIEVE ME the packs will be easier for you.

Just in case.

The race is still to smash the American economy into a BILLION little pieces so we can FINALLY get what’s owed.

We we’re all given something that could make us filthy rich - MM too - but we choose what we get when this mission is complete.

And my mission not to question why but to do or die - again and again.

Just seriously start looking at this stuff just in case.

I PROMISE December 1 2021 and January 1 2022 will look very different world wide.

I only say this to warn you all.

We are flying tonight and the Mantids stand at the ready.

This I know to be true.



Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

@PL lol i just ordered two packs of potassium iodide that came with the book (also got one for tracking and a trappers bible). Good til 2029 aswell.  The survival shop I got all this from has geiger counters, but they are like $250.

Nuclear War Survival Skills:
Lifesaving Nuclear Facts and Self-Help Instructions

by Cresson H Kearny

Introduction by Don D Mann
Foreword by Dr Edward Teller

ISBN 10: 1-63450-297-3
ISBN 13: 978-1-63450-297-9

Skyhorse Publishing

Memory Loss has reacted to this post.
Memory Loss
Daegon Magus

Hey @dm, there's a few versions of this ebook online on Z-lib. I'm downloading it now. Thanks!

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@memory-lossloss maybe @congjing yu can provide it as a PDF for everyone else. you got the link?

Daegon Magus

I get my books from zlib. The downloading is from region specific servers so you'll have to mosey along there and just key in the name of book or author.


Tons of books on the site. My download was 170MB so I don't think MM will host it haha.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

P.L., I'd love to be able to disagree with your temporal predictions over the last few weeks, but I can't. The signs are all there. Thing is, most folks aren't trained in how to read them properly. (By design, of course.)

Making predictions is a risky business, but it's clear that you've somehow been able to glean insight as a result of your experiences. And as the Domain contact said quite clearly, having an ocean of information at one's fingertips doesn't mean that Truth is discernible-- quite the opposite, in fact. Again, by design. Especially when ALL information flow is 100% controlled by the Masters. Certainly cyber, if not pretty much every other source. It's all about the nodes and gateways, folks. Control the dam, and the valley's all yours. Control the weather, and upstream is, too. Control the access points, and the freeways are useless, etc.

2 things of note and probably overlooked in their significance as folks tread water at best in the sea of bullshit:

1. What Metallicman referred to about the super stores closing because of theft-- this points to a breakdown of the social contract. This is important. In a huge country such as the States, policing and the maintenance of the social/civil order relies on cooperation with the populace and everybody doing their bit to keep things ticking along calmly in the general sense. If everyone decided to disobey the law civil breakdown would follow in hours. Chaos. We know this. It has been gamed for by FEMA and other agencies over decades. They know the mob. They know also that many armed police would join the mob once the paychecks start bouncing. And how the mob will behave in this scenario. The stores closing is a significant heads up that we are slow-mowing into chaos. All that's missing is an accelerant. Basic chemistry 101.

2. What the Domain contact said about millions suffering and expiring before it becomes even close to being "reported" on the "news". Major military confrontations taking place-- and CNN will tell you diddly squat. You will be the last to know until you hear the blast or get a funny, bitter, burning sensation in your nose. Or both. CNN will still tell you it's all good. This could be happening right now, and as was also said, by the time you DO hear about it filtering through the vast amounts of "information" (😂) displayed on your black mirror (esoteric reference 😉-- check THAT one out, sometime), it'll be too late.

These were significant revelations given to us by Metallicman via the Domain. And if you haven't thought about it too much-- because most folks have not been trained how to think-- I'd politely suggest that you start. Now.

Another significant reveal was the exchange between CNN medical expert Sanjay Gupta (😂😂😂) and Joe Rogan about the COVID narrative. This is important, and shows us the first major crack in the overall narrative. This would also be a good thing,,,,,,if it wasn't for the fact that we're talking about Joe Rogan, here. And if you need this spelled out to you: the crack was revealed because the Masters wanted to reveal it. And given what we know about the whole COVID narrative so far, they did this not in the name of Truth, but to ferment more chaos.

We're headed toward interesting times, indeed. Good luck to all MM'ers. Lie low, stay frosty and as Metallicman has said over and over, be careful who you share your thoughts and ideas with-- if folks don't know now they never will. If you have a community of like minded folks, you're blessed.

congjing yu, DSKlausler and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yuDSKlauslerxzianchowTas

The American survivalist community has a big problem with the military.

In Murka (aka Kwanistan), the people are taught to WORSHIP cops and soldiers as living gods, heros, gloriously defending our freedoms from the evil Chinese and Russians.

A member of Seal Team 6 works for the US government.  He is paid money, to obey orders.  His motives are not necessarily pure.  He gets alot of money, great benefits, worship from the public, and fear and awe from men.

No man can serve two masters.  A soldier cannot serve both freedom and the USG.  And no soldier here in the US has fought for freedom since 1865.  The US government today is evil and monsterous -why would a man brag about serving them?

If he were telling the truth, he would be his "nuclear warfare survival strategy":

Be a bigwig in the US government.  Then you'll get a spot in the 1%er luxurious underground bunkers, filled with food and supplies, and guarded by people like me (a Navy Seal).

The real story is the number of underground military bases in the USA.  That is the true "nuclear survival strategy."

Aussie prepper Tex Arcane was censored when he found a government underground base underneath a Costco in Melbourne.  He is probably the strongest Ozzie survivalist.

- Have No Fear, If America Is Nuked, John McCain, Maxine Waters And Nancy Pelosi Will Be Tucked Safely Away Inside Their Bunkers

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