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Listening to the disintegration of America

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If anyone was listening to the shit-show in Portland, OR - and it was almost comedic - here is some video and pics:

The people panicking on the 911 calls - and on the live scanner you hear the rioters breaking down doors and shit when the dispatcher gets on - but these same people cowering for their lives - are the ones who called to defund the police!

Oh, it’s lawless. As is Seattle and San Fran and Chicago and on and on.

Seriously - foreigners and ex-pats grab a good scanner app - I use 5-0 scanner pro because you can actually pinpoint on a map where the cops are. And it also has a built in dictionary for the 10 codes. And no, nobody is using it to DIRECT anything or anything like that! But it’s a good one.

All of this I know to be true




Latest UK PHE Vaccine Surveillance Report figures on Covid -19 cases show that doubly vaccinated 40-79 year olds have lost 44% of their immune system capability. Their immune systems are deteriorating at around 5% per week (between 3.8% and 9.1%).

If this continues then 30-59 year olds will have zero Covid/viral defence (and perhaps a form of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) by Christmas and all double vaccinated people over 30 will have completely lost the part of their immune system that tackles Covid-19 by January next year.

By a concerned reader

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The good news is the Planet is SAVED from by the Great Culling of 2021 of the Human Plague.

All planned, all encompassing and all powerful. Vaxxincide now and avoid the rush.

So I went to the Post Office yesterday and asked the 20 something lady if she googled "graphene" since my last visit. She said 'no'. I asked her if she knows just how many vaxx's she will have to take to continually be Vaxxed cause they have an expiry date. She said she "Was OK with that" to continually vaxx.

These people actually NEED to Die to save the Planet from their Planet Destroying Stupidity.

Next visit I will ask her if she is ever going to GET MAD now that she was tricked into STERILIZING herself permanently.

We need to wake these 'normies' up and for them to get mad that they have been Euthanized and strike out against the baby blood suckers (govt Useful Idiots) who did this.  But it is a slow and painful to DRIP FEED them the truth and still have them laughing when I leave their presence. Never make them mad... Awakening happens by self realization and to invoke ANGRY Sentiment is counter productive.

I started the Conversation with "Do you like the rock band Queen"? she said YES

so I sang to her the following lines

You come in her with that Mask on your face

You Big Disgrace...

Spreading your Fear all over the Place.

(then I leaned in closer and sang) WE WILL MOCK YOU.

I actually dont think she got it.

perolator and xzianchow have reacted to this post.

We don't have to save anybody. Your only responsibility is to yourself, then your family, then your friends. That's it.

  • If the rest of the world wants to jump off a cliff, let them.
  • If the rest of the world wants to eat live goldfish, let them.
  • If the rest of the world wants to be called an "it" instead of a "he" or "she" then let them. It's none of your business.

Do not fall into the "crusader" trap. You should be making friends now, not gathering potential enemies.

perolator and xzianchow have reacted to this post.

Official website for UK Vaccine Surveillance. I read the one for Week 38 (September 2021) and the study only pertains to the Covid-19 virus and seems mostly positive, so I'm not sure where the above article is pulling information.

COVID-19 vaccine surveillance reports (weeks 19 to 38) - GOV.UK (

Feal has reacted to this post.
Quote from congjing yu on October 19, 2021, 10:03 am

We don't have to save anybody. Your only responsibility is to yourself, then your family, then your friends. That's it.


My partner is a School Teacher at the local high school where I graduated in '73. Yesterday she came home and said some of the ABO children were calling the UnVaxxed  "POISON". The local ABO CORPORATION premises is the local centre for all your VAXX requirements and all ABO's locally have been Sniped by a Needle in this Bio War. Most of them twice just to be sure to be sure. Couple this with the insane evil remarks from health authorities that we, the Unvaxxed, are responsible for their Bio Weaponry not working on their bodies makes for some powerful medicine in the Battle for your Mind. (which the ABO's have clearly lost)

I have already saved myself. Its my responsibility to save my family as Head of the Family. We survive by having healthy friends.

When the Useful Idiots of the Baby blood sucking Regime ruling the world start calling me poison and want to intern me in a camp for practicing natural Immunity, my ONLY chance of survival is to wake them the fuck up.

I am surprised MM that the above Quote looks more like a STS rather than a STO sentiment. Where we go one, we go all. Isnt humanity worth saving? I have the MEANS and the TECHNOLOGY to INERT anything and everything that comes in a Bio Weaponry Needle. Should I just save it for family and friends?

Telling the Truth in times of Deceit is a revolutionary act and He who tells the Truth must have one foot in the Stirrup... (olde english saying)

We are about half way through World Bio War 3, The best is yet to come but only if you avoid being sniped by a needle.

Memory Loss and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
Memory Lossxzianchow
Quote from congjing yu on October 19, 2021, 10:03 am

Do not fall into the "crusader" trap. You should be making friends now, not gathering potential enemies.

Those who have been Vaxxed "shed", its on pfizers own website. Shedding spiked proteins from the Vaxxed makes the UnVaxxed sick. I know several women personally who have huge menstrual problems since their sexual partners became Vaxxed and they didnt. My daughter has begun to suffer this and she only works with Vaxxed people. (she has never had a vaxx needle in her life, like me)

How do you survive when "your friends" make you sick? How do you make new friends when they will make you sick and have been brainwashed into calling you POISON?

Like it or not... here in OZ and elsewhere where the Delusion of Security masquerades as a Needle from the Govt here to help you, has divided the citizenry into the UNDEAD Vs the UNVAXXED? And its a SQUID Game where the loser DIES.

Here is a video where the lady has fallen into the Crusader trap...

Titled... There are Covid Camps

My goodness! It is worse than I realized. Sheech!

If you only knew how bad things really are.................

I realize I have already told you all this already.

but no one listened then so it all has to be said again.

Merlynn, you raise some valid points. I believe the mRNA vaccines will remove the humanity in people as you understand it. As Klaus Schwab said "the 4th IR doesn't change the way you work, it changes you." Control over humanity is only one aspect of the game the Old Empire are doing.

From a global perspective, I believe that the elite are actually members of the Old Empire or affiliated with them. Try to think as these "people" to get a glimpse of the actual intentions.

What you do, is that you employ the worst of corporate thinking to the vaccine picture. I happen to think that the elite know of what the Domain has been doing for a long time. Both have surveillance and double agents.

In the corporate world to prevent a hostile takeover, sometimes they do a poison pill defence. This is a last gasp measure because you are destroying the company or its assets to make the takeover unpalatable.

The Georgia Guidestones are not for you, they are a message to the Domain. Now, you have to figure out the message. It's probably not "we'll destroy the world so you can't takeover." At this stage, we have progressed to "I have a gun to my hostage and I demand a a billion bucks and a helicopter." Now the plot becomes full of suspense. At this point expect surprises from hereon.

<I am surprised MM that the above Quote looks more like a STS rather than a STO sentiment. Where we go one, we go all. Isnt humanity worth saving? I have the MEANS and the TECHNOLOGY to INERT anything and everything that comes in a Bio Weaponry Needle. Should I just save it for family and friends?>

Merlynn, at this stage you must be aware that MM is the Commander's I/O. As Swedenborg says, some of your thoughts are not your own. As of late, we pick up some of MM's musings which are not in character. MM is having to understand Domain culture as well as his own thoughts so perhaps @goldleaf and others can send some energy there because he needs it.

So my answer to the Commander (and you too, Merlynn) is that our life's are already pathetic enough but it's all we have. When the atmosphere is toxic for your character and soul through countless lives, humanity is like the wild grass that clings to barren rock. You as a Domain citizen would not want to live our lives with no hope of escape. Your intellect and memory is incredibly beyond us but we are committed because there is nothing else for us. We are the pig, we are not LARPing. So if you do not have pity, at least try to see from our point of view.

@Merlynn, if the threat by the elite holds true, we can only do as how humans would want to be remembered. We help as best we can, with compassion and gentleness. Your skills and gifts will be wasted if it is not utilized to help humanity.


Ps. I have tried your human battery method for short 30sec periods and there might be something to it. At the risk of repeating myself, please help those who have taken the vaccine because humanity deserves better than to be pawns in a game.



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Ciao! Gip me your ideas
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