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Also likely a source of entertainment for twisted people.

That would be my other guess.  Just like their obsession with the ritualistic and occult that they like to shove in our face.

Sometimes I wonder if they believe that they have achieved a critical mass of ignorance and stupidity in the population. So much so that any truth that gets through is simply not cognized by the masses, "They Live!" style.

congjing yu and daegonmagus have reacted to this post.
congjing yudaegonmagus

It is difficult to respond to this. So much bullshit abounds on the internet and the media. We need to start relying on our feelings more than our physical sense.

lindseigh and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.

A few hours learning basic Gematria-- which I think is BS by the way but the Masters use it--will show you how each and every headline, article, video, whatever, especially the stories that travel fast and even your granny sends you, usually are embedded with a numeric code or letters combination.

This tells you immediately it's bullshit and/or organised for effect. And it's how "they" communicate with deep cover operators-- especially images on the front of big websites or newspapers. And at certain times each day. 12 noon, 3pm, 7pm. And others.

Many images, stories and videos coming out of south Africa now are loaded with numerical codes.

In other words it's organised and intentional. Theres an end game being planned. And it's not spontaneous "rioting".

These embedded codes will save you a lot of time figuring out whats hot and what's not. About any story.

See examples below-- the photoshopped Nike insignia on the 'rioters' T-shirt and the MM initial of the 'expert' from ExxonMobil. (M=13, a big number to the Masters.) Double caps such as MM; CC; and anything with Christ or Mason is a dead giveaway, too. e.g. Christopher Mason. Frequently used combo.

The Nike sign is a message to somebody to 'up the ante' (Let's do it; it's also an ancient occultic symbol that I won't get into here now.

In other words these images/messages are clues to what's coming or is planned-- and planted specifically for that purpose.

And folks laugh this stuff off as crazy, right? Yeah, the controllers plan on that. Same with the aliens debunk.

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From an influencer... [name withheld] in my inbox. Worth presenting to the community for discussion...

...On the topics of your "slides" I believe that another one is coming true, albeit not as important as say a disease or world cataclysmic event, still confirming the nature of your experience.

The slide I am talking about is the one where you saw many hot-and-spicy foods and flavors being available, even some breakfast items. Although you don't consider that temporal effects of the slides to be a factor in each event, I am inclined to think that you actually saw future events even though you saw them in what we would think of as time-past. My kids are always bringing home ANOTHER spicy food item that was "Cheesy and Orange" back in our day but are now "Spicy and Red". Every kind of snack food is expanding into this line as well as some breakfast items and even McDonald's is getting into the act.

In St. Augustine's essay "Augustine, On the Divination of Demons." we learn that demons are capable of making future events that are certain within many of the time-lines, manifest in an earlier time to the viewer. That is to say, things that are "fated" to occur can be portended to the mortal viewer by the demons in an earlier time than the actual event was planned to occur. Consider Nostradamus and his many sufficiently accurate predictions of future events that were made by him apparently "seeing" them in the time period that he lived in. Likewise, even though you lived these events in your past, they could all be projections of what was to come in the future even though (to you) they occured in the past.

The one where you were briefly in a world "where everybody was either sick or dying" also comes to mind portending things that are happening now even though you saw them in your past. I think Covid and the resulting toxic vaccine are examples of perhaps what you saw that day even though it was ostensibly seen by you in your past, time being a stretchy variable, that would not be a problem.

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