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What in the high holy hell are American Mercenaries killing heads of state? Black, white, whatever - who the hell is he working for?


Just one more step towards insanity drives off a cliff in the West.

I can’t fathom what it looks like in other parts of the world.


In my other international groups, and forms that I visit from time to time, the USA is considered to be a "bandit" or "outlaw" nation that is out of control and that is going to get everyone killed unless something is done to put it in it's place.

The Daily Mail is a awful tabloid so please be careful trusting its output.

Though I don't doubt this story. Weird how some stuff gets through.

Every media in the U.K. is controlled by M.I.5 but for some reason they let some stuff through. I'm guessing it's just arrogance. Or a lack of competence, like what's happening in the U.S.


congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

I like to believe that they have to let some "good stuff" get though or else no one will stick around to read the bad.

Makes sense.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

That was just one of several sites that I read the story on, and certainly appreciate the heads up about the Daily Mail. I agree-tabloid owned by another sociopath.

My guess is someone had a finger in the “Clinton Foundation” money and was caught. We haven’t heard much about Haiti here in the west since the Clinton’s raped it.




I'll ask WTF's this stuff?

Supposedly this guy in Haiti was one of three heads of state who died under mysterious causes after refusing to allow COVID vaccines in their countries.  The other two were Burundi and Tanzania, and those two heads of state died from "heart attacks".  Sneer quotes are probably warranted.

Quote from Feal on July 9, 2021, 9:06 am

Every media in the U.K. is controlled by M.I.5 but for some reason they let some stuff through. I'm guessing it's just arrogance. Or a lack of competence, like what's happening in the U.S.


At least from the bits and pieces I've managed to gather from a lifetime of trying to learn "more". There is a deliberate purpose behind blatantly sharing the truth alongside falsehoods.

Potential reasons for such "limited hangouts" that casually come to mind are; *Communication with agents/officers that aren't contactable without a risk of exposure.
*Ritualistic or metaphysical reasons to disclose what you are doing, perhaps to influence more IS-BE's to follow specific thought patterns.
*Also, getting away with heinous things that everyone is aware of, but do not act to stop, is likely a method of coaxing the "herd" to a certain type of sentience. Also likely a source of entertainment for twisted people.
*Letting members of a staff or organization think they are "making progress in changing how things are run" by going public with information are frequently manipulated to do this but for someone else's benefit.

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