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Magnetic tunnel surrounding earth

Has anyone come across this? Any insights about this in the context of the Old Empire's force field?

@morningsun, this is an interesting find!

I went trawling the archives here on a random impulse.  How did we miss this?!

No idea where this tunnel goes, but maybe some other guys aka resident experts here can chime in. There is a graphical representation of the location of the tunnel and I append below.


I stole the image above after following some links.



Ciao! Gip me your ideas
Quote from morningsun on October 21, 2021, 10:57 pm

Has anyone come across this? Any insights about this in the context of the Old Empire's force field?

"According to her findings, this huge magnetic 'tunnel' in space could be around 1,000 light years across"

Because the present atomic structure has NO place for magnetics, these buffoons are pure GUESSING what their 'instruments' are detecting.

Remember: Man only believes what his Imagination can devise an apparatus to detect.

The entire article is hogwash. We are in a SEA of Magnetic Fields. "electricity" is only "visible" when the FLOW of DIRECT CURRENT is Broken as in a 'spark'.

For these Duminsteins, its a flow of 'electrons' as surly the spark MUST be PARTICLES.

The Universe is a SEA of ENERGY but with pathetic particle physics, they cannot quantify nor qualify what 'energy' is as they have ONLY 'electrons' as the source of energy. EVEN LIGHT, as it takes an electron to knock another electron out of orbit to create a photon of Light. Such childish NARRATIVES.

Try to remember. The entire Physical Universe is made of Light Structures. The entire Non Physical Universe is an Aether Energy Grid. There are no protons or electrons or neutrons. All Magnetic Fields are Vortices of Light Structures and this gives the 'appearance' of Tunnels.

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” Tesla.

The Suns Neutral Centre for its Source of Energy is to study the Non Physical as is where does the ENERGY come from to run a 100km marathon race.

The Source of 'energy' when spinning a Magnet for AC 'electricity' generation is a Non Physical Study. How the MIND effects Energy Structures is a Non Physical Phenomena

Trying to relate pathetic Human physics theories to Alien Exopolitics is taking this stupidity of Human thinking to an extreme.

Its been a couple months since MM’s readers have been privileged to learn the basics of the atomic Structure from an Energetic Universe perspective. This was given for the same reasons you studied science in schools. So you had the tools to understand the world you live on and your place in it.

We teach you what we consider to be “Facts” and you use these facts to think for yourself and determine what’s best for you.

We do NOT take anyone else’s point of view because we know they have no concept of ‘energy’ and thus they know not what they are looking at. We do NOT try to rationalize what they see in their MINDS EYE and relayed to the reader. All we want to see is the RAW DATA that they use to determine 1000 year wide Tunnels of Magnetism and we can all be budding Theoretical Particle Physicists and start the ball rolling. You can think of New Theories to explain everything as original thoughts and experience Thinking for your self as a First time experience.

But more than that.

Much More.

With these new found skills of understanding the energy equation of Life, we just add a drop of Life and Life springs forth, or take a breath of Life and Life goes on, or turn on a Light and Life goes on.

So how does it? How do roots in the ground make better fruit than roots in the soup flowing in the PVC pipes? Why does GMO foods degrade the Life Form that consumes same? What is the ‘mechanism’ that makes ANYTHING injected into the body a toxin? Why do Micro Wave oven heated waters kill germinating seedlings?

But no. I don’t see anyone here who thinks new thoughts even though there are now millions of new ways to describe what your eyes see and how the earth revolves and the rains fall. Everything needs to be rewritten so we stop poisoning the planet and ourselves. Just trying to eat healthier when the science of growing the food makes it toxic in the first place is only the beginning. They are adding graphene to the foods we eat to make them “Medicine”. All GMO seeds are DEFUNCT by the 5th generation and this De-Grading frequency you consume and believe the scientists who trust the food is safe, when it is not. To drink a glass or 2 of Magnetic Water charged by the Aqua Chi water module is like carrying around an oxygen bottle and piping it to your nose.

Why does the food coloring evenly disperse when a drop of same is added to a glass of water? Would not a drop of Mercury or Formaldehyde evenly disperse throughout the human body’s water? Or the chemtrails we breathe or the Radiation from Fukushima be evenly dispersed through out the planet?

Fun Fact. The very best “instruments” for measuring FREQUENCIES are Pre World War 2 Ships being melted down to make the most sensitive of meters, because the planet has been since Radiated many times. Are micro wave ovens still illegal in Russia? Did you know they raised the Radiation safety levels BECAUSE of Fukushima? Significantly? But lets blame carbon for the sea life die off.

So for the FIRST TIME in your life, you now have the tools to have ORIGINAL THOUGHTS. You only get the Narrative out according to the Narrative you put in. But the Truth sets you free from this constraint.

You want to change your lives, learn to discern the truth and act upon it. Failure is not an option as others are using their lies and fake science upon you.



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