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Resentment and despair

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Quote from Mirri on October 25, 2021, 1:33 am

@garrire that is a very disturbing video! And I don't really get their solution. I mean, I see all the disturbing stuuf and I try to maneuver my kids in a way to ... I just don't have the words now, sorry. I try my best.

Never apologise for not being able to get your words out right. I'm of the school of thought that if you spend a long and protracted debate with someone and all you get out of it is a common understanding of terms, it's been a great debate. Words are tricky. They have power. You're showing wisdom in discretion.

Now, that video, I actually find incredible. I'm really sorry it disturbed you! There's an endless amount of symbolism in it, and granted, it's bleak. Extremely bleak. When you watch it, and it accurately describes... well, everything, it's easy to get suckered into doom and gloom mode. Feel a victim. Feel angry, or resentful that you're trapped, and despair at not being able to see the clear path.

How else are you supposed to be persuaded to buy the snake oil, after all, if you're not desperate for a better life?

Significantly though, what's happening from the 10 minute mark onwards? What's the tonal shift, and the symbolism conveying then? How does it end?

I find it a hopeful message. There's always hope, even in darkness. The message it sends to me is, we're all born in the physical world and our connection to our true potential is severed and we're thrust onto a conveyor belt of darkness. But that control is necessary for us to not realise what we're really capable of. We are all, ultimately, creatures of infinite light and potential.

Change can happen, we can face the serpent behind the darkness, and we can win.

So, as MM puts it, simply be the Rufus, as often as you are able. The agent of change. The biggest picture imaginable is  still made up of a thousand, million tiny parts. All of them are significant, all of them matter - all of them are utterly essential.

Or none of them are.

Once enough of them reach critical mass of love and light, the whole system burns.

But, that's just what I get out of it. Your mileage may vary.

congjing yu, Ultan McG and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
congjing yuUltan McGMemory Loss

Here's part b and c of Medavoy for you guys-- and an interview with a top-level hypnotherapist as an extra bonus. Medavoy is the guy who creates the narrative-- real or fake; Jack True is the guy who works the created narrative into the public consciousness until it becomes crystallised in the minds of the masses as 'truth'. (AKA the 'cognitive psychologists' advising the puppet governments of EurAngloLand we hear about all the time.) They are two sides of the Masters who control this reality's coin, if you like-- bank it, cash it, flip it any which way they choose. And like the dice in the casino, the throws are very much loaded in their favour.

And full disclosure in case of any misunderstandings: I wouldn't touch the inoculation with a barge-pole; nor am I suggesting that anybody consent to it or not. I would never attempt to influence another person's own, personal medical choices under any circumstances one way or the other. Period. I'm responsible for my own and that's it. As my pagan friends tell me, one of their golden rules is this: never meddle. Never, ever. Again, we are all responsible for our own choices and will pay the piper when the fee comes due. In this life or the next. If somebody you know and love wants to do something, they're gonna do it and nothing you do or say short of holding a gun to their head will make them do different. Sure, you might force them into NOT doing something by physically restraining them or putting the fear of God into them about what'll happen if they do-- but eventually they're gonna resent you for it. And when you take the gun away, they're gonna follow through on whatever little idea worked its way into their tiny minds no matter what. That's just what folks do. Especially Normie.

If the inoculation is indeed a 'kill-shot' as many hold, so be it. But I'd rather die of whatever they're sowing than allow a pharmaceutical company and their paid stooges in government dictate to me how I live my life or the quality of it. Never gonna happen. And we're all IS-BEs, anyway, right? We don't ever die-- we've just been programmed to think we do and that this life is all there is. As a born and bred catholic this isn't anything new to me, anyway. And I don't fear death. We are immortal.

I'm also reminded by my pagan friends-- real pagans, btw, the ones who believe in magic and know how this realm works and is manipulated-- about the Georgia Guidestones-- not placed there at great expense for the cows to scratch their arses against, right? If this is the Big One as many of them believe again, so be it. But they're not gonna have their way as easily as they think-- and many I know are organised and 100% dedicated to thwarting them.

So bring it on Lord Rothschild; or Mr. Draco; or David fecking Icke or whomEVER. You won't put a halt to my existential gallop no matter how hard you try. And I expect that goes for most of the other sentient beings contributing to these discussions right here as time goes on. But I also suspect we all know darn well deep down that this is all about a bioattack on peer capable nuclear powers gone very badly wrong, and the culprits will seed the internet with all kinds of utter horseshit in order to deflect Normie's awareness away from that fact. ALL intelligence operations have a MAJOR part of their budget allocated to handling the blowback and manipulating public perception. (Think 911, for example.) And let's be honest, manipulating that perception really wouldn't be all that difficult-- especially when you have guys like True and Medavoy on the payroll. These guys know Normie better than he knows himself-- again, not a difficult task. And much easier than most would realise. Farmer? Trained sheep-dog? Flock?

Yeah, pretty darn easy with a bit of training.

So by all means be the RUFUS-- you have to be-- but never meddle. That is, intentional intervention in another person's thinking or acting process. Especially now how those thinking processes have been hijacked by experts-- and they'll have Normie turn on you in an instant as the last 18 months have shown us they are capable of...

All it takes is a meme and a headline. Job done.

Lie low; observe; look after your own; know your neighbours; and as Pissed Lizard and Metallicman have advised us time and time again, if it isn't possible for you to do that, then think about how you're gonna  get the fuck out when SHTF. We saw the Normies attacking each other over fucking shit-roll in the Cash n' Carry-- can you imagine how they're gonna behave when they get hungry? And come rolling into your 'hood desperate and, probably, armed to the teeth?

Let's see how dialling 911 works out for ya in that scenario.

And good luck! May your gods go with you.

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Medavoy b

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I first read the interview months ago after someone had posted a link in a comment to one of the posts. I wasn't sure who was the one who interduce the files, but here you are, So thank you very much.

The interviews were nothing short of amazing. I still read them from time to time, to make sure I'm not dreaming. In 2020-2021, more than ever we need to keep our consciousness (and sanity..) maintained and healthy, in the face of the unusual reality.

congjing yu and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
congjing yuUltan McG

It's all there, really, Dani-- in black and white. But most folks can't or won't get their heads around the bigger agenda because they'd rather go on believing the West is the Best, baybee. (Or rather, that's a bit of a lofty assumption on behalf of Normie-- he don't do geopolitics outside of Fox, Newsmax and CNN-- so let's just say they'd rather go on consuming in the belief that they'll always be able to live like that; and that hidden, darker agendas are the domain-- so to speak-- of conspiracy nuts and retards).....

....So, Mr. Normie-- how's the last year and a half gone for ya? Two weeks to flatten the curve, ya say? Mass vaccinations on a global scale are just paranoid conspeewacy fantasies, huh?

Yeah. Welcome to the weeeel world.

Glad you enjoyed the articles, Dani-- True's are a knockout. And if folks don't grasp it now they never will. And never meddle! Their paths have been well chosen, IMHO. And will be walked.

congjing yu and Dani have reacted to this post.
congjing yuDani

Thank you @ultan-mcg for the articles. The first one was very helpful in framing my mind. I remember British intelligence has a guideline somewhere that there should be at least three levels deep of misdirection in a misinformation campaign. The vaccines are one of those disinformation potholes.

The vaccines is on level two I suspect. Where there is harm to the population. That however is not the primary reason for being tho at least not now. "Now" is saving the banks. So you start with a "follow the money". There is an insightful article which I append below. If you read Austin Fitts, the money point also fits.

Excerpt below:

The mainstream narrative should therefore be reversed: the stock market did not collapse (in March 2020) because lockdowns had to be imposed; rather, lockdowns had to be imposed because financial markets were collapsing. With lockdowns came the suspension of business transactions, which drained the demand for credit and stopped the contagion. In other words, restructuring the financial architecture through extraordinary monetary policy was contingent on the economy’s engine being turned off. Had the enormous mass of liquidity pumped into the financial sector reached transactions on the ground, a monetary tsunami with catastrophic consequences would have been unleashed.

If we ‘follow the money’, we will see that the economic blockade deviously attributed to the Virus© has achieved far from negligible results, not only in terms of social engineering, but also of financial predation. I will quickly highlight one of them.

1) As anticipated, it has allowed the Fed to reorganise the financial sector by printing a continuous stream of billions of dollars out of thin air; 2) It has accelerated the extinction of small and medium-sized companies, allowing major groups to monopolise trade flows;

Like the elephant, describing the truth in a few coherent sentences is impossible, we have to look at different PoVs and they may be completely contradictory.

Your exchange with Merlynn was also a trigger because it got me to thinking about what it means to be human (or at least one aspect of it).

So. What is appropriate behavior in a prison. For me, this is something constructive that can be done. Form gangs. Understand human behavior. Read. Broaden knowledge.

But above all, understand that we have to work with the guards and the warden. Until the day we don't have to.

All of us are in the same prison, @ultan-mcg, @MerLynn, et al. Identify that we are in one gang. Because the "unwoke", for want of a better word, are in the majority of the prison. We are very much in the minority. We need the magicians, the masterminds, the muscle etc working and singing from the same hymn sheet. We endure and survive until the day of reckoning comes.

Ultan McG and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
Ultan McGxzianchow
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Thanks for this, M.L. I know Fitts' work, but remain sceptical about her opinions because she never mentions China-- other than in the sense that their 'evil social credit system' is incoming to the West, so I've figured her to be a part of the billion dollar cover-up of the bio-attack gone very horribly wrong. Blame the bankers, blame the politicians, blame whoEVER, focus on the 'imminent financial crash' of the West, etc. but whatever you do, don't mention what really happened CNY 2020. (That kinda thing.)

Sure, the economies are in turmoil-- but what's really happening is a reorganisation of the supply chains in the run up to confrontation with China-Russia and their allies. Probably over the next few years, or so. They expected China to be destroyed by the bioweapon and subsequent naval led 'invasion' -- certainly of Taiwan and surrounding islands-- after that. But as we know that failed badly, too (not to mention the revelation of China-Russia and the orbital-- even though 'orbit' according to the Flat Erffers doesn't exist, right?--missile platforms); so now we're watching a Plan B unfold where they are now getting ready, I think, to mount another all out attack with a Cold War style preamble while in the meantime they have to reorganise the supply chains in order to gain some kind of material grasp over production before China pulls the plug on exports to the West-- as is obviously underway already on their part-- which began with the decoupling of the USD and their refusal to no longer buy US debt/treasuries (kinda the same thing now, right?).

I'm bettin' Catherine Austin Fitts won't tell you about that 'little' economic factotum. Crickets; tumbleweeds....silence. Check it out if you don't believe me.

China exports to the US are actually relatively quite small in terms of monetary value. Big volume, sure-- but of worthless consumer products. Their BIG business-- tech, chips, robotics and parts, food, tourism, business, education-- is with Japan, S. Korea, Africa and S. America. And the rest of the developing world especially regarding auto-parts, machinery, stuff like that. Even cars, motorbikes and trucks/small arms military hardware.

As for the 'unwoke', their existence is well known to the Masters, obviously, and they've been gaming a number of strategies to deflect dissent from that tiny minority (Flat Erfff, Draco Reptilians, 5G Zombie Apocalypse, we've seen and heard it all, right?)-- as well as strategies for dealing with the armed-to-the-teeth Fweeemen and militia types digging in all over the U.S. and elsewhere.

But we'll see what happens. Stay safe out there,


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