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Resentment and despair

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@merlynn and @ultan-mcg can we agree that there's something off with the vaxx? We all know and feel it in our guts.

I am also trying to get what's wrong with that thing! BUT we will never find a study about what's wrong with it. Because scientist and their techniques are all about finding what is already known. All the equiments... you have to tell them what they should be looking for, but they won't tell you what's in it when they don't know it.

You can believe me or not, but when I said that out loud I got an Adrenalinshot and goosebumps all over my arms and back just as Mr Man described his experience with the comm to the Officer.

And I got another confirmation, that there is a Non-physical component to the vaxx. And since our scientists deny the existance of the spark of life I don't expect them to ever find something.

Honestly, I get all the resentment about the sheeple not waking up, I was at that point as well. But I learned something about my own influence on other people.

1 You cannot make them change if they themselves don't see a necessity to change. And you can't wake them up for two reasons: Firstly you imply pressure on them so they will naturaly push back. Secondly accepting being wrong about the vaxx means for them to start taking responsibility for their actions and in the end being responsible for their own death (that's at least what we see in the future). You send them into the underworld and there have been not many coming back out of it again. Thirdly how can you be so arrogant to think you know what experiences and decisions someone else needs to make?

2 The influence you DO have is what I call the Yes-influence because it works in positive ways. You stick to YOUR decision and you live your life on YOUR principles and it may inspire others. But you NEVER give advice without being asked first. Just ponder ad-vice. There is confrontation in the word itself and you'll be back to implying pressure on the other one. The thing about this is, that you can't anticipate who will resonate with it.

Then there is the No-reinforcement. You can protect your OWN boundaries against someone else by saying "No!" and they may ask "Why" and you can go to Yes-influence.

I imagine the Yes-influence as throwing stones (= ideas, experiences, opinions...) into water and the forming rings of waves grow and will maybe hit someonelse, while the No-reinforcemnt is like a boxring with you walking the Perimeter.


I think, the sheeple deserve saving. They are victims to malevolent beings here on earth. We and them look at the same thing but come to different conclusions. I don't know why that is, why we are not as brainwashed as they are. But we are somehow different.

I will leave it at that. Sorry for the lecture, but seeing you guys getting mad at each other while just coming from a different angle concerned me. It's exactly what the malevolent beings implement in Moms brains. They throw each other out of the boat for whose the best Mom while everyone has the best interest in their child and so they should be rowing the boat together.

Feal, fifth.eschaton and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
Fealfifth.eschatonUltan McGGoldleafgarrire

Yes, Mirri-- thanks for this. Although far from getting mad, I was kinda having fun. Misunderstood folks are easy to wind up (unintentionally, of course 😇), anyway. I should tread more delicately.

For me it's a simple equation based on my own life experience fortified by sound observation at all times, a lot of listening, too-- and not much talking, believe that or not! and a thorough reading of Metallicman, as well as a few other trusted sources this past year and that's it. A lot of gut instinct too, which I have always trusted implicitly. Any time in my life I didn't listen to my gut instinct, well, let's just say when reflecting on that time afterwards I realised I should have.

The equation is this:

On one hand, we have a failed bio-attack on a peer capable nuclear power, 100% certainty. Undisputed by all intelligence agencies not directly involved. And there are many. An attack that must have been in the planning for years. On the other hand, we have a hypothesised alien takeover of the human race underway using a beetle-juice type substance masquerading as a 'vaccine'....

(Bearing in mind what Metallicman has repeatedly said about 'aliens' having no real interest in us, but very much an interest in our planet and this region of space. If they wanted rid of us, we'd be fried to a cinder or otherwise despatched in seconds or minutes. We wouldn't even see it coming. We are of course talking Space Opera levels of technical know-how, here.)

....Now, the attack failed simply put, and we're all living with the consequences of that now while the culprits retire with fat pensions and book deals.

So, what sense would it make for the Powers That Be who initiated it to say: 'Oh, horse puckey!!! We failed to vanquish those pesky commies in the CCP and their slaves begging for Western style fweeedom and demokwacy, so instead let's just kill everyone in our own populations off using Demon Goblin Juice (given to us by Lord Master Himself Rothschild and his friends), and then try again next election cycle'.

....(Bearing in mind that vast swathes of the world outside of EurAngloLand remain relatively unscathed by either a vaccine and/or COVID. Life is carrying on very much as normal with a few COVID outbreaks here and there no doubt related to trade or selected spots to turn hot in order to make it seem like a 'global pandemic').....

All easily verifiable. But not on CNN, obvioulsy.

How does that equation balance up when looked at it rationally given all we know now-- again, hat-tip Metallicman?

No doubt the inoculations are dangerous-- they're not meant to be safe-- they are changing DNA in order to provide protection, probably, against incoming bioattacks because the U.S. will scorch earth rather than allow the Chinese to achieve military and economic primacy by 2030 at the latest. Helped along no doubt by their allies and Russia, too. Win-Win for Asia-Pacific. Dangerous vaccines, but not as dangerous as what's probably incoming unless somebody stops these crazies in their tracks.

Again, remember that we now know directly from The Domain contact that they are actively present in Africa, Asia and India. Perhaps the baton of MAJestic is now being passed to the new global superpowers? But that is speculation, of course, granted. I think it's exactly what's underway, though.

Back to the Demon Goblin Juice; for me it smacks of an updated, post-Trump Q-style operation. Instead of Trump the Saviour, we now have Biden the mass Murdering Libtard mandating the 'killshot (yawn!) for everybody. But most importantly, the energies of the American conservative masses who voted for Trump are now directed against Biden except this time with an added, 'emotional factor' that's evidenced throughout the threads here and elsewhere. In fact, if you check, you'll find the Graphene Oxide shpiel was non-existent up until about 3 months ago before it magically popped into existence on all the alt-right platforms. Repeat: Non existent. From the ONE SOURCE. And you can check that out for yourself. I can tell you that this has been noticed and tracked by the same kinds of people who track, say, the White Helmets gang, and how they fake gas attacks in Syria in order to paint the Assad Clan as a group of mass-murdering lunatics. The irony of that, right?

The crazies are not unopposed, there's the silver lining. It's just the guys opposing them don't say much, gather evidence, and plan their moves. (Just like China and Russia are doing, too.)

And they don't write their memoirs, neither.

Before G.O. it was mercury and trace metals; before that, it was squaline and all the dead sharks. There's a pattern here.

So to sum that all up-- what's more likely in the above equation? A bioattack failed and a mad rush to roll out a military grade biowarfare inoculation due to blowback, at least, and a planned further attack, at worst?

Or that the draco lizards wanna turn us all into flesh-eating zombies while they and their Satanically possessed buddies in government sit back and grab another bowl of popcorn. Seems to me anybody who entertains that scenario is getting their metaphysical metaphors mixed up. And then some. I mean, to finish off with another hat-tip to our blog host, reptilian lizards don't exist. It's David Willycock/Corey Goode/Commander X and David fecking Icke inspired horse puckey. But also an effective and massive psychological operation par excellence and, of course, funded up the Wazoo.

Later~ and sorry for going on! Thanks for your insights, too. My wife and I are childless, unfortunately. These days I can't say I regret-- my only real regret, actually-- that as much as I used to!


congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

BTW, for anybody interested in how fake narratives are created and seeded in order to maintain maximum control over the general narrative, see below. It's a long read, but it's the closest you'll get bar none to discover how these guys work and what their eventual motivations are. In fact, you can even get inside the kind of minds involved and how they tick. Think of a guy who advises somebody like Fauci or Gates-- not a political puppet talisman like Biden or Trump or even a guy like Elon Musk.

It ain't pleasant reading-- but unlike a lot of the fake narratives they create, it makes a whole lotta sense. You will find this kind of stuff very hard to obtain now because the internet has been scrubbed of real debate, and loaded with utter nonsense, instead. Not impossible, but hard. The Masters rely on the fact that very few people actually read, anymore. They'd rather circulate YouTube links to each other-- and usually others who are in agreement with them. That's why YouTube/FaceBook, etc. exists, really-- to polarise and factionalise and above all, to prevent folks who share different views from interacting too closely with one another and discovering a little bit of Truth. That's how you manage and control 'public discourse' 101, right there. Algorithms prevent you from doing just that. Sharing ideas, and getting you so hooked into your own narrative that an opposing view is viewed immediately as a shilly, fake-news bot or non-human who should be eradicated from any form of civilised debate.

For an example of this in real-time, go to a Flat Errfff Forum and read how guys who actually know something about physics are treated.

A Hallow'een (Satannniccc!!!) present from ol' Ultan for yee. Anyone want parts b and c, just let me know. (And note what he says about 'epidemic' outbreaks very carefully.)

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xzianchow and garrire have reacted to this post.

I would like parts b and c, Ultron.

Thank you for posting that pdf.  I had not seen that before.  I am aware of John Rappaport and his work though.

A "history of PR".  What an interesting phrase he used in there.  Ellis would understand this, but it is so controversial an area that I can't say much upon it publicly - which shows how much power is there.

I'll post em for you tomorrow, mate. And yeah, wait til you find out about how they created HIV/AIDS and seeded into the NYC bathhouses before blaming it on Africa. Sarin tests, too. On the NYC subway.

Not much has changed except the scope. And the cohones of these guys. Who needs satanic when these people are calling the shots very much in this world.

The power is unlimited unchecked and unaccountable. But not unopposed. At least not yet.

BTW Rappaport himself is heavily involved in the CIVID doesn't exist narrative and thus is highly suspect. But his older work is great.

COVID doesn't exist is bonded at the hip to the vaxxes are going to kill everybody narrative. Again, the pattern is regular and traceable; and questioning that will have you buried in hate mail and spam in an instant. All highly organized disinformation of course. But you obviously know this, already.

Ultan thank you for the pdf. I would very much like to have a read of the other parts.

You have actually triggered a lot bunch of questions to the Domain that I think might be of help to both humans and the Domain itself. We need to look at the bigger picture and expand our interaction if possible. Some of these questions are pretty odd, and  I don't really understand what they mean myself. So I have to ponder them and put it in a separate forum post.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Ultan, loved the PDF. Looking forward to reading the others. Thank you for posting.

And, after reading it last night and thinking to myself, damn, that's bleak. By sheer coincidence, checking Off-Guardian for some easy Sunday morning reading, they've posted an article in a very similar vein to that book.

It is very interesting that the just-off mainstream is starting to pick up on issues discussed here.

Further, @mirri have you ever seen the short video IN-SHADOW - A Modern Odyssey?

I'm not sure why I'm raising this, it just feels right. Sort of in support of your points.

@garrire that is a very disturbing video! And I don't really get their solution. I mean, I see all the disturbing stuuf and I try to maneuver my kids in a way to ... I just don't have the words now, sorry. I try my best.

@ultan I haven't read the pdf yet. And honestly, I am not on the watchout for all the geopolitical tactics and ongoings and so on. Thats my husbands job. I'm the Smutje of the ship to keep everyone in a good mood so I try to avoid all the disturbing and concerning things, because this way I can do my job. So you might be right about the special cocktail. I just do know that something's very wrong about the juice and I know I will do everything I can to keep my kids safe!!!

And @memoryloss and the others who got MrMan angry with the Domain thread:

I don't see a threat in the Domains statements about "owning us" , "using force against enemies" and we not knowing their agenda. Be honest guys! By taking ownership there always comes responsibility! And they are taking it. There is a famous guy named Teddy Roosevelt who once stated: "Talk softly, but carry a big stick!" Seriously he forgot to mention "and know how to use it!" The Domain knows to carry a big stick and how to use it. I do feel safer keeping this in mind!

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congjing yuUltan McGgarrire
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