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How do we find a common ground with the Domain?

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Quote from Dani on October 24, 2021, 8:24 pm

I would start with, how the hell you crash your space vehicle into a super top military desert base? way back in 1947,

The craft was stolen or the very least borrowed.

It was a level 9 of 10 craft in the universe. Very advanced.

It was a Dr Who Tardis craft. Dial in TIME and AETHER Coordinates and press GO.

Once there, switch to "Terrestrial Drive" and fly around except they didnt have complete control over a craft that is used to having only ONE Pilot using MIND Control to fly it...

So they lost control and were shoveled up by Govt forces.

All is not as it seems.

xzianchow and Alice have reacted to this post.

My friend youhave a heart of gold. To come back damn.

I would be damned to come back. After I look back at my life I see it was full of some shitty aspects. I will try and help from the other side of the fence.

But if I am to come back I really gotta clean my pre birth WL template. And afew other discussions need to be made. Who knows what awaits us when we die.

But one thing am sure of is we got the info. We got the inside mans . We will be in control this time.


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congjing yuGoldleafxzianchow
Quote from garrire on October 25, 2021, 1:09 am


Taking as given, we're trapped in a prison planet environment, we're fully trapped until something from the outside helps us. We're inside a complex environment beyond our ability to break free without outside help, and it was designed this way. We're all here from who alone knows where, and the environment itself is designed, guided and operated to keep us fighting among ourselves.

The Domain have chosen MM to be a guide. His duties are onerous indeed.

Currently, there is a battalion belonging to The Domain trapped here.

That's 3000 IS-BE's who have a role and specialisation, hard earnt and trained for, in The Domain.

They're trapped in an even harsher reality than we are, by design, to keep them in. Why?

Well, if they're located, and freed, then it seems likely they regain all their memories. ALL their memories. Including what they went through between the cycles in the system.

Everything. Every step of the whole damn prison environment.

Such incredible intel, lived and experienced by Domain IS-BE's as "new" additions to our environment should be THE top priority. They've already got skills, experience, and now they have insider knowledge - when they've been rehabilitated. The value of this to everyone cannot be overstated.

As for "Ownership", it seems clear that that's a non-issue, or a matter of semantics. I say I own my cat, after all, but that relationship is far more complicated than "ownership". If they were malicious, the minimum The Domain would need to do to continue making our lives miserable is NOTHING. Keep the system rolling, and have a new dumping ground. Instead, they've taken an immense responsibility on themselves to restore untold IS-BE entities to freedom. The scope and knowledge required for this is probably further from our current understanding, by design of the prison system, than how to service my car is to my Cat.

We've been given tools to make our life better - like a lawyer sneaking in contraband past the prison guards. I'm grateful for that, and have benefited from that. If I'm trapped here for longer, well, it would be nice, at the very least, to help some IS-BE's out of this shit and free some truly innocent entities.

Shawshank Style.

Meet y'all in Space Zihuatenejo when it's over. Mines a Henry Weston with ice, next round on me.

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I wasn't trying to be snarky or rude I just thought that song was appropriate considering what we are trying to do

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@geisterfahrer Not sure anyone took offense to the video, I personally didn't and won't speak for others. The forums are just quiet lately. Also YouTube is blocked in some countries so it's possible not everyone saw it.

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Quote from Geisterfahrer on October 27, 2021, 8:27 am

I wasn't trying to be snarky or rude I just thought that song was appropriate considering what we are trying to do

No offence taken here brother, Love it. I am a huge fan of AC/DC!

I apologise if you felt ignored or like you'd offended somehow- I tend to come and go from these here parts, gotta keep that life balance in order, ya know? It is becoming increasingly harder to "catch up" though, which is a great sign.

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Going back to your very interesting discussions, I guess he has some kind of incorruptible way of measuring our opinions and making an idea by measuring the constraints, the fabulous story that MM has lived and continues is an adventure, each one living our own. adventure and the Estate represents for me a style. I am naive ok but vigilant and when it becomes present like you I use coherent information processing which allows me to come to a conclusion. The domain represents the source, their approaches to the domain and MM are cautious, if I unfold the values ​​that they instill in us then the Domain is a reflection of the unchanging incorruptible fractal source. So I am naive but vigilant to respect the message.

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