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How do we find a common ground with the Domain?

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This is going to be a weird post. It will be disjointed and will contain non sequiturs etc yadayada. Thanks to Ultan and his Jon Rappaport pdf, I got to thinking about the fundamentals of our approach to the Domain. So one whole series of questions popped up. I will just cut and paste what I jotted down and then return later to expand on them.


Hunt for lost battalion wrong timing.
Misallocation of scarce resources.
Rockefeller and bill gates. Ap and ld.
How 5000 years turned to now in middle of vaccines and us China pre kinetic war.
(no reason provided for change of "well thought out plans")
Can we choose to also focus on the matters of our planet. Can the Domain assist us in a similar way we want to assist them? Ask and you will receive. Also be careful what you wish for.
Hallmark of a growing civilization. Proactive instead of reactive. 3000 v 7 billion.
Ultan Merlynn interaction: We need the bigger picture, we are doing things wrong. Alice Goldleaf exchange, things are not obvious unless you open your mind.
Commander request may not be as it appears on the table. May be a test also whether humanity is ready. We must look after humanity at the very least at the same time we look at the recovery of the Lost Battalion. In the scheme of things, the Domain has a request but MM's snipe hunt comes to mind.
I think commander will expect or welcome a counter request for help in our issues. If we do not do this then for me humanity is not ready for any awakening.
Not an invading force we have to request. Just as domain request on us, we can request the Domain. What areas can they help with minimal cost to them?


I have edited for spelling etc. But the jist is like this. The Domain will expect people who are very desperate to ask for help. But if the Domain is similar to the Chinese government, it may practice a form of strict intervention. Things are zooming along at a crazy pace with the vaccines and pre kinetic war between the West and China. The Domain might be very aware of things we are not, and might even be able to help or influence events but we have to ask.

That is my starting point. The second premise is we need to account for "cultural differences" as we have been isolated for yonks. The Commander's request is two fold in purpose at least. One, an open request to see the attitudes of the people on MM, whether they are receptive.

Two, to see how proactive we are towards taking care of this planet. Now this is where I experience cognitive dissonance. Most of us are eager to help because there is a request to do so. But none of us have voiced out our own problems with the current situation on this planet. It's probably some prison psychological block but if we have contact with friendly aliens, why do we not ask them for help?

The rest of my thoughts are generally intimately connected to the above paragraphs. I will expand later once I understand what I jotted down haha, but it's not negative at all towards the Domain, despite what it looks on the surface. Based on what I think, the Domain can be very generous and helpful beyond our imagination. Think China with all of its positive aspects amplified to the nth degree and negative aspects minimized. The current China is les than a century old, whereas the Domain is incalculably older and more experienced.

So let's "reimagine" how a proper relationship can be with the Domain, (assuming that they do want a relationship in the first place lol).

I will return to flesh out my thoughts.


fifth.eschaton, perolator and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Funny, I don't view the Domain as friendly at all. They seem more opportunistic, if anything. There's plenty of sci-fi and philosophy in the world that explores aliens and game theory. The position the Domain occupies is rather zealous and ideological. They're playing the role of galactic police, and they've stated that they have a clear goal in mind toward unification under their empire (Or galactic doctors excising cancerous growths).

We simply do not know what their goals are, and how we fit into their goals. We may have something they want, and are busy finding a way to extract that value.

Here's a scenario for you:

  • If we believe in free will as the basis for all consciousness, then it would stand to reason that they need our pooled consensus in their efforts.
  • A pool of imprisoned ISBEs likely runs contrary to gathering free-will consensus necessary to enact their end-game.
  • Therefore, it is of great self-interest for them to resolve the Earth situation.

The value of this planet makes absolutely no sense to me. This is A) a pocket universe, and B) entirely disposable. Who cares what happens to "earth?" Aren't we trillions of years old? Just make another one.

It is clear that there exist many scenarios in which the domain profits immensely from breaking this prison. They may simply enjoy the challenge, and will gain prison tech by reverse engineering our situation.

I'm unclear on how we could ever learn about their plans or know their intent, other than using our own hearts and intuition. My heart an intuition defaults to being an immovable center, which negates all goals and arguments into nothingness. "Neither this, nor that."

There exists the possibility that we are a threat to them. We might be developing a skillset that is honed only in such a ruthlessly cruel environment like Earth. When "free," we could successfully challenge their dogmatic empire. We might ultimately challenge their stated goals. We might undo all their plotting, simply because we're maze runners and rebels (if we manage to break the system).

Well, what then?

We have only our hearts to validate the truthiness of any claims. My own personal philosophy does align with @memory-loss suggestion of quid pro quo. But, I feel like they've offered a surgical removal of tracking devices, so we aren't helping for free...

I'm rambling. I should hold all my theorizing until I actually make contact.


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keff and Alice have reacted to this post.

Great 5e. We need to examine things really closely. I'm also not sure why the Domain would need our help. So we have to look critically.

But also at this point, the timing unfortunately detracts from our more pressing issues. Our lucid dreamers can actually take a look at Gates, Everlyn and so on. This should be done asap and the hunt for 3000 immortal beings can actually be put on temporary hold. Because humans aren't immortal.

Also, the ISBE hunt looks rather more like a snipe hunt simply because it detracts by channeling the deployment of a very scarce resource away from where it is needed. At least from a human point of view, we need to find out how certain things on an extremely urgent basis. The vaccines and the threat of war are more urgent to me.

Linked to this is an effort to shut down the mass hypnosis of whole populations. If the people wake up, the vaccine rollout, not to say war, becomes much much more difficult. I think the rollouts are on a tight schedule, delaying them is crucial.

So now we have contact with aliens. What do we do? What do they want? What do we want? Those are core issues that really need discussion.

So guys, please chime in. I have no doubt that we have been contacted. Once contacted, I presume that we will continue to have some more encounters and uhm "cultural exchanges".

So on a scale of (human) importance, this contact is damn freeking important. Their request look more like something to break the ice. We have to examine things before we get a "Take me to your leader" request lol. The Domain have not articulated their intents to us (other than "we own you" which I find to be slightly alarming lol.)

If the Buddha can offer an "examine my words by fire" scenario, we can and should to the same to the Domain. @fifth-e, I welcome your "ramblings" very much. I don't view the Domain so negatively actually. But I also don't want us to be like the Arawak Indians meeting Colombus.



keff, fifth.eschaton and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Understanding the philosophy of Eternalism and "Block time" is essential to understanding the Domain's motivations. They might be "immortal" from our perspective, yet still they face resource scarcity of some sort which motivates them toward the pursuit of goals. Those resources may be computation, novelty, etc. We don't know.

Still, we should understand "cusp events" as critical moments in the eternal time block that greatly effect probability downstream. Even if they have eternity to free their Lost Battalion, some infinities are larger than others (Set theory) It might be critical for them to tip the balance with a small act here and now, to cause an avalanche of change in the future.

Are we not also immortal? We have had who knows how many cycles to escape the prison - yet we are still here. A new strategy might be setting aside our temporal goals and assisting in their meta-temporal goals. It would seem our old strategy has not borne fruit, or we would not be having this conversation...

Memory Loss, Alice and Chromacat have reacted to this post.
Memory LossAliceChromacat

ML, I am glad you made this topic. Like 5E, I have reservations about taking things at face value. Just because the Domain from a more advance civilisation and claim to be rescuing us does not mean they may not be entirely truthful.

I feel the situation we are in is something like this. You drive your car to work everyday and all is fine. One day you decide that it is about time you get the engine oil changed. You come across a fancy looking new garage and decide to get the oil changed there. While the oil is being changed, the mechanics look around the insides of the car and tell you that gearbox and engine is in bad shape and will need to be overhauled and will cost you a big bundle. They tell you that your regular garage, one that you have had only good experiences with for many years,  is sh*t because they never told you about the bad shape of your car. So are they being honest? Or are they scamming you?

There is a possibility that this isn't a prison planet afterall, and that the Domain is telling that to us manipulate us. There are some other aspects of what the Domain have told us about themselves that I am not comfortable with, but will not go into at this time.

Like 5E says, we are immortal sovereign beings. I too feel that intuition and other forms of insight might be of help at this time. Just swallowing the Domain narrative wholesale may be a mistake.

Alice has reacted to this post.

I would start with, how the hell you crash your space vehicle into a super top military desert base? way back in 1947, presumably. electro magnetic interface? well, good for you; You are supposed to have ability to put the earth near the sun, can't you handle a bit of electro magnetic interface from ape like creatures?

I find this all interview to be, well, if you are to be captured, and the only strength you have is a talent for telepathy, and mind reading, what would you do?

Nothing adds up here, why should this be an issue to get the pilot out of the cave men base? we blew our cover anyway, didn't we?

military speaking, this doesn't make sense. what kind of loyalty you have if you leave one of your soldiers behind or the other option you don't know where he is or what happened at all is even worse.

Good luck fighting the galactic federation with that.

Maybe the officer run a way to meet a nice girl in Nevada, so no one knew where he is at, maybe they just don't care when one of them just crushed and now being investigated by this aggressive generically modified ape creatures.  what can go wrong?

The officer needs to learn not to run after his romantic passions, how the hell we will take death star and Darth Wider all together?

Oh, I know. we all go to sleep. we will dream kick their asses.

And, I admit, to me, the dream part actually make more sense then all the rest.

I would start with, how the hell you crash your space vehicle into a super top military desert base? way back in 1947, presumably. electro magnetic interface? well, good for you; You are supposed to have ability to put the earth near the sun, can't you handle a bit of electro magnetic interface from ape like creatures?

Ouch. Our problems can be caused by mistranslation, cultural differences etc. I would think it might similar to the Conquistadors, in that they puff themselves up to be gods. Hence "not what it says on the tin."

But more importantly, what do our "new Overlords" want from us? Do they want tribute, sex slaves etc? Or are they just going to free us from the elite?

Sorry for the flippant attitude, but if you have been around for trillions of years and you still want to go conquering the galaxy, then I really have questions for you.

I think in the physical realm of ours, there are limitations that the Domain cannot transcend. Hence their request for help. And boy does that open up another can of worms.

Anyway the practical questions are more important.

Q1. Does your ownership of planet Earth come from right of conquest? Some sort of Terra Nullius?

Q2. If Earthlings are in the position of native Americans who faced annilation at the hands of the Great White Father, what do we do?

Q3. If things are less dark, then how do we work or trade together?

Q4. I have a bunch of other questions but these seem the most pressing to me.


Oh the scenario of the vaccines forcing compliance to the Domain crossed my mind. I dismissed it because I actually don't think the Domain would be so vile. But is there a policy of non-interference by the Domain in this matter? Such that the vaccines need to be solved by humans on their own? Because if it is, then perhaps the lucid dreamers need to focus more on matters pertaining to humanity.

Guys, we have to wargame the matters before us. Treat things with the gravity they deserve. So any thoughts for or against are very welcome. Theorical or practical, we need input.


xzianchow has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

It seems as if there is a lack of trust.

That's perfectly fine - here on Earth, we should all have tons of experience with this.  You are "allowed" to think whatever you like.  It is your behavior that has to be changed.

Earthly life is chock full of power differentials, where one party has far more power than another.  If what they say is true, the Domain is far more powerful than "humanity" (who are really just displaced IS-BEs from other areas)

You don't "need" to trust your boss, your government, the police, or anyone.  But they do demand a certain level of "compliance".

It seems proper, that one should deal with the Domain as one deals with any human on Earth with a great deal of power.  We've all done this, many, many times here already.  Morality does not play into the reckoning.

Who here would argue with a cop during a traffic stop?  And what happens if you do?  You know the answer.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Guys. There is ONE person in MM who knows these creatures. That's me. I've been part of The Domain, and MAJestic since May 1981.

You can either believe me, or not. It's a binary decision on your part. There is no grey area.

[1] If you don't believe me, then I am either lying intentionally or are duped. If so, then you really need to leave MM and never return. Because you need to protect yourself from lies, distortions and troubles. It's a self preservation issue, and you should all TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY. Your protection on all levels should be a priority to yourself.

[2] If you believe me, then you can continue to hang out. Put up your thoughts and so on and so forth. But guys, seriously... show some fucking respect to The Domain. If you continue this negative banter, I will shut down the forum completely and start perma-banning folk. I DON'T GIVE A FUCK. We are giving you all the "keys to the front gates". For fucking FREE, you jackasses. Show some God damn appreciation.

Feal, Ultan McG and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
FealUltan McGgarrireAliceazarkGeisterfahrer


Taking as given, we're trapped in a prison planet environment, we're fully trapped until something from the outside helps us. We're inside a complex environment beyond our ability to break free without outside help, and it was designed this way. We're all here from who alone knows where, and the environment itself is designed, guided and operated to keep us fighting among ourselves.

The Domain have chosen MM to be a guide. His duties are onerous indeed.

Currently, there is a battalion belonging to The Domain trapped here.

That's 3000 IS-BE's who have a role and specialisation, hard earnt and trained for, in The Domain.

They're trapped in an even harsher reality than we are, by design, to keep them in. Why?

Well, if they're located, and freed, then it seems likely they regain all their memories. ALL their memories. Including what they went through between the cycles in the system.

Everything. Every step of the whole damn prison environment.

Such incredible intel, lived and experienced by Domain IS-BE's as "new" additions to our environment should be THE top priority. They've already got skills, experience, and now they have insider knowledge - when they've been rehabilitated. The value of this to everyone cannot be overstated.

As for "Ownership", it seems clear that that's a non-issue, or a matter of semantics. I say I own my cat, after all, but that relationship is far more complicated than "ownership". If they were malicious, the minimum The Domain would need to do to continue making our lives miserable is NOTHING. Keep the system rolling, and have a new dumping ground. Instead, they've taken an immense responsibility on themselves to restore untold IS-BE entities to freedom. The scope and knowledge required for this is probably further from our current understanding, by design of the prison system, than how to service my car is to my Cat.

We've been given tools to make our life better - like a lawyer sneaking in contraband past the prison guards. I'm grateful for that, and have benefited from that. If I'm trapped here for longer, well, it would be nice, at the very least, to help some IS-BE's out of this shit and free some truly innocent entities.

Shawshank Style.

Meet y'all in Space Zihuatenejo when it's over. Mines a Henry Weston with ice, next round on me.

congjing yu, Alice and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yuAliceChromacatazarkGeisterfahrer
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