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Message for "Hidden Battalion" MM Reader/s...

It shouldn't be too hard to imagine that a member of the Lost Battalion should end up here.  People, ideas and worldlines all cluster also.

In The Alien Interviews, the nurse had a telepathic connection with Aryl.  Other than that, she had no magical powers.  So a Domain member on the Prison Planet in a human body doesn't have any advantage, unless their memory is restored.

We are all in the same boat.  From the book, all IS-BEs on Earth are really from somewhere else.  Not just the Domain, but the Old Empire and whatever other civilizations threw down here.

DM has written about gaining his entire memory back in lucid dreams or other altered states; besides this, there does not seem to be a way to instantaneously gain back everything that has been lost.  Talk from the Domain seems to indicate a phased approach to release and memory retrieval.

There is still a great deal to do, for all of us.  Even if I was the Lost Battalion person, I don't see a great advantage being conferred.

I agree with the Domain, that the lost members should struggle and grow on their own, until "the right time."  Whenever that may be.  If anyone should have a pdf copy of the sequel to "Alien Interviews", called "The Domain Expeditionary Force", I and many others would love to read it.

congjing yu, perolator and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yuperolatorGoldleafAlice

I am reading the book now, and I will post on MM shortly.

xzianchow and Alice have reacted to this post.

Cool.  Thanks, MM.

So there was the 1947 incident, and the nurse met Aryl.  In the intro of the Alien Interview book, she mentioned how she had "part" of her memory back, and that had been nearly 50 years later.  I think she mentioned also resuming duties for the Domain, in her sleep.

50 years!  With their active help and knowledge.  That's still alot of work to do, for all of us.  And that is while maintaining a normal working life, as MM has done also.

Alice has reacted to this post.

I just saw this video randomly and it looks very familiar. It's an ancient castle in Heijing, China. Looks like the top of that mountain was cut off too.

xzianchow has reacted to this post.

That is a dramatic video, GF.  Reminds me of Machu Picchu.

Often, it seems the further back in time we travel, the more advanced "humanity" was.  Of course, it was not just man on the Earth back then.


Geisterfahrer has reacted to this post.

I may have spoken too soon. I found the following GPS coordinates of it. I cannot understand the language but those are the coordinates of it.


I am not sure what it is ...will have to look into it later. It does, however, look strangely familiar to me if I dreamt of it before.


La ruine d’un château ?D’une forteresse ? Une ancienne cachette de moine? Non loin à l’Est de la ville de Hejin (3km) et au Sud de la ville de Nanlicun (800m) et au Nord de Weizhuangcun (1000m) on sait maintenant les coordonnées GPS de ce site énigmatique.

35°34'48"N 110°47'18"E


I'm not fluent in French, but basically it says, "Is it a castle? A fortress? An ancient (not sure what cachette de moin is)? No; lying to the east of the city/town of Hejin (3km) and to the south of the city/town of Nanlicun (800m) and north of Weizhuangcun (1000m) waits at these coordinates an enigmatic site.

(coordinate numbers)

Soon (there will be) more information about this archeological site."

xzianchow and Geisterfahrer have reacted to this post.

Cachette de moine = "monk's hiding place", says Google Translate.

In another thread, someone mentioned a specific mountain that had to be the one used by the Greys.


I looked it up and found that the monks that lived in the area claimed there were "underground cities" but were hidden from those who could not see.