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Down-tick in participation

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There has been a noticeable down-tick in forum participation when I blasted an entire city from accessing MM, as well as yelling at a few participants for casual banter. Along with the down-tick were private messages from participants asking me not to send them to the cornfield or ban them from visiting.

Gosh guys.

The guy who I wiped from MM deserved it. All right. He was treating MM as just another website, insulting me, causing me to chase my tail, and not even bothering to put a fucking dollar in the tip jar. He's gone. Good riddance.

But most people are not like him. So you don't have to worry about that.

As far as my cantankerous demeanor showing; I really hate it when someone takes a cat, or a puppy and beats it so hard that it dies. I hate it when someone is attacking a child, or a woman, and everyone stands around as if nothing happened, and I really hate it when a woman is raped and bystanders point at her and blame her because she wore jeans and a nice top.

Blaming The Domain for the crash of their vehicle due to unexpected pulsed radar systems is like pointing to a raped woman and shouting "You caused this! What's the matter with you? Are you stupid? You asked for it! You slut!"

I guess that the questioner has NEVER BEEN INVOLVED IN A CAR WRECK before.

Maybe some "humble pie" is in order to see what it is like.

Maybe experiencing being raped by LGBT homosexuals, or experiencing a few really nasty car accidents will case people to show some humility. Maybe experiencing a life where unexpected things happen and are beyond your ability to deal with occur. Maybe having an accident where you become a quadriplegic. Sure that would be a nice lesson and a nice dose of humble pie.

Should I cause that to happen?



Thus everyone hides.

You can hear crickets. Chirp. Chirp.


With freedom comes responsibility. Everyone is so unused to this concept that they fail to check their behavior. Here on MM everyone must be nice. You all must be kind to others. It is expected of you.

And if you cannot say anything nice, then say nothing at all.

It's not that you should be afraid to speak, but you have to give the proper level of deference to whom you are speaking to. In real life... face to face... if someone told me some of the accusations that I have read, I would take out my little pocket knife and cut his eyes out. I have no fear. No concerns. Not worried about consequences. All the "safeties" are off.

This form is intended to be like a polite afternoon tea discussion between little old grandmothers. It's not a place for clod stomping yahoos making demands, yelling accusations, and getting grease all over the carpet, and dirt on the chairs.


99% of forum participants are fine. No problem. And if there is a problem, I will let you know. I will give you an opportunity window to correct your behavior. If that doesn't work, your and your city are blocked from MM. And if you try to contact other members privately and try to sling "dirt", you WILL be sent to the cornfield. So don't do it.

Here's the rules.

[1] Be nice.

[2] Do not accuse anyone of anything.

[3] I am part of The Domain. You will respect MM, and thus you will respect The Domain. Dissing or insulting The Domain is insulting me.

[4] Certain actions will automatically trigger perma-banning...

  • Accusing me of being a paid Chinese propagandist.
  • Making fun of my experiences.
  • Trolling other members.
  • Bringing up non-related subjects to pollute this site. (Flat earth)
  • Anti-Rufus behaviors

[5] Certain actions will automatically result in being sent to the cornfield...

  • Repeated actions that I personally disfavor.
  • Not heeding my warnings.
  • Not making a sincere apology for misdeeds.
  • Expecting me to "prove" myself in some way.
  • Trolling MM

[6] A forum is a place where there should be an easy and free expression of ideas and experiences. We do not judge here. We listen. We accept what is being said. And we contribute our experiences to the mix. If we have nothing to contribute, then that is the way it is.

[7] Again, you all should not fear anything. Treat me as your most beloved elder. Maybe a grandmother, a great uncle, or a dear, dear friend. I only want the best for youse guys. I really do.

[8] Finally do NOT make the mistake that MM is like other websites, forums, and communication, social media outlets. It isn't. This mistake is made by all newbies, and they have to be politely bitch-slapped into compliance until they understand.



JustAnotherAsian, perolator and 5 other users have reacted to this post.
JustAnotherAsianperolatorUltan McGJayTNR1357xzianchowAliceRayun_jinping

Hey MM, I wasn't the person who was asking you all of those questions causing you to chase your tail, but I was somehow banned.


This is Geisterfahrer. Maybe I live in the same city as him?


If the ban was intentional I will leave.

Uh oh!

Big mistake on my part. You are a "good guy". Let me see if I can correct his error. If you are still banned after the next hour or so, then message me privately and we can correct his grievous error.

ghostrider has reacted to this post.

Update. By banning the entire city, I accidentally banned 45 other MM followers. Maybe an entire city ban wasn't that good of an idea. I narrowed the ban to only the ISP of the asshole. Today he made 8 attempts to get back on MM. It's like a pesky fly that doesn't know that it cannot break through a window.

You should be able to get through now.

ghostrider has reacted to this post.

Yeah, I am not trying to mess with you or your website. I thought it was due to you banning a whole city and I was like ....this guy lives in Atlanta too?


Lol. I read his questions and your reaction last night that is why when I realized I was banned, I set up an account via a proxy to just let you know.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

I am back.

congjing yu and perolator have reacted to this post.
congjing yuperolator

Guys; If any of you good guys find you cannot access the MM site, write to me directly


Well, thanks for this clarification, Mr Man. I don't think I pissed anyone off apart from MerLynn, and for that I'd like to offer him my heartfelt apologies. I actually enjoy his posts very much-- they are interesting and informative. Obviously. The Graphene Oxide angle I remain skeptical of, as I watched it develop in recent months in a snowball effect across alternative media after originating from a source in Spain that is known for seeding disinfo. BUT, I am seeking corroboration and will post it in a succinct way as soon as I can.

If he can give us some more insights on that angle, too, that'd be very welcome.

I'll make an extra effort to be more polite in my questioning style from now on. And enjoy very much reading the contrasting views throughout the Forum. Real solid answers are elusive, we are dealing with Masters of deceit in the wider sphere after all. And as I said before, it'd have been a perplexing few years without the Metallicman's insights for us all, I daresay. And now that the Domain has revealed their intentions, for me at least it would be a fruitless exercise getting bogged down in unrelated material as we watch and see how this whole shit-show continues to develop over the coming weeks, months and years.

I look forward to reading the other member's posts as time goes on.

Cheers. U.

Geisterfahrer has reacted to this post.

I remain highly skeptical of the vax too. I haven't gotten it (yes, my job and means of supporting my family are at risk).

I had Covid 19 when we didn't even know what it was and I made a full recovery.

It was exactly like having a bad flu. I had the lingering cough too.

Quote from congjing yu on October 28, 2021, 11:47 am
I narrowed the ban to only the ISP of the asshole. Today he made 8 attempts to get back on MM. It's like a pesky fly that doesn't know that it cannot break through a window.

Which goes to show that he is not a believer nor participant here. Just a troll who gets his rocks off by being a pest to others.

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