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Mantids and humans are we the goldfish


For the last week or so I have been having a couple of weird thoughts about mantids. Which kinda blows my mind. I will try to keep it short hopefully yous guys can chime in. Also because I lost a much longer and better post which disappeared haha. So the following will be disjointed.
This started when MM pointed out there are mantids and mantids primes. And it went Ding! on seeing the trigger words "opens up a can of worms".
Q1. Mantid interactions and culture. 
MM mentioned Mantid primes for humans and mantids for Domain IS-BEs and supporters. They have different instructions or cultures. And mantids have their own MWI. This suggests there are Mantid Worlds much as we have a human world. This is my starting point.
We humans interact with each other. We keep pets. We have politics. We eat everyday. So does this carry on into mantid world?
Interaction with other mantids in mantid world. Most likely, mantids are probably social animals like us. At the end of the day, they go down to mantid bar or club and talk shop or something.
Q2. Are mantids our guardians or something? 
Probably. But what if it's more than a guardian because that breaks no new ground. MM's example of us in a fishtank got me thinking. What if the mantids are more like fishkeepers. One mantid, one tank of 100 fish.
Human fishkeepers : Aquariums with snails, shrimp and assortment of other beings. Some fishkeepers have more advanced tanks than others. Some are breeding fish for fun or for the market.
Mantid fishkeepers: Some mantids only only keep humans, there are mantids who breed sentients.
Q3. Mantid society for bad and evil fishkeepers
So mantids would have societies. Some join the Mantid Society of Fallen Fishkeepers where they discuss ways to torment and pervert their fish. Shades of <insert Satan or evil entity of choice>. In mantidworld, such associations are frowned upon but they may be powerful enough to exert an influence on our world. Illegal societies are frowned upon in human world but they exist underground nonetheless.
Q4. Mantid bars? And other aspects of mantid lives. 
If mantids are sociable they go to mantid bars for a drink. They talk shop, they hook up, they form alliances. Fish and humans are only one aspect of their lives.
Q4.1 Do they have emotions? Yes.
Q4.2 Do they meet with each other? Yes.
Q4.3 Do they procreate? No idea.
Q4.4 Are they further up the food chain? Definitely. We are the goldfish.
Q4.5 Do they eat? No idea. Maybe feeding on emetions or something.
There's a lot of speculation here.
Q5. Struggle by the Fallen Fishkeepers?
Maybe there is a society or movement by disaffected Mantid Fishkeepers. A Society of Fallen Fishkeepers who want a different outcome than what the Domain or any other party envisions. Since we Mantids are top of the food chain, we don't need to listen to the Domain or anybody else.
Because mantids direct and channel humans. (Maybe we are hybrid goldfish+pawns.) Pawns in a greater game.
Manifesto : We want the destruction of ALL the community tanks unless ownership is transferred to us. These are our demands!! Blahblah
The Fallen Fishkeepers demands and works towards the elimination normal fish. By perversion via pornography. By vaccinating all the normal fish.
In mantid world, there is a struggle going on. A struggle between good and evil.
I just have some speculation here but we have to start somewhere.
Thus endeth my rambling.
keff, perolator and Chromacat have reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Also, I can tell you are another fishkeeper 🙂

Cats and dogs, I love them, but I don't think I can give them the time they deserve.

Fish on the other hand, are happy as long as they have clean water to swim in.

Memory Loss and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
Memory Lossxzianchow
Quote from keff on November 19, 2021, 12:12 pm

Also, I can tell you are another fishkeeper 🙂

Cats and dogs, I love them, but I don't think I can give them the time they deserve.

Fish on the other hand, are happy as long as they have clean water to swim in.

Aha! We are the fish, @keff. How do we escape the fish tank.

Also how do we communicate with our personal fishkeeper? Please let us have bigger tank and keep those predator fish away? Also how about tastier food?

What if we have a bad fishkeeper. Can't complain to the Pet Fish Association, right?

xzianchow has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@memory-loss "Also how do we communicate with our personal fishkeeper?" Per the last Q&A this is possible via affirmations, among other methods. Something like "I have met my mantid and we speak regularly" or similar would likely work. I think this is one of those unlocks that once done, you can't undo so be absolutely sure you're ready. If you're in the active phase of your current campaign, just add your chosen wording in. If you're in the pause phase of your current campaign, speak your chosen wording out loud a couple times to get the affirmation primed and then work it in to your next active cycle.

@pissedlizard This thread might be in your realm of things. Any thoughts?

xzianchow has reacted to this post.

@goldleaf, nah I'm not ready yet to do that unlock. It's just I have a ton of questions, and ever-changing conclusions. Right now my thinking is that the mantids are higher up the evolutionary food chain. They are quite fascinating at least in theory.

Not to imply that I think the mantids eat us. But this planet is one where they have at least equal rights (?) or higher than us. They are built to be caretakers so their instinct to guard this planet should be pretty strong. In that sense they are more evolved than us. So there could very well be a Society of Disgruntled Mantid Fishkeepers.  Because humans mucking up the aquarium, that sort of thing.

xzianchow and Chromacat have reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas