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Personality BluePrints

I am veering the Zodiac topic away from the Dream thread. It’s important and I dont want to take away from anything or have it over looked.

@mirri  https://www.constellationsofwords/

This is the MM ( but not as tech savvy as Mm) of Zodiac. Lets just say, it has helped me with the most difficult sign to pin down.... me 😂

If you have any questions- I love this stuff. Nothing is more intriguing then what makes a person tick. I have drilled  a VAST amount of different personality types; to the point its nauseating. Birthday, siblings, family construct, mother like, dad like, and big losses as a child, childhood trauma....   One thing that has been true to a person our personality vectors. Our realities are order, governed, categorized to the finest details, so it makes sense so would our personality, fears, obstacles, and the seasons that set apart a human from beast. In most Creation stories, we were created with them. Ill stop on that note.


Now how to be apart of a depressed or sad persons reality.... there is noeasy answer here. Cause it will ALWAYS be an awkward introduction, you just have to do it. I still experience that ball of nerves that makes me want to run away and not bother with it... BUT I also know the profound effects it can have with the mere gesture. My personal tactic- HUMOR. It really is the best medicine and most people just need to get out of their heads. If they want to talk to you they will. If not, hey at least they know that you’ll make them smile if you happen to ever cross paths again.

We make our lives way more serious than it is. MM motto is thoughts create- we weave our own trap by not understanding that simple yet  complicated concept. Just addressing a random stranger with what ever weird you thing you noticed going on will snap them out of it. Make look around and see we are in this together. Its mind boggling if you just sit back and watch people, how man are self consumed.


Gtg my feral mini me is 4today

Memory Loss, Goldleaf and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
Memory LossGoldleafxzianchow
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

We live in a Universe held together by the forces of Magnetism. Everything is Magnetic and everything interacts in a Magnetic Vibrational way.

At the moment of Conception, when the North Pole Negative sperm integrates with the South Pole Positive Egg the Magnetic Forces create a NEW Living Magnetic Field.

This New Field Pattern is governed or Blue Printed by all the Magnetic Forces in the universe interacting with it. If you can see a star, planet, sun or Moon in the sky above you at the moment of Conception, then these 'frequencies' of Light are Imprinting the New Bio Field. If the Earth is "shielding" these Frequencies from the New Bio Field then these frequencies are absent in the New Bio Field. IVF and SURROGACY are an ABOMINATION to Natural Law. The Sparks of Life need to Join in a LOVING Magnetic Field. Anyone else noticed IVF babies die young or are 'sickly'?

When I was born at 1 am it was a New Moon and so there were No Moon frequencies in my "Birth Frequencies Chart". Until Cesarean Births became the "norm", Birth times were related to Conception times and the effect of these Magnetic Frequencies upon the New Bio Field were more easily 'predictable' by "Astrology".

The Magnetic Vibration of each and every Sphere in the Heavens has a Unique Frequency. Just like the Frequency of Battery Electricity acting upon a Geometric Pattern of "elements" can RESTRUCTURE Water into Oil or Oil into water, the Frequency of the Composition of say the Moon or Planet Venus, has a purifying or petrifying (or anything inbetween) effect on Bio Fields within their Sphere of its Magnetic Field and particularly upon a Newly forming Bio Field. If you can see the Light of a Star through a Telescope, then you are being affected by the magnetic Light Frequency. Star Patterns at Birth are an Indicator of the Blue Print of Personality traits.

The Ancients studied these effects and knew if the Planet Mars was in the Heavens above the newly forming Fetus at conception, the Person would be War Like. Or Loving if it was Venus.

Fun Fact. The year was 1900 AD and it was in Italy. King Umberto was touring northern Italy doing official business. On this particular day he made an unscheduled stop for lunch in a small town. Once all the patrons were seated the owner of the restaurant came out to welcome the King to his restaurant. The parties were astonished, the Owner of the Restaurant was also named Umberto. Not only that, they looked like identical twins. Through the course of Lunch, it was discovered that both Umbertos were born on the same day in the same hospital. Both got married on the same day. Both had same number of Children. Both their wives were named Margarita. The day the King held his Coronation was the day Umberto opened his restaurant. There were so many similarities (no such thing as a coincidence) that the King asked the Restaurateur to join his official entourage the next day at the annual sports festival. The next day arrives and around Noon, the King received word that Umberto was killed in a hunting accident that morning. Later that afternoon, the King was Assassinated.

Moral of the story. Until Magnetics is studied at every level or branch of 'science' can man understand his place in the Universe.

Western Astrology of using Sun Signs such as Virgo is not only limited in its scope but can be wrong. The Chinese knew of only Year Signs and ascribed an animal to represent the Personality Traits. In some people their Year sign is more dominant than their Sun Sign. The Chinese say you can always tell a person born in the year of the Dragon, but you cant tell them much. Dragons are notoriously famous for uttering phrases like "I already knew that". All the Dragons I know say things like that. You cant Tell a Dragon anything but you can "show them". The Chinese also say if you find a Pig, marry them. Roosters are born Couch Potatoes (lazy). Snakes make good Politicians or story tellers as they are notorious Liars.

For the last 3 decades I have read the following pdf for every Date, Job interview or business associate Ive thought about interacting with. I was on dating sites and dating according to this manifest. Its about 95% Correct. Took a hundred dates to compile this determination haha. When you do find some one whose personality isnt according to the book, its usually wildly divergent.


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Memory Loss, Goldleaf and Alice have reacted to this post.
Memory LossGoldleafAlice


Oh I LOVE Fun facts!! That’s wild. So are you saying there could be another me out there?

This changes my perspective so much. It makes total sense to base Birth Charts at time of conception. Maybe why some people don’t relate to their sun sign during my prodding. I am 43 week Cesarean baby, and only because I breached into my umbilical cord, about choke myself to death. Thank goodness for cesareans! What do they say about the Rat? Ugh I always hated my Chinese animal.

Riddle me this. I am having a hard time getting this thought out ( maybe because its a silly question). The effects of Magnetic Vibrations on a person would be the same- in the uterus at conception as at the time they were birthed?

Checking out the new astrology now. Thank you for the gift.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

One more thing: I have had success in mitigating sickness, or ailments with frequencies I discovered on youtube. I realized not all frequencies, nor the combination of them, are made the same. I have found one site that seems to give me the best results. Is this something you do to heal what ails you, or the baths?

Also, I want to thank you for leading me to the battery. Am I just grasping at straws when I say that my eye wrinkles seemed to disappear? I remember you saying something about doing it for 3 days and then touching it to another part of your body BUT got lost in the pages of the magnet post. My ADD won’t let me find it.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Thank you guys for the sources... I'll check them out in time. Family is sick AGAIN... how I hate it!!!

@mirri you could try electrocuting your family with a car battery lol.

But on another note, how did you figure out your chef? I'm kinda curious..


Edit because typo.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas