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Many different people thinking they're the same person in their past life regression

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What do you guys think about the fact that many people when gone under past life regression, they all say they were the same person.

For example many different people when gone under past life regression, think they were marilyn monroe in their past life.

xzianchow has reacted to this post.

Could be similar to those big events/possible futures that remote viewers can be drawn to if not careful. Maybe they were an actress in the 50's, maybe blond or dyed their hair, so then they immediately think of the most famous example. (There were many, many actresses who tried to look like Marilyn).

Never tried to do a session like that but I have read books on learning more about past lives, since I had one extremely vivid dream where I was a Mayan priest. It was so detailed that I felt the urge for years to find and visit a matching Mayan ruin, which had to be right on the coast of cyan-blue waters. I did finally get to visit such a ruin just south of Cancun where my sister decided to get married. It was a pretty darned close match to my dream. No need to be any kind of famous figure; truth is strange enough.

The book I read said to pay attention to special dreams like that, or those times you feel a strong sense of deja vu. In addition, it mentioned looking at cultures or time periods you have a strong attraction to.


And I too am human and have an ego.  Yes, in past lives I too was a king over all.

There is a human need and a real desire, to be important, to be desired, to be an object of admiration and pity.  I have this also.

For how many would remember their past lives as beggars, poor farmers, dying in the streets without recognition?   No one brags or advertises about being a poor, unattractive, or unknown person in their past lives.

perolator, Memory Loss and azark have reacted to this post.
perolatorMemory Lossazark
Quote from xzianchow on November 27, 2021, 10:55 pm


And I too am human and have an ego.  Yes, in past lives I too was a king over all.

There is a human need and a real desire, to be important, to be desired, to be an object of admiration and pity.  I have this also.

For how many would remember their past lives as beggars, poor farmers, dying in the streets without recognition?   No one brags or advertises about being a poor, unattractive, or unknown person in their past lives.

Yup. No one says "In my past life I was a stray cat or dog or cricket. Or most of my past lives were as bacteria."

perolator has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

I can tell you about my previous life prior to being MM.

I was a rather slow, boorish, lonely man who wore a bowler hat, a thick wool coat and performed maintenance and janitorial work on Coney Island in the 1920's and 1930's. I died in 1933/1934 . I was alone. I lived a single life and I drank and played with dice and did my job. I did not think too much about my social position. There was nothing great about that life.

I had a girlfriend. She died. We were close but never really did anything more than kissing. She was killed when a carriage ran into her. She was my one and only love in that life.

I well remember that funny strange and disgusting face at the gate at the Coney Island entrance. I well remember the big enormous seat cars that were on the Ferris wheel. I also remember the senses and feelings of excitement as the pretty girls in lace and white dresses with their galoshes flapping as they walked charmed about on the boardwalk.

I died while performing maintenance work on a pier, and a rather large wave knocked me off the boat and I fell under the pier. I was banged around a bit and died by impact / drowning.

They recovered my body and buried me quickly. Few people attended the "funeral".  I was forgotten and then moved on.

Now you know the rest of the story.

perolator and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
perolatorMemory Loss

Every person was once someone important. It's a matter of statistics.

However, the odds of being a "famous" person is rather small. Those that claim to be someone famous are put into the "possible ego / mental illness bin" until they can validate their discourse with some hard valid knowledge.

But who cares?

You are what you are TODAY because of your decision to enter into this body NOW. So deal with it. Right?

perolator has reacted to this post.

MM, how is it that you came to remember that previous life?

In how much detail can you remember that life and identity, as much as this life?

MM that post of yours really touched me on multiple levels. And that is saying something., because most of your articles really are thought provoking.

Can you please expand somewhat on it. On the fundamental aspects of how, when etc. You made me sense the hope and futility of being a human being. And the importance of being a Rufus. Because nothing else really matters. Because we brutalise ourselves when we are not able to remember. And I thought not being able to remember stuff for a few years was bad lol.

There must be a reason to do this to human and other sentient beings in the prison complexes. Cui Bono?

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

I am writing a series of articles on past life regression. I also have opened up an entire index on the subject.

Quote from congjing yu on November 28, 2021, 8:48 pm

I am writing a series of articles on past life regression. I also have opened up an entire index on the subject.

I always wanted to know about previous lives. After my learning experience here I rather want to know how was my life previous to entering the prison complex. Someday I will recover my full memory and I will know how those lives were.

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