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Will china ever manage to overtake the United States militarily???

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By the way, I sent a donation.  Hope it helps.

The use of the words "Sentience Nursery", I think, is fitting.


Imagine 72 trillion year old tech ....that would be like trying to teach ants how to watch TV.


Those brain implants though ...Elon Musk "discovered" how to do this somehow???


Um, ok. Alien tech is slowly being dribbled out imo. Any other way would be catastrophic.

We don't need 72 trillion year old tech at the moment. We just need the basics met. Homes for everyone, free non polluting energy, food replicators which apparently exist. Med beds which apparently heal you so quick there would be no need for a Dr or big pharma. Apparently in the movie Elysium they're showing the med beds straight to our faces.

Why would you need med beds if you were an immortal conscious sentient being?


How many articles have you actually read that were posted by MM? I am not trying to be rude, I just don't think you read any of his articles and are just fixated on The Alien Interview.


72 trillion year old civilization ...they are non physical beings. They create using thought. Interdimensional non organic beings. No need for med beds. Med beds are for flesh and bone creatures.

@geisterfahrer This person is either a 'bot or a troll. We will give him / it the benefit of the doubt and allow him to read up where he is and what his role is here.It is obvious that he does not know where he is. It is obvious that he hasn't a clue as to what is going on here. It is obvious that he is a confused individual spouting nonsense without intelligent dialog.

He must obey the rules or be perma banned.

He is close to being sent to the cornfield, and as you well know, I have no problems doing it. One of the reasons why MM is so special is because of [1] rules, [2] hard and absolute discipline and [3] valid and sincere contribution.

It's sort of like a 7th grade punk walks onto a Marine Boot Camp and expects to be treated as an equal when he meets the Gunny Sergent.

Ultan McG and Geisterfahrer have reacted to this post.
Ultan McGGeisterfahrer

The obvious thought about the subject of this thread:

China has 4+ times the US population.  Just like China's overall economy, some day China's military will overtake the US military.  Sheer numbers alone dictate that.

In the absence of aggressive intent directed at US territory—and I don't see any—I don't understand the hand-wringing by some pundits and Deep State shills in the US over either the Chinese economy or its military overtaking ours.  This will be simply inevitable.  Get over it.

@KMan my top article for the last three weeks, with from 3000 to 12,000 hits a day is my article about my brother warning me to leave China.

“You must leave China now. China is not safe. America will destroy it completely and I will not be able to help you out”

I am actually surprised that it is still up so long. These articles when they hit the airwaves generally have a two to three day half-life. This one goes on and on and on.

Now, in this article, I mentioned the disconnect between what Americans (and other Westerners) think will happen were a war between the USA and China would be launched. Which is something that you really won't find anywhere else. It's either war-war-war or nothing.

And something curious has been happening over the last three weeks.

All the china-war articles over the last few weeks have been decreasing. So that Drudge only has maybe one a week. Instead of maybe 3 to 5 a day. Like today's article.

I like to believe that I am making people sit up and notice, but I'm not so sure that it will make a difference. The funding is in place and war-mongering is continuing and being budgeted for, and all in all it's very disturbing. Like this article...

U.S. assembled the first B61-12 nuclear bomb for F-35A and F-15E


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