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Will china ever manage to overtake the United States militarily???

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China is apparently going to overtake the USA in a few years in economy.

Do you think they will overtake them militarily???

USA seem to have had a huge head start on the rest of the world militarily.

Not the mention the crashed ET craft the US has allegedly recovered. There are also people saying the USA have reverse engineered ET technology. One of the crafts US have apparently reverse engineered is a flying anti gravity triangle called the TR3B.

Do you think china has any type of crashed ET tech that they will catch up with the USA militarily?

xzianchow has reacted to this post.

China surpassed the USA around 2013 / 2014. It leads in a number of critical areas, in large margins. Often decades. Militarily it is weak in nuclear submarine technology, and in the manufacture of jet engines. However, the recent American military actions and probing of China has truly brought China and Russia together. China is now fielding advanced soviet military systems and has domestically produced military engines.

China leads in laser weapons. China leads in disabling ray technologies, in hyper-sonic weapon delivery systems, in swarm nukes, in AI controlled robotic missiles, drones, and submarines. It leads in discipline, quantity and quality of the military. It leads in patriotism. It is formidable.

xzianchow and Rayun_jinping have reacted to this post.

The former USA has overtaken by Russia and China years ago.

They never stopped fighting the Cold War.  Murka did, and invested in their social justice program.

When an Empire falls, there is not an announcement.  When the British Empire ended, there was no headline.  There still has been no headline.

Pride plays a role in it.  No man wants to admit his best days are behind him, and that he has moved backward.

Don't be "awed" by magical technology.  Wars are still fought by men.  The men of the USA were defeated by the men of Afghanistan and Iraq.  The "human quality" of the average American soldier is less than that of the average Chinese or Russian soldier.

Don't allow your eyes to be "dazzled".  Think about the average and the mundane.

congjing yu and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
congjing yuMemory Loss
Quote from multiverse on November 27, 2021, 7:40 pm

China is apparently going to overtake the USA in a few years in economy.

Do you think they will overtake them militarily???

USA seem to have had a huge head start on the rest of the world militarily.

Not the mention the crashed ET craft the US has allegedly recovered. There are also people saying the USA have reverse engineered ET technology. One of the crafts US have apparently reverse engineered is a flying anti gravity triangle called the TR3B.

Do you think china has any type of crashed ET tech that they will catch up with the USA militarily?

They do have one craft that looks absurdly and exactly like a flying saucer. It's like the PLA decided to troll people. I have the images somewhere I think.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas
Quote from xzianchow on November 27, 2021, 11:06 pm

When an Empire falls, there is not an announcement.  When the British Empire ended, there was no headline.  There still has been no headline.

Pride plays a role in it.  No man wants to admit his best days are behind him, and that he has moved backward.

In the U.K. in school in the Eighties we were still taught how the Empire was a good thing (!) and brought civilisation to places like India! Even then it was obvious bollocks.

In reality the British Empire died with the Suez canal crisis when the U.S.A. ordered the Brits and French to stop and then crashed Sterling just to make a point.

The U.S.A. doesn't have anywhere they can pretend (to themselves) they've civilised. They won the second world war (along with the U.S.S.R.) and out-survived the old European empires by having the Atlantic separating them. They played an amazing game to destroy both Germany and Britain by getting someone else to do most of the European fighting.

I'd say the day American troops finally leave Korea and Japan will be the day the U.S. Empire is officially over.

I'm looking forward to a planet without an (obviously Old-Empire inspired) evil empire crushing half of the souls. The "third option" of following China's example to the world and working together for humanity is just such a great possibility that I really hope it comes to be. An actual bright future!

Dani has reacted to this post.
Quote from congjing yu on November 27, 2021, 10:33 pm

China surpassed the USA around 2013 / 2014. It leads in a number of critical areas, in large margins. Often decades. Militarily it is weak in nuclear submarine technology, and in the manufacture of jet engines. However, the recent American military actions and probing of China has truly brought China and Russia together. China is now fielding advanced soviet military systems and has domestically produced military engines.

China leads in laser weapons. China leads in disabling ray technologies, in hyper-sonic weapon delivery systems, in swarm nukes, in AI controlled robotic missiles, drones, and submarines. It leads in discipline, quantity and quality of the military. It leads in patriotism. It is formidable.

This is what we know in the public but what about the hidden black budget tech the USA got?

Manufacture and production of secret weapon systems is problematic. The higher the secrecy classification (SAP) the more difficult it is to manufacture, test, calibrate, train, and deploy them.

There is no doubt that there are American weapons systems under deep black designations, but they are not fielded. I am sure that they can be pulled out of the hidden recesses and used, but this takes time, and in the USA government today, NOTHING is truly secret.

These secret weapons and systems can be a *wildcard* in any military conflict. And they always have the potential of being a great advantage, but history indicates that unless there is strategic utilization of the new resources, their potential becomes unrealized.

Such as the Nazi thermobaric weapons, the American tanks during World War I, the design flaws of the superior French tanks of world war II, and the implementation of the F-111 during the Vietnam war, and the V-22 in Iraq. Read about the history of the M16 implementation during the Vietnam war, where soldiers ended up referring to use the AK-47 weapons when they could.

Were a war to break out, any *miracle weapons* will be too late to use as most American cities would be radioactive rubble.

Rayun_jinping has reacted to this post.

You never know but they could have tested out the black budget tech on other planets like mars and waring with ETs?

They could have made and industrial base on other planets to manufacture weapons.

Please be serious.

The MAJestic organization is very well divorced from the United States government. It operates as a carve out. The reality looks nothing like the spaghetti theory bullshit that floats throughout the internet.

Quote from congjing yu on November 28, 2021, 8:43 pm

Manufacture and production of secret weapon systems is problematic. The higher the secrecy classification (SAP) the more difficult it is to manufacture, test, calibrate, train, and deploy them.

There is no doubt that there are American weapons systems under deep black designations, but they are not fielded. I am sure that they can be pulled out of the hidden recesses and used, but this takes time, and in the USA government today, NOTHING is truly secret.

These secret weapons and systems can be a *wildcard* in any military conflict. And they always have the potential of being a great advantage, but history indicates that unless there is strategic utilization of the new resources, their potential becomes unrealized.

Such as the Nazi thermobaric weapons, the American tanks during World War I, the design flaws of the superior French tanks of world war II, and the implementation of the F-111 during the Vietnam war, and the V-22 in Iraq. Read about the history of the M16 implementation during the Vietnam war, where soldiers ended up referring to use the AK-47 weapons when they could.

Were a war to break out, any *miracle weapons* will be too late to use as most American cities would be radioactive rubble.

This is essentially the argument I've used in calling for audits and public oversight of these black programs and facilitiues such as "Area 51".  If this alien or other miracle-tech weaponry exists, there is no evidence any of it has benefitted our soldiers in the field.  Instead, they're getting maimed and killed as usual.

Everything we see in the open with weapons, aircraft, etc., is strictly incremental in development—no surprise tech.  Troops still use the crappy M-16 that still likes to jam...

Instead, these black programs and facilities are some individuals' feifdoms with huge waste of money and big environmental pollution.  Time to corral them.

It's also interesting that the Pentagon, despite its huge overt budget and who-knows-how-large black budget, keeps saying it needs $X billion more to combat Y and Z threats.  As if it has no miracle weaponry available in the first place, which I believe is incorrect.

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