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Alien Interview possible false facts I found and some questions and perspectives I got

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I agree with the bigger picture from the book about the fact that earth is a prison planet but things I found had me questioning if this book could be a hoax or truth mixed in with fiction. I would like your take on what I'm about to explain.


  • People from the lost battalion domain forces are able to take birth as Queen Elizabeth, Cyrus the II of Persia, King Suleiman, polish princess ect. If you were in the old empire wouldn't you torture all these domain forces and make sure they take birth as a blind peasant or something???? How are they taking birth as influential people????


  • If domain officers can take over bodies like Archduke Franz Ferdinand then why are they not taking over bodies of influential people on earth like the presidents, prime ministers, bankers, billionaires and people in charge of black budget programs? They could end the prison system if they did this by bringing out the black budget technology to cure diseases, anti gravity tech, other hidden technologies and coming on the news to tell everyone the whole truth.


  • Why doesn't the domain round up all the 3000 lost battalion on earth and take them somewhere out of this galaxy and put them on a earth like planet where there is no reincarnation trap so when they die, they with be free IS-BEs???? They could also put the 3000 lost battalion on a livable, breathable spaceship for human. People are saying that there are human looking ETs that also travel through space on massive ships and they breath oxygen just life earth humans so I don't see how its not possible for the domain to accomplish this.


  • The alien uses the same vocabulary as Lawrence Spencer uses in his The Oz Factors book such as "immortal spiritual being. The Oz Factors book was released in 1999.


On 25 July 1947, 1st Session Matilda is explaining the alien said:

About 8,200 years ago The Domain forces set up
a base on Earth in the Himalaya Mountains near the border of modern pakistan and afghanistan.

The thing is pakistan didn't even exist on 25 July 1947. Why didn't anyone on the base or the nurse Matilda mention that a county called pakistan doesn't exist?

Pakistan became a county on 14 August 1947. Not even the Indians or the pakistanis knew what the borders of India and pakistan was going to be. The new boundaries were formally announced on 17 August 1947. It was a british guy called Cyril John Radcliffe who made the borders. He was tasked with making the borders in 5 weeks. Radcliffe submitted his partition map on 9 August 1947.


The Alien said:

A common element of the Pyramid Civilizations around the Earth is the constant use of the image of the snake, dragon, or serpent. This is because the beings
who planted these civilizations here want to create an illusion that the "gods" are reptilian. This is also apart of an illusion designed to perpetuate amnesia. The beings who placed false civilizations on Earth are ISBEs, just like you. Many of the biological bodies inhabited by IS-BEs in the "Old Empire" are very similar in appearance to the bodies on Earth. The "gods" are not reptiles, although they often behave like snakes.


I have heard reptilians do exist and they're making deals with earth governments. Remote viewing suggests they exists working with the US government at area 51. Former people in the US navy including William Tompkins said they exist. William Tompkins said the reptilian made deal with Nazis around WW2 and the Nazis and the reptilians had a base together in Antarctica.


Overall the book talking about the earth being a prison planet make the most sense and remote viewers are also suggesting that the earth is a prison.

@multiverse Read through the Type-1 Grey Index. I am sure you will find some answers there.

@laoban4site This looks to me like another Spaghetti Theory case, don't you think? I will apologize if I am mistaken.

@multiverse you raise some good points. However, Thompkins was wrong about the  Reptilians having a base in Antarctica. I know for a fact it was a different species altogether.


Daegon Magus

@vainamoinen Yes you are correct. It's for certain Spaghetti Theory. Unless this information is [1] personal first hand experience, and [2] can be used to improve your life personally, it's just misdirection and bullshit.

Quote from daegonmagus on November 29, 2021, 6:34 am

@multiverse you raise some good points. However, Thompkins was wrong about the  Reptilians having a base in Antarctica. I know for a fact it was a different species altogether.


How do you know?

@multiverse because I know someone who spent a year under the ice. Went through a dimensional portal very similar to MM, and got burned by the US govt in a very similar manner.

Daegon Magus

So what happened in operation highjump?

William Tompkins said around the end of world war 2 the US sent in the military to see if there were nazis in antarctica and they were destroyed by ETs and nazis.

The farsight institute remote viewed it and said the nazis didn't do much of the attacking but it was reptilian ETs that destroyed the US fleet in antarctica.

Is this all misinformation?

@multiverse You WILL immediately stop all participation in the forum and comments until you have completed reading the MAJestic Index. That means all articles. Failure to do so will result in you being perma banned. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR? -MM

Multiverse is banned until enough time passes that will allow him to read up where he is.

Why banned?

Do not suck MM down the rabbit hole of disinfo. Such as interesting speculation and "reports" that have zero bearing on the MM experience narrative. Such as...

  • operation highjump
  • William Tompkins
  • nazis in Antarctica
  • Armies destroyed by ETs
  • Remote viewing nazis
  • reptilian ETs
  • destruction of the US fleet in Antarctica.

Maybe true, maybe not, but irrelevant to MM and the Domain.

perolator and daegonmagus have reacted to this post.

@congjing yu in risk of being put on your naughty list there is an element to Antarctica that relates to astral body manipulation to escape the earth prison - if you want to know about it my email is always open to you (actually sent you an email about this but i think it got lost in transit, didn't bother pushing it, because like you said it isn't directly related to the Domain, more like a third party avenue) - but yeah this guy's etiquette when it comes to expecting sensitive info for nothing is pretty piss poor. I mean, he hasn't even suggested buying me dinner first.

Daegon Magus
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