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Remote viewing the domain

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Do you think this can be trusted. Looks like they read the alien interview book and decided to remote view them. I don't know if they actually remote viewed them or read the book and decided to fool people with some things to make the book have some legitimacy.

But from their remote viewing they say the domain force was on earth.

Who can be trusted? Do you have a link, or a name?

Remote viewing works, but why not ask them directly? Sheech!

@congjing yu The Farsight Institute | Remote Viewing Nonprofit Research & Education

@multiverse i'd be careful trusting anything claiming it is a non profit remote viewing organisation, especially if it is viewable on google/bing. The groups for RVing that I am on have mentioned the US govt (CIA cough cough cough) is notorious for sponsoring these kinds of experiments. They (US govt) even host RVing competitions where you can win a substantial amount of money if you hit your targets with enough accuracy.

Plus like MM mentioned, we don't need to rely on RV to find out these things. We have a direct line to the Commander

Daegon Magus


I haven't paid attention to the Far Sight Institute for some years. I get bad vibes from the founder Courtney Brown.

I have to admit I rely on intuition alot, but he seems to me to be much of a self-promoter.

That said, I haven't watched the video yet. I will check it out.

Quote from daegonmagus on November 30, 2021, 8:54 am

@congjing yu The Farsight Institute | Remote Viewing Nonprofit Research & Education

@multiverse i'd be careful trusting anything claiming it is a non profit remote viewing organisation, especially if it is viewable on google/bing. The groups for RVing that I am on have mentioned the US govt (CIA cough cough cough) is notorious for sponsoring these kinds of experiments. They (US govt) even host RVing competitions where you can win a substantial amount of money if you hit your targets with enough accuracy.

Plus like MM mentioned, we don't need to rely on RV to find out these things. We have a direct line to the Commander

How do you have direct line with the commander?

Farsight institute mentioned in their other remote viewing videos that they talked to a Domain commanders and told them to help earth.

@multiverse i see you aren't an MM regular:
Article explaining when MM's comms channel opened up with the domain via his EBP:

A message to MM readers from “The Domain” via the EBP communication channel

which led to him creating this index specifically for Domain Q&As:

The Domain

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Daegon Magus

@multiverse When I was a Naval Aviator for the United States navy, I was offered to join a (W)U-SAP known as MAJestic with operated under the ONI. I agreed, and my life has been different ever since. I wrote about all this in my MAJestic Index.

Anyways, MAJestic installed 7 ELF probes in my skull at NAS NASC Pensacola, Florida. And then I entered a dimensional portal where our Benefactors installed the EBP.

I served MAJestic for three decades, and then was retired as all spooks (especially those deemed dangerous or a security breech) as a "sex offender" so that I could be kept under forever observation and tracking.

The ELF probes were mothballed in 2006. The EBP was not.

This year, the EBP opened up a direct channel, and I have been involved in chit-chat ever since.

How do you know they're actually the domain?

If true you should open up a thread "Ask the domain questions you have".

If true you should open up a thread "Ask the domain questions you have".

I have an entire Index on this subject.

With this in mind, you are new here and mean well, BUT...

...the rules of commenting here are clear as day and quite harsh. You WILL be respectful to MM. And MM is part of The Domain.

You either accept that reality, or leave and never return.

I clean this forum, and MM site of misdirection. Whether trolls, CIA, confused people, or what ever. This is NOT the place to talk about Reptilians, crystal power, and the enlightened ones that will spread a new light to the inhabitants on the earth. This site is about ME. It is about my role in The Domain. You either accept that fact, or you do not. It's a binary decision.

It's black and white.

God damn it. Listen to me. I will not have flat-earth folk, and misdirection of any type on this forum. Do I make my self clear? This is NOT just another "UFO" or "Alien investigation" website. This site is special.

How do I fucking know that they are actually The Domain? Jesus Christ! How do you know that you have ten fingers?

I feel like perma banning you AND sending you to the cornfield for good measure. KNOW where you are, and UNDERSTAND what sets MM apart from the rest of the bullshit. Discern.

I strongly advise you to STOP. Stop all commenting on the forum, and in the articles until you have read the MAJestic Index in it's entirety. Then, you are welcome to comment.

@laoban4site, I get the thought this character is either a troll or a bot. He quotes from a whole database of videos, but has not read anything on here. And no interaction. It's like a Turing test of sorts and he gets a borderline pass. Very strange.

Please don't ban him and PLEASE do not send him/her/it to the cornfield. Let us talk to him and figure out how he ticks. At this point, I'm quite intrigued by our friend here.


Come @multiverse, talk with us. Tell us who you are and what you think. The water is nice and we don't bite. But your thoughts seem so incoherent.

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Ultan McG
Ciao! Gip me your ideas
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