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So is god is not real then????

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So reading alien interview is god not actually real then?

An all powerful being that created the universe isn't real?

All gods are actually ETs?

Occultist allegedly have said they have summoned these gods! What you think about that?

@multiverse, what's with the random questions. Why not tell us what you think to begin with? Your questions fees like fishing expeditions if you don't mind my saying.


perolator has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@multiverse Please start reading the MAJestic Index. All your questions have been addressed in great detail. As it appears, @Memory Loss is correct, you appear not to grasp what is going on here, and what information is being conveyed and why. I do not mean nor intend to be insulting. But your questions have been addressed by a multitude of articles.

The term "God" generally reflects a deity. There are no deities that the baseline IS-BE consciousness serves. This is a fundamental principle of every MM writing. To fail to grasp this simple point suggests that either [1] you are trolling, fishing, or looking to provoke dialog, or [2] you are searching for answers but do not want to do the prerequisite reading and research.

There is nothing wrong with there not being a deity to serve, but it will make many leave their comfort zone and question their core belief structures.

I suggest you read through my articles in the contributor index.

perolator has reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

Hello @dori2190 , I hope all is well with you.


I saw a recent comment of yours where you refer to your merging with the “universal god mind” and also a plan for “lost fractals”.

Could you share with us what is the plan for “lost fractals”?


I also would like to ask you this:

When you got in contact with “All Being”/merged your consciousness with “All There is”, did you feel that everything was acceptable to “All Being”/”All there is”? In other words, did you feel that the torture of people, children born into misery, horrible diseases, the atrocities of the food chain, and other events that lead to unnecessary suffering are seen as acceptable to the “All Being”, and part of “The plan”? In an article, you wrote that All being irradiated benevolence beyond imaginable, so I’m guessing the answer is no, but I’m not entirely sure.


I’m sorry if I understood wrong what you have written in your articles or if missed something. If that is the case, could you please redirect me in the right way?

Thank you for any insight you can provide.

Hi Wellbeing.

This is a great question and one of the main questions that had me avoid subscribing to any religion like the plague. I will try and answer based off my experiences, and interpretations arising from some of those experiences.

First off, the physical universe as we experience it is not the intended way (from source) it is supposed to be experienced. The MWI, as MM calls it (i call the Akashic fabric, or fabric of reality/tapestry of "god") as a whole is more in line with what our minds are supposed to be able to comprehend, as in, we are supposed to be able to see the entire MWI from start to finish, all at once, outside of space and time, not just snapshots of it locked to one linear direction of time. This physical universe was created to specifically to contain our consciousnesses in a lower state of awareness; that lower state of awareness is to cut us off from the realisation we are all intrinsically connected to one divine, and "higher" system of which is the "mind" of the All being/ source intelligence; ie, a hive mind no different to what some Ufologiusts claim some ET species operate from. Think of it like the cells or mitochondria of a body; individually, these small components have individual tasks which they go about doing that, collectively, allows the greater body to function as one complete "thing".  So in other words, our consciousnesses  have become individualised, and because of that we experience ourselves here within the physical universe as individuals each living a separate life from one another. This echos back up through the different planes; the mantids being the higher components of our own local Hive cluster within the astral universe (or whatever non physical universe it is they are from). Even at the soul origin point we still operatate as Individualised consciousness fragments, but with a much higher understanding of the way the universe and the MWI works. We can state that in this realm all the lower aspects of ourselves - our earth minds, our mantid minds, our mantid prime minds etc - have been absorbed into a higher "body" or system of consciousness; aka the Higher self. The higher self then is what i deem the "first generation" of fractals from source consciousness. The division of each of the higher selves into further fractals thus becomes the second generation of fractals, division of each of the second generation fractals into smaller components thus becomes the third generation etc. According to the Kabbalistic tree of life, the Human incarnate earth mind is a 4th generation fractal, meaning it has been divided away from its main mass (the source intelligence/ All Being, what the Kabbalists called Ain Soph Aur) by a factor of 4. This number varies depending on the belief system; yogi's will say our earth mind is a 7th gen fractal for example.  The whole point of Alchemy (which is based around that same Kabbalistic tree of life) is to recombine these fractals until god self realisation occurs; this is what I achieved through my lucid dreaming ventures and is what i mean when I say i merged with the All Being.  Through lucid dreaming, i was able to collect the lower 4th generation fractals and combine them in to the 3rd gen fractals, collect them and combine them into the 2nd gen fractals etc until i reached 1st generation status, in which I was able to remember the reincarnation process, remember all of my past lives, view the MWI in its entirety etc; according to the EG and source intelligence, I was one of very few human incarnates that had self taught themselves (remembered) consciousness navigation practices to a level that allowed it to get back to this point.  The god mind was very much aware that I had regained control of my fractals, so it eventually presented itself to me. This was when I merged in with it. It does not radiate benevolence per se, but energy and information which is almost too unbearable for the higher self to be able to process, and that information is what provides the massive feeling of elation. That information is also what comprises the "all and everything" we know to exist, meaning that every atom and photon in this universe in some ways has parts of this entity within it. This is why consciousness must undergo a series of tests before it will be allowed to access to this final merging into the 0th gen fractal (of which it is no longer a fractal but complete); if you aren't properly prepared for it, it will rip your consciousness apart and redisperse it within the pool of its own being - to keep your individual awareness you must be able to keep it (what MM calls its quanta) binded together. I am approaching a very difficult thing here to both conceptualise and explain - imagine driving a spaceship (a shit one created by NASA and not some advanced ET race) head on into the sun and willing yourself not to be burned alive - this is sort of what it is like to be in the presence of this thing; the code that radiates off it is raw consciousness coding that generates the very archetypes and forms of what we consider as "reality", and when that code passes through you you feel a sort of explosive pressure trying to tear your very consciousness apart.

So, in answering your question: Merging with the All Being, one realises that intrinsic connection between all other consciousnesses in existence; those inside of this physical universe, and outside of it, as well as those inside and outside of the non physical universes. This is not just applicable to humans; every conscious entity on this planet forms part of the mind of the All Being, so in that regard there is no difference between the actions of humans verses the actions of something we consider as less consciously evolved, such as insects and those a part of the animal kingdom. We just think we are more important because we have opposable thumbs and a voice box; in actuality everything is part of that greater system/body, and each kingdom, whether animal, insect, plant etc is just as important as any other, overseeing different functions. The experience of harm befalling to one is not experienced individually but rather is more akin to a remembering a memory of one harming its own self, so, for example, if I was to harm you and you were to seek revenge for that harm, this would equate to a never ending cascade of "memories" of the All Being harming its own self. It is acknowledged that this particular fractal of consciousness that causes the harm is damaged - therefore plans have been put in place to correct this error - this is not something that is comprehendible to an earth level intelligence as it gets back to that raw reality coding that radiates out from the All Being; I can't even externalise it because I am too limited whilst in this body to even begin to try and conceptualise it. what i can tell you is that lucid dreamers will play an important part in this process. The reason that lucid dreaming is so important is because those who lucid dream are like the source code programmers for consciousness; when we reach 1st gen fractal/ higher self status we can very much re program the parts of the lower fractals that are damaged. This is why the non physical entities have kept us contained and have put in every effort to stop us from regaining our abilities to lucid dream properly; they are not part of the original source consciousness, but they are the same ones responsible for fracturing and containing it in these lower density planes.

My involvement in this recorrection effort, as dictated by both the EG, the U5 and the All Being is to reawaken lucid dreamers to this importance and true potentiality of their skills, to hopefully move it in a direction where this intrinsic link is somewhat recognised.

Feal, WaterTiger and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
FealWaterTigerOhio GuyWellBeing
Daegon Magus

In addition to Wellbeing, Daegon Magus, and Congjing yu's valuable insights to this topic, may I humbly suggest, after reading this blog's full info and Daegon Magus's info on this topic; visit I myself, recently discovered the gems of insight and knowledge that man possessed and am still listening to his lectures. His son, and other followers have many of his lectures available on the youtube. He was, in my opinion, one of those wayyy ahead of his time and a fantastic orator as well. It is my intention that we all find out who we are and how we all "fit" in the grand scheme of the universe. Happy reading/listening and understanding. Real Truth is sometimes hard to come by in this timeline. It is my hope, my wish, that we all find what we're looking for in this matter. For some, we might just find out that the Truth was with us all along. We simply needed to open our mind to it.


WaterTiger and WellBeing have reacted to this post.

Wow! Thank you so much for the detailed explanation, Daegon Magus.

I find your knowledge on these matters too profound and helpful to the beings of our planet. I’ll try to spread this knowledge and promote your webpage the best I can.

No problem@ wellbeing. I have another site which is specifically for this info currently in development at Hopefully I'll have some chapters from my book going into depth on these topics, the reincarnation protocols, up o. There soon.


@ohioguy, thanks for the tip. Will check him out

WellBeing has reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

He might be old shoe to you. He just seems to validate my/our beliefs about cosmic consciousness.

Cheers mate, OG

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