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I am not here by accident. I didnt find mm by accident. I believe my journey in this life as a human being i will not alter that. Can i lucid dream? Sometimes but not on demand. Sometimes i think its more important to enjoy being human.

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Unless you live in a place, you cannot define it by labels.America calls China a "regime", while America calls itself a "democracy". Both are WILDLY inaccurate. Further, to equate Communism from the former Soviet Union, Bulgaria, or Cube to China is just plain silly. Names are just names; they are labels.

It's a great way for the powers that be to demonize someone or a community.

There is nothing like modern China in all of history. It doesn't resemble anything else, nor any other nation. It stands apart and it stands alone. the only reason it calls itself "communist" is due to historical reasons and not because of the fundamentals of Marxism.

Right now I just recorded a 5 minute move on what Chinese communism is from CGTN. You all should watch it.

keff, JustAnotherAsian and Geisterfahrer have reacted to this post.

I bet people in china are really educated. None of that rural dumbed down folks being manipulated by the politicians to do shit like fight each other just because someone was not elected.

Those politicians don't give a rat's ass about you. THEY DON'T CARE. America don't got shit like this. Damn. Election time next year . That's when shit goes over the fence. Tensions flaring up. Complete sheeple STA just waiting to be manipulated . I usually wonder how can someone control you like that. The Fuck is wrong with people. One day I will hold a seminar and teach people all about what you MM teach. Try and give people some purpose. Some understanding. Some reasoning.

Scandal after scandal. Someone wants to get in power just to steal money.
Then this guys vote again and give him/her the same seat or even better. This politicians are true bastards. Probably some of them are from the Old Empire. Can't lack a few.

JustAnotherAsian has reacted to this post.



Quote from keff on October 31, 2021, 5:33 pm


How would you describe today's China? Would you still call it communist?

I wouldn't know how to describe modern day China. Like what was stated by CY, unless you live somewhere, and have had a personal interaction, then a description wouldn't be accurate.


I remember when the Tienanmen Square protests erupted, when I was younger. I remember how the media portrayed it - but I wasn't there. I find it strange that the Covid-19 Pandemic started about the same time the Pro Democracy Protests began in 2019.

Let me put it this way ... this past Friday, the US Government put out a warning that there was a significant ISIS threat that "probably" would take place over the weekend. My first thought was .. "Oh? Who is the CIA trying to frame now?"


I wouldn't know how to describe modern day China.

Fair enough.

For myself, one thing about observing the "Democracies", I am being more convinced that elections are a form of control.

It is the means by which a populace is persuaded that they actually have some form of influence over the policies of the state. Perhaps in the early days of the establishment of these "democracies", it really was possible for individuals could affect the policies of the state through election of parliamentary/congressional representatives. But looking at the present Western democracies, they all seem to have to been captured by oligarchies. And the means by which the oligarchies perpetuate their rule is to convinced the electorate that they have freedom because they can vote.

In the West, there seems to be this unquestioned equations like

Elections = Freedom.

Elections = Legitimacy,

Elections = Democracy

If one looks a little closer, it is all an illusion.

Now when Westerners believe that they are free, and they see another country that does not have the same kind of government selection process as themselves, they immediately label them tyrannies, authoritarian, communist etc etc.

This kind of simplistic black and white view of political systems is very unhelpful to understanding the rest of the world.

congjing yu, Chromacat and Geisterfahrer have reacted to this post.
congjing yuChromacatGeisterfahrer
Quote from keff on November 1, 2021, 2:16 pm


I wouldn't know how to describe modern day China.

Fair enough.

For myself, one thing about observing the "Democracies", I am being more convinced that elections are a form of control.

It is the means by which a populace is persuaded that they actually have some form of influence over the policies of the state. Perhaps in the early days of the establishment of these "democracies", it really was possible for individuals could affect the policies of the state through election of parliamentary/congressional representatives. But looking at the present Western democracies, they all seem to have to been captured by oligarchies. And the means by which the oligarchies perpetuate their rule is to convinced the electorate that they have freedom because they can vote.

In the West, there seems to be this unquestioned equations like

Elections = Freedom.

Elections = Legitimacy,

Elections = Democracy

If one looks a little closer, it is all an illusion.

Now when Westerners believe that they are free, and they see another country that does not have the same kind of government selection process as themselves, they immediately label them tyrannies, authoritarian, communist etc etc.

This kind of simplistic black and white view of political systems is very unhelpful to understanding the rest of the world.

You are preaching to the choir.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

To add an afterthought to this ... I have been paying close attention to the issues the Brady family has been facing with the Bureau of Land Management.

At one time, I often wondered ... "Hmmm. . . John Titor mentioned something about a Farmer General didn't he?"


I guess that is just one of those very odd coincidences ..

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