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I am not here by accident. I didnt find mm by accident. I believe my journey in this life as a human being i will not alter that. Can i lucid dream? Sometimes but not on demand. Sometimes i think its more important to enjoy being human.

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My story is not much different than yours.  My story starts with lsd in the 70s.  After i say what i saw, i knew i could never be the same.  But i had kids, family and waited until after that very human experience to find out more what happened from me july 4, 1976 lsd experience.  After that experience i learned 99.99999% of the world we know exists in a world we cannot see.  So after i knew my kids were grown i took up that experience i could never forget.  I chose different, i live in thailand.  Sometimes i can lucid dream sometimes not.  Is the device you are taking about similar or better then the visual and vibrational mind machines  that actually connect to hemi-sync you have on your site?  I loved the focus it gives but also i found shamanic drumming from mike harner to take you to the same place..

keff has reacted to this post.

On this prison planet, the guards have keys. Some keys open up individual prison cells. Some keys open up entire section blocks. Some keys allow access to administrative areas. Some keys allow access to general population, and some keys open up the front gate.

All of these keys are frequency driven.

  • Affirmation campaigns are a navigation tool for the General Population MWI.
  • Hemi-sync is a tune-up application for individual inmate bodies.
  • Being a Rufus is a social behavior that enables groups of inmates to "dig a tunnel out of here".
  • The Silent Sound is a device that will erase some other locks that humans have, and allow "lock pick tools" to better move about in this facility.

Thank you for following and participating.

Please, and I really want to start stressing this now, everyone should read each article in depth. Download the PDFs, or the Zips. Watch the movies, do everything that is presented. Don't just say, well "I don't want to know or rad about that", or "I've already read this kind of thing over and over before". Because you haven't.

The MWI is like a box of Lego toy blocks. So many different colors and shapes and sizes.

Some people like to figure out what is going on. so they classify and sort the legos. They only look at the red legos. Or the legos that have four raised connectors.  And those people think they know everything and the full picture because they have studied the red legos.

But here on MM, if you read everything provided a totally different picture occurs. We show you the whole and entire picture, from many, many angles. Some will resonate. Some will not. Some will be an "ah ha" moment. But this is what MM provides to the readership...

So download everything. View everything. Read everything.

And on a side note, next time I'm in the land of smiles we could meet and you could show me around to some of the fun establishments in your neck of the woods. I'm always up for adventures.

perolator, Goldleaf and 4 other users have reacted to this post.

Yes. Sometimes its good to be human.

xzianchow has reacted to this post.

It's going to take me a while to read (and absorb) everything you wrote. 😉

LydiaRose13 has reacted to this post.

Take your time. What I am trying to say is don't ignore an article or a book or something because you think that you don't need to read it.

It's like that guy who skimmed the article about pretty girls. He commented on the pictures but none of the 200 movies. Then concluded that American girls are prettier.

That's like going into a steak restaurant. smelling the delicious aroma and then leaving. And as you leave you say "well, I got the full experience", so I don't need to eat anything. And go to McDonald's and eat chicken nuggets instead.

Everything here takes time to absorb.

If you watch the 200 or so videos of pretty Chinese girls, you might think many things. But one thing that you won't think is that the Chinese are dirty, poor and suffering under "communism".

The DIY articles about making your own dimensional portal might be too technical for most of the audience. But you will see how the process works and that it is indeed feasible to do.

The articles about being a Rufus might not resonate with you, but you will see that other societies work together for the common good. There is hope in the world. And when you are surrounded by the gloomy and the negative you can see that there are alternatives.

Exposure is a great thing. No rush. take your time. Enjoy and savor the MM adventure. I know you are already doing so. Aren't you?

keff, perolator and 5 other users have reacted to this post.

Your post above reminds me of a conversation I had with an electrical engineer from China. This was many years ago, at the very beginning of the US invasion in Afghanistan. He and I were talking about the IED's that were killing soldiers, and he genuinely wanted to save lives of Americans. He claimed he could devise equipment that would render their remote detonation completely useless. He also knew, that being from China, the US would look at his genuine attempt to save Americans with suspicion.


It was a conversation I have remembered for years. He was not someone I knew personally, but I could tell he was just trying to help. I am just pointing out that Communism has never represented the Chinese people, to me. Communism is a form of control.

xzianchow has reacted to this post.
Quote from sage1255 on October 30, 2021, 3:04 am

After that experience i learned 99.99999% of the world we know exists in a world we cannot see.

Please tell us what you saw, if it is not too personal?

I am just pointing out that Communism has never represented the Chinese people, to me. Communism is a form of control.

Where did you get your knowledge of Communism from?

Quote from keff on October 31, 2021, 10:04 am

I am just pointing out that Communism has never represented the Chinese people, to me. Communism is a form of control.

Where did you get your knowledge of Communism from?

Textbooks, personal friendships with people who grew up in Communist countries. A former Red Soldier from Yugoslavia, a Math Professor from China, a family friend from China, former military intel stationed in Eastern Europe and East Germany before the reunification and Soviet collapse.


I really didn't know too much about communism until a foreign exchange trip I took to Germany, and the above mentioned Math Professor was my roommate. We both went to Leipzig and visited Museum in der Runde Ecke  which was the Stasi Museum. He also showed me other examples of what it was like living under Communism control. He grew up in Communist China and wanted to make sure that I, a student that grew up in the US, understood what it was really like.


edited to add: I also met and became friends with, a student who grew up in East Germany before the reunification. She was a Fulbright and was part of an International Foreign Exchange Program at the University level of Education. She was a student at the University I attended in DC, as a foreign exchange student. We had many conversations about the differences in our childhoods, what we were exposed to, our way of life, family, education, etc. Her father was in the military and she came from a communist family. She expressed disdain for the western world, emphasized that the family unit was the most important thing focused on by a Communist government, that they never felt pressured to make "money, money, money" as their basic needs of survival were provided for. She eventually confessed that the reason she was selected for the Fulbright program was due to a personal relationship she had with a married professor. She felt great shame when she conveyed this tome - and said she felt like she had just been used, it was a fake relationship she thought was "real" at the time.


How would you describe today's China? Would you still call it communist?

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