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Is there a (slow) shift against a war with China creeping in socmed

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The fallout from the Connecticut continues.

R/sino has picked up your article, MM, and it has also surfaced on Twitter.


However your little story went much further, it appears to have changed USN strategy itself and that is saying something.  Looking deeper, it seems the USN wants to copycat the tactics the PLA apparently used in face-off. From the National Interest Nov 27, so coincidence?

From the lowly nut jobs here to the highly placed NSA/CIA analyst lurking and even war planners apparently, there appears to be traction for your articles. The ones that tell them war with China is not a great idea for the US. The ones really influenced by your writings will never tell you though lol.


Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Thank you for that.

I know that there is a lot of traction. I have been getting from 3000 to 10000 hits a day on my articles related to You Must Leave China Now and What REALLY happened with the USS Conn

Analytics clearly show that they read the entire articles at length.

Massive new readers. All one-shot folk. Originating out of the USA and Malaysia. No one sticking around to say "hi" or drop a donation in my tip jar.

I do believe, I feel it, that the articles are slowly turning the massive "ship" around that has been war-drum beating so loudly. But it's not dead in the water yet. Many still want to believe that a war with China is possible.

Along with this influx of readership comes additional hassles. Bluehost which is an American company that hosts the servers for MM suddenly wants me to make some payments or Metallicman will have to shut down. What timing for this eh?

Sigh. I am being forced to decide to keep MM up or shut it down completely. Such is the price for fame.

xzianchow has reacted to this post.

Ah so sorry to hear that. My finances are too tight for any contribution at the moment unfortunately. If things turn around, I will be sure to plonk some money it, MM.

Maybe that lovely CIA lurker can cough up some company funds. Tell the boss that is one way to get MM's attention! 😁. Seriously, take a leaf from b of the Moon of Alabama and the Saker of the Saker. Put up a tip jar in a prominent place.


These folk are not a lost cause I believe. Tho one shots are here because they know in their hearts that something is wrong with their world. The problem is that the 5 stages of grief take time to manifest. And to actually really change the world is a herculean task. And also a thankless task if measured from a capitalist scale. You have to reach out from the ordinary trampled folk to the poor agency analyst and way up to the folks who plan and decide war.


As the Russians do, turn your enemies into neutrals and your neutrals into allies. I think the American people are not the enemy of the world but they have become selfish. And they should be fighting shoulder to shoulder against their actual oppressors. Changing their attitude is quite a challenge but it has to be attempted by people who were once from there.

I will have to set up a question for you. Which may be connected with a sabotage attempt against the Domain so that the majority of the world are unable to recall their past lives. It's a weird train of thought, so I will flesh it out later. But I think it is actually happening as we speak.

I thank you for all that you do and have done. And will continue to do.

xzianchow and Rayun_jinping have reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

So either you only attract financially not affluent people and/or they dont practice the prayer campaigns properly! 😀

I try to send some now and then. If my prayer campaigns work out soon as expected, I am going to be very grateful 🙂 I have strong faith they will, as so far everything as it should be.

Maybe good line to add to your campaigns? I attract rich and awake rufus'es who support me in my effort to give light to darkened minds. 😀 😀
Just kidding! You are the master in this and you know this much better than me of course. just couldnt resist.

I love what you do here. And the community. You cant imagine how powerful and valuable this site & forum is. Its humbling to see your efforts here.
Although I am not 100% aligned with your positioning sometimes around political & health topics but that's ok 🙂 would be boring if everyone agrees on everything.

Lately I am bogged down with work unfortunately so couldnt join discussions much.

Q: Does donating to keep up the site counts as being a rufus or not? 😀


All the best & All the wealth, health and happiness to you and the rufus' in the community!


congjing yu, perolator and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yuperolatordaegonmagusxzianchow

War is not good for either side

xzianchow and Tas have reacted to this post.

Guys if you all could throw some change in the tip jar that would be greatly appreciated, but it is not necessary. It's just that I have a huge influx of new folk that is swarming the servers, and my hosting organization feels the need to increase the pricing to accommodate the influx. Since I do not use adds or other revenue generating methods, I have to cough up the money out of pocket. SO I thought I might ask some of youse guys to help if you can. That's the story behind all of this.

perolator, daegonmagus and 3 other users have reacted to this post.

Maybe there is still a sane person left in the US government.

If they press the button, the American ruling class will lose their lifestyles.  I know there are many that have second passports and plan to leave, but a number will or can not.

That "spike" in traffic is the Eye of Sauron fixing upon you, MM.  If it wasn't already.

Your content is very unique, and I have not heard anything of value from conventional, even non-conventional, news sources here in the US about the sub incident.

I'll donate when I'm able.  If I was a rich man (rich in money, that is), I probably wouldn't be here.

I doubt there are many millionaires or billionaires who read this site.  They can afford to know the "real" sources behind the scenes.  A few serfs learn the truth and scream it at the top of their lungs, but their droplet of truth is lost in the ocean of misinformation.

perolator and Geisterfahrer have reacted to this post.
Quote from congjing yu on December 1, 2021, 10:17 am

Guys if you all could throw some change in the tip jar that would be greatly appreciated…

I did. Thanks for all you do.

@berkant  Being a Rufus means being the best that you can be, being kind, considerate and helpful. It means participating in your community, and being someone of worth and value. It means being the person who is revered by the younger generations, and it means being positive and happy and smiling even when your are going through difficult times. It means being a hero when necessary, and being a friend to all.

There is not financial requirement there. Only one of attitude.

perolator, Ultan McG and azark have reacted to this post.
perolatorUltan McGazark

Thanks Sir MM. Was just kidding of course 🙂 Maybe a stupid joke. Sorry for that.

PS: Hope your call for help was heard and you can at the very least cover the costs for this site.

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